Farmers can apply till this date under Agricultural Equipment Grant

krishi yantra subsidy scheme

This year, due to the Corona epidemic, the process of giving agricultural equipment at subsidy to farmers was delayed. However, this process has been started now. Recently applications under various schemes were sought by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. In this series, the portal has now been opened to give grants to various agricultural implements.

Farmers wishing to avail the scheme can apply on e-Krishi Yantra Grant Portal ( from 13 June 2020 to 12 noon to 22 June 2020. Significantly, last year some changes were made in the rules for grant of agricultural machinery. With these changes this year, now farmers can apply anytime between the given dates.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Government is giving 4 thousand crores rupees to farmers for promoting drip irrigation

Government is giving 4 thousand crores rupees to farmers for promoting drip irrigation

Farmers are now using drip irrigation methods for irrigation. The Central Government is also promoting it and has allocated 4 thousand crores for various state farmers under the “Per Drop More Crop” scheme. The main objective behind this scheme is to increase yields by reducing water use in farming.

It is worth noting that the Central Government has launched the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana to use every drop of water in the irrigation process. Under this scheme, ‘Per Drop More Crop – Micro Irrigation’ program is being run.

Modern technology of irrigation has been emphasized under the ‘Per Drop More Crop – Micro Irrigation’ program. With this, 4000 crores have been allocated to farmers of various states. The goal of this program is to achieve higher yields by using less water in fields by micro irrigation techniques such as drip and sprinkler irrigation systems.

Source: Krishi Jagran


12 km long locust team reached Rajasthan, can damage crops in UP and MP

After 27 years in MP, large locust attack, Threat on Moong crop of 8000 crores

For the last few weeks, locust teams have been seen in many states of India. These locusts enter Rajasthan from Iran through Pakistan and then cause heavy damage to crops in the inner states of India. It is reported that more than 9 new locust teams from Pakistan have reached different districts of Rajasthan and they may soon cause damage in many areas of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

The Department of Agriculture is also on alert to see the possibilities of these new locust teams having reached Rajasthan in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. In the coming days, the direction of the wind will decide whether it enters other states. If the wind direction does not change, the 12-km locust team will enter MP and UP within the next few days.

Source: Jagran


Cotton farmer gets Rs 18 lakh profit due to Gramophone’s advice

Sometimes even a proper advice can bring big changes in your life. A similar change came in the life of Mr. Bajrang Barfa ji of Sali village of Rajpur tehsil of Barwani district when he came in contact with Gramophone. However, it was not that Bajrang was not getting success in farming. He used to earn a little profit from cotton cultivation, sometimes on average, but he wanted to earn more profit than this. During this time he met the field staff of Team Gramophone and then he got such a success which everyone was surprised to see.

In fact, after coming in contact with gramophone, he ordered advanced varieties of seeds from gramophone, gave necessary fertilizer and other medicines at every stage of cotton cultivation according to the opinion of agricultural experts. All these not only reduced the agricultural cost of Bajrang but also doubled the profit from agriculture.

Previously, the cost of cotton cultivation of Bajrang used to go up to 2.5 lakhs, now it has come down to 1.78 lakhs. Apart from this, the profit also increased from Rs 1029000 to Rs 1974500.

After getting advice from Gramophone, many farmers are improving their farming, which is also benefiting them. If you also want to earn more profit from your farming like Bajrang, then take agricultural advice from Gramophone. To contact Gramophone, you can miss call on toll free number 18003157566 or login to Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


Under this scheme, farmers will get 50 to 80% subsidy on agricultural implements

Relief for farmers, Govt. extended the duration of short-term crop loan

Modern agricultural machines are becoming very helpful in speeding up Indian agriculture. With their help, not only the rate of agricultural growth is accelerated but also the economic condition of the farmers gets strengthened. Today, it is possible to do all types of agricultural work in agriculture with modern agricultural implements, tillage, sowing, irrigation, harvesting, harvesting, and storage. Given this, the central government is giving 50 to 80% subsidy on agricultural implements under the SMAM scheme.

This scheme is available to the farmers of all the states of the country and any farmer of the country who is eligible for this scheme can apply for this scheme. This can be applied through online.

How to apply

For an online application for agricultural machinery, first of all, visit After this go to the registration corner where you will get three options. In these options, you have to click on the Farmer option. After this, fill in all the details that you are asked for. In this way, the process of your application will be completed.

Source: Krishi Jagran


MP becomes number one state in the country, surpassing Punjab in wheat procurement

Farmers of Madhya Pradesh have achieved great success in wheat production. Madhya Pradesh has set a new record in the wheat procurement process despite Corona global epidemic and nationwide lock down. This was announced by Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Minister Kamal Patel himself. Announcing this, he has also congratulated the farmers of the state.

