Madhya Pradesh breaks its own record of sowing Kharif crops

Madhya Pradesh breaks its own record of sowing Kharif crops

The hard work of the farmers of Madhya Pradesh is paying off. Madhya Pradesh is continuously making new records in the agriculture sector. While the state has received Krishi Karman Award seven times, Madhya Pradesh has also been at the forefront in the procurement of wheat. In this series, Madhya Pradesh has been ahead in all the states of the country in the sowing of Kharif crops.

Let us tell you that this record was made by Madhya Pradesh only last year. More sowing has been done in Madhya Pradesh in one lakh 70 thousand hectare area this year than last year. Let us inform you that till August 23, the sowing process was completed in a 144.87 lakh hectare area.

Let us inform you that this time the target of sowing of Kharif crop was set by the state government in an area of ​​149 lakh hectares. Although this target could not be met, even after this, Madhya Pradesh has once again broken the record of sowing.

Source: Nai Dunia

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Know how a honey bee works as a good pollinator in cucurbits?

Know how a honey bee works as a good pollinator in cucurbits?
  • Honey bees play an important role in pollination in cucurbits.

  • Honey bees perform more than 80% of all pollination of cultivated crops.

  • The body of honey bees is covered in fine hair, which picks up the pollen grains, after which the pollen particles are transported to the female flowers.

  • Bees do not harm the plant.

  • After the above process, the fertilization is completed and the formation of fruit from flowers starts in the plant.

  • During the winter season, the bee remains hibernated, and in such a situation, pollinates manually. 

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Rain is likely to continue in Madhya Pradesh, know weather forecast

Weather Update

The Low-Pressure Area has now weakened and remains over Gujarat as a Cyclonic Circulation. Heavy rain is likely over North Maharashtra and Southwest Madhya Pradesh including many districts of Gujarat and Rajasthan. Rain will decrease in Delhi from September 2, but from September 6 in North, Central and East India, rains will increase once again.

Source: Skymet Weather

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How to control the problem of Root Rot in ginger crop

How to control the problem of Root Rot in ginger crop
  • This is one of the most damaging diseases of ginger. In the early stage of infection, the leaves start yellowing from the edges while the central part of the leaves remains green. Later the yellowing spreads to all the leaves. Infected shoots can be easily pulled out of the soil.

  • The infection starts at the collar region of the pseudostems and progresses upwards as well as downwards. The collar region of the affected pseudostem becomes water-soaked and the rot spreads to the rhizome resulting in soft rot and drying of the pseudostem. 

  • Management: As it is a seed-borne disease, the use of healthy rhizomes before sowing is one of the most important preventive measures.

  • Plan to plant early during April and avoid waterlogging in the field.

  • In case of disease, collect the diseased parts and bury them in the soil somewhere far away or burn them.

  • Do drenching Metalaxyl 4% + Mancozeb 64%WP @ 600 gm or Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP @ 300 gm or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 400 gm per acre.

  • Trichoderma viride @ 1 kg per acre can be used for biological management.

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Heavy rain is expected in most districts of Madhya Pradesh including Indore

Weather Update

The low-pressure area formed in the Bay of Bengal is now moving towards Gujarat. Due to this, good rains are expected in Gujarat as well as in Southwest and East Rajasthan. Heavy rains will occur in many districts of West Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Rain activities will reduce in Delhi from tomorrow. Light to moderate rain will continue over East India. Monsoon rains are also likely to reduce somewhat over South India.

Source: Skymet Weather

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