Next activity for your Chilli crop

75 to 90 days after transplanting – The third dose of fertilizers

Apply a split dose of fertilizers. Broadcast Urea 45 kg + MOP 50 kg + NPK bacteria (Foster plus BC 15) 100 g + Humic acid (Maxroot) 250 g + Calcium nitrate (Gromor) 5 kg per acre. Mix well and spread over the soil.


Next activity for your Chilli crop

60 to 70 days after transplanting – to manage the problem of fruit borer and flower drop

For the management of fruit borer and reduce flower and fruit drop spray Amino acid (Pro Aminomaxx) 250 gram + Acetamiprid 20% Sp (Novaceta) 100 gm + Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC (Coragen) 60 ml + Hexaconazole 5% SC (Novacone) 400 ml per acre in 200 liter water.


Next activity for your Chilli crop

46 to 50 days after transplanting – To improve flowering and for the management of Mites and powdery mildew disease

To improve flowering and for the management of Mites and powdery mildew disease spray Homobrassinoloid (Double) 100 ml + Abamectin 1.9 % EC (Abacin) 150 ml + Tebuconazole 10% + Sulphur 65% WG (Swadheen) 500 gram per acre in 200 liter water.


Next activity for your Chilli crop

41 to 45 days after transplanting – The third dose of fertilizer in standing crop

For better growth and development Mix Urea 45 kg + DAP 50 kg + Magnesium Sulphate 5 kg + Micronutrint combi soil mix (Agromin) 5 kg + Calcium Nitrate 5 kg broadcast on soil per acre.


Next activity for your Chilli crop

26 to 30 days after transplanting – for management of thrips and aphid pests

To promote vegetative growth and for the management of Thrips, aphids, fungal diseases spray Gibbrelic acid (NovaMaxx) 300 ml + (Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda cyhalothrin 9.5 % ZC) (Novalaxam) 80 ml + (Metalaxyl 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP) (Sanchar) 500 gram per acre. To know more give a missed call on our toll-free number 18003157566.


Next activity for your Chilli crop

21 to 25 days after transplanting – Irrigation and second fertilizer application

Give second irrigation to the crop during the vegetative stage. Drain out excess water to prevent diseases like root rot, wilt. Mix the below fertilizers and mix it in the soil. Urea – 45 kg + DAP 50 kg + Magnesium Sulphate (Gromor) – 10 kg + Zinc Sulphate (Gromor) 5 kg + Sulfur 90% WG (Gromor) 5 kg per acre


Next activity for your Chilli crop

11 to 15 days after transplanting- To prevent Thrips and Aphids

To promote vegetative growth and for the management of Thrips, aphids, and damping-off spray Thiamethoxam 25% WP (ThiaNova-75) 100 gm + Seaweed extract (Vigourmaxx gel) 400 ml + Thiophanate methyl 70% W/W (Milduvip) 300 gram per acre in 200-liter water.