On this subject, the Agriculture Minister said that “Due to the hard work of the farmers, today our state has come at number one in the country in the procurement of wheat. The farmers have produced a lot of wheat this year.” Explain that the Madhya Pradesh government has achieved the first position in the country by earning a record-breaking record of more than 128 lakh metric tonnes of wheat. Earlier, Punjab used to come first in the matter of wheat procurement.

On this glorious success, the Agriculture Minister has congratulated all the farmers of the state and the team of officer-employees who have procured wheat. Minister Shri Patel said that “Madhya Pradesh government has received Krishi Karman Award for 7 consecutive times due to hard work of farmers”. With this, he has expressed confidence that in the future also the farmers of the state will make the state proud in this way.

Source: Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Department


Farmers’ income will be doubled by Krishi Udaan scheme

Farmers' income will be doubled by Krishi Udaan scheme

The Krishi Udaan scheme was announced in the Union Budget for the year 2020-21 by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Through this scheme, farmers will be assisted in the transportation of agricultural products. Through this scheme, perishable products like milk, fish, meat, etc. will be transported to the market via air at the right time. This will enable farmers to get higher prices for their products. Farmer brothers can apply online for this scheme.

Online application process

To join this scheme, farmers have to be registered. To register, first, go to the official website of the Department of Horticulture or Food Processing. Click on the link for Krishi Udaan Scheme present here. Read the guidelines given about the scheme and proceed. Then the online registration form will open. Fill the documents information here and submit them at the end.


From this date, 9 crore farmers will get 2000 rupees for the next installment of PM Kisan Scheme

PM kisan samman

Amid a prolonged lock-down on the Corona epidemic, the farmers were given many types of relief from the government. One of them was the first installment of Rs 2000 given under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samridhi Yojana. Now the date of the next installment to be received under this scheme has also been fixed. The next installment of this scheme will be deposited in the farmers’ account from August 1 by the central government. 2000-2000 rupees will be deposited in the account of farmers under this installment. Under this, more than 9 crore farmers will get the benefit of this scheme.

It is worth mentioning that to promote agriculture, the Central Government has launched the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana under which funds are deposited directly in the farmers’ account. Under this scheme, farmers are provided 6000 rupees a year. Explain that so far the data of 9.54 crore farmers have been verified by this scheme. Due to this, more than 9 crore farmers will get the benefit of this scheme.

Source: Nai Dunia


It is very easy to make a Kisan credit card, farmers can also make KCC from mobile

It is very easy to make a farmer credit card, farmers can also make KCC from mobile

Crores of farmers are benefiting from the farmers credit card given by the government to the farmers. However, still many farmers have not been able to join it. Such farmers can easily get a farmer credit card. Farmers can also apply for a farmer credit card from their mobile at home

Method of application from mobile

To apply for a Kisan Credit Card with the help of mobile, first of all, farmers have to open the mobile browser. After this, the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare will have to visit On reaching here, you will have to go to the ‘APPLY NEW KCC’ menu. On going to this menu, you will be asked the CSC ID and Password, which you will have to fill. After filling it, once again you have to click on ‘APPLY NEW KCC’ and then you will have to fill ‘Aadhaar’ number. Here you have to fill the number of the same applicant whose name is associated with PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. After filling the Aadhaar number, information related to PM Kisan Financial Detail will be revealed. Here you have to click on ‘Issue of fresh KCC’ and after this, Loan Amount and Beneficiary Mobile Number have to be filled. After this, the information of village name, Khasra number etc. will have to be filled. After filling all the information, click on ‘Submit Details’.

After submitting the information, a new window will open in front of you, in which you will be asked to pay. It has to be submitted from the balance of CSC ID and in this way your Kisan Credit Card will be prepared.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Testing soil with gramophone proved a boon for Khargone farmer

The most important requirement for farming is the soil, hence the healthy soil is very important to get a good production from any crop. The same fact was understood by the farmer Mr. Shekhar Pemaji Chaudhary, a resident of village Pipri under Bhikgaon tehsil of Khargone district. Shekhar had been cultivating bitter gourd for the last few years, in which there was sometimes some loss or even some benefit, but this time he grew bitter gourd as per the advice of Gramophone, in which he got better profit.

This time, Shekhar got Gramophone agricultural experts to conduct soil testing of their fields before cultivation of bitter gourd and also got soil treatment done according to the advice of experts. By doing this, the nutrients in the soil were replenished and it was ready for harvest. After this, Shekhar cultivated bitter gourd and when it came to production, it was much higher than before.

So in this way, soil testing gave Shekhar good production from the bitter gourd crop. If you also want to get your soil tested, then you can contact our toll free number 18003157566 for this. You will be given every information related to soil testing here. Apart from this, you can also login on Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.
