Next activity for your Gram crop

41 to 45 days after sowing- Promote flowering and prevent green larva and fungal diseases

To promote flowering and prevent pod borer and fungal diases attack spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% W/W (Double) 100 ml + Emamectin Benzoate 5%SG (EmaNova) 100 gm per acre. If any type of gm reddish brown fungal growth is observed on the leaves add Hexaconazole 5%SC (NovaCone) 400 gm per acre in this spray.


Next activity for your Gram crop

31 to 35 days after sowing- Prevent Wilt disease

To prevent wilt disease mix Trichoderma viride (Rhizocare) 500 gm or Thiophenate methyl 70 % W/W (Milduvip) 500 gm in 200 liter water and drench near root zone per acre


Next activity for your Gram crop

20 to 25 days after sowing- Management of caterpillar

To promote vegetative growth and for the management of Gram pod borer and fungal diseases spray Seaweed extract (Vigormaxx gel) 400 gm + Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC (ProfeNova Super) 400 ml + Carbendazim12% + Mancozeb 63% (CarmaNova) 300 gm per acre


Next activity for your Gram crop

3 to 5 days after sowing- Pre-emergence herbicide spray

For the management of weeds before emergence spray Pendimethalin 38.7% EC (Dhanutop Super) 700 ml in 200 liter water per acre


Next activity for your Gram crop

On sowing day- To provide basic nutrients give basal dose of fertilizers

Just after sowing apply basal dose of fertilizer as below. Mix all these & spread over soil- DAP- 40 kg, MoP- 30 kg + Consortia of PK Bacteria (Pro Combimaxx) 1 kg + Trichoderma Viridi (Rhizocare) 500 g + Seaweed, Amino, Humic and Mycorrhiza (Maxxmyco) 2 kg + Rhizobium (Jaiv Vatika R Gram) 1 kg per acre .


Next activity for your Gram crop

1 day before sowing- Seed treatment

For proper germination soak the seeds in water for 4 to 5 hours. Then to protect the seed from fungus or insects in soil, treat the seeds with Trichoderma viride + PSB + Rhizobium (Rhizocare 5 gm + P Rise 2 gm) per kg seeds or Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5 % WP (Vitavax ultra) 2.5 gm per kg seeds or Carbendazim 12% +Mancozeb 63% WP (CarmaNova) 2.5 gm per kg seeds. Give light irrigation to the field three days before sowing.


Next activity for your Gram crop

8 to 10 days before sowing- Field preparation and manure application

In 1000 kg of FYM add Composting bacteria (Speed Kompost) 4 kg per acre. Mix properly and spread over soil for one acre area. Then plough the land two times and level it.


Next activity for your Wheat crop

115 to 120 days after sowing- Harvest stage

The crop should be harvested immediately when the panicles are ripe (physical maturity), otherwise there is a possibility of grain loss. In the case of bad weather, the use of combined harvester is preferable, which can avoid losses.


Next activity for your Wheat crop

100-110 after sowing- Stop irrigation for proper drying and maturity of grains

After grain filling stage give last irrigation to the crop in order to facilitate proper maturity of grains. After this stop irrigation.


Next activity for your Wheat crop

85-90 days after sowing- To increase grain size and prevent from frost injury

To increase grain size and to prevent disease like rust spray 00:00:50 (Gromore) 1 kg + Propiconazole 25% EC (Zerox) 200 ml per acre. To prevent crop from the frost injury add Pseudomonas fluorescense (Monas curb) 500 gm per acre in this spray.
