We wish you Happy New Year

In the coming year, may you know the immense fulfillment of touching people’s lives in the deepest way. May you also know most profound moments of Stillness and Insight of the within. HappyNewYear2018

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Some Information of Moong Cultivation

Green gram also known as moong is one of the main pulse crop of India. It is a rich source of Protein along with fibre and iron. It can be cultivated as Kharif as well as summer crop. It can be cultivated on wide range of soil. Gives best result when grown on well drained loamy to sandy-loam soils. Saline and water logged soils are not suitable for cultivation.

Time of sowing
Optimum time for kharif sowing is first fortnight of July. Optimum time for summer moong cultivation is from Second fortnight of February to April.

Use row spacing of 30 cm and plant to plant spacing of 10 cm for Kharif sowing. For Summer sowing use row spacing of 22.5 cm and plant to plant spacing of 7 cm.

Sowing Depth
Sow seeds at depth of 4-6 cm.

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Importance of Magnesium in Plants

Magnesium (Mg), along with calcium and sulphur, is one of the three secondary nutrients required by plants for normal, healthy growth. Don’t be confused by the term “secondary” as it refers to the quantity and not the importance of a nutrient. A lack of a secondary nutrient is just as detrimental to plant growth as a deficiency of any one of the three primary nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) or a deficiency of micronutrients (iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper and molybdenum). Furthermore, in some plants, the tissue concentration of magnesium is comparable to that of phosphorus, a primary nutrient.

Function of magnesium

Many enzymes in plant cells require magnesium in order to perform properly. However, the most important role of magnesium is as the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their green colour and carries out the process of photosynthesis. It also aids in the activation of many plant enzymes needed for growth and contributes to protein synthesis.

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Excellent Growth of Root in Onion

Name of Farmer:- Devnarayan Patidar

Village:- Kanardi

Tehsil:- Tarana District:- Ujjain

Farmer shree Devnarayan Patidar ji used the use of Mycorrhiza (bio fertilizer) in onion field at the rate of 4 kg per acre by the recommendation of the gramophone team, which has given them excellent results. The plant’s health is good due to the complete development of the roots and the size of tubers is also uniform.


Factors Affecting storage of Onion and Garlic

Factors Affecting Storage of Onion and Garlic :-

Selection of Varieties:- The storage capacity of all varieties is not uniform. The varieties of onion produced in kharif are not sustainable. In the Rabi season varieties of onion are usually stored for 4-5 months.It can be less or more according to the variety.Experiences of the last 10-15 years show that N-2-4-2, Agrifound Light Red, Arka Niketan etc. varieties can be stored well for 4-5 months. Garlic Variety G-1, G-2, G 50 and G-323 etc. can be stored for 6 to 8 months.

Fertilizer and Water Management:- The  quantity and type of fertilizer and water management effects on the storage of garlic and Onion. Apply FYM increase storage capacity. Therefore it is necessary to use more quantity of FYM or green manure. Recommended dose of Nitrogen @ 150 Kg, Phosphorus @ 50 Kg and Potash @ 50 Kg per hectare for Onion and Garlic Cultivation. If possible, all nitrogen dose should be given through organic fertilizers and should be given before 60 days after  transplantation. By giving late nitrogen, the stems (neck) of the plants become thick and the onion does not store and there is more outbreaks of fungal diseases, as well as sprouting. Potassium amount 50 Kg raised from 80 kg Per hectare should be given. For the use of ammonium sulphate, single super phosphate or potassium sulphate, the plants get adequate quantity of sulfur after transplantation.

Atmosphere of storage room:- Temperatures and relative humidity are important factors for the storage of onions and garlic for longer periods. More humidity (more than 70%) is the biggest enemy of onion storage.This increases the wrath of the fungus and the onion starts rotting. And when the humidity is low (more than 65%), the transpiration of onion is high and the weight decreases more.For good storage, the storage houses are 25-30 °C and humidity should be between 65-70 percent. In the months of May-June, due to high temperature and reduced humidity of the warehouses, weight loss is high. Moisture is more than 70 percent from July to September. This increases the rot. At the same time, in the October-November low temperature, the problem of sprouting increases.

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Use of growth regulators in Watermelon

Use of growth regulators in Watermelon:- For hormonal remedies in watermelon, they should use the same hormone which is beneficial for the watermelon crop and whose effect is not harmful on the watermelon crop and if increases the number of female flowers which provide fruit in watermelon. To achieve maximum production, hormone treatment is Important in this crop for this purpose, which is necessary for its production. At 2-4 leaf stage of watermelon, spraying of ethyl 250 PPM (4 ml / pump) solution, increases the number of female flowers, and yields more.

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Use of Carbofuran for control of Soil Insects in Garlic

Name of Farmer:- Ramchandra Patidar

Village:- Khedavat

tehsil:- Gulana

District:- Shajapur

State:- Madhya pradesh

Farmer Shri Ramchandra ji had a problem of white gurb in the farm. For controlling him,  he used the carbofuran pesticide in 15 days of Garlic , with good results. As well as jayam has been used in garlic,  root has developed good and the crop is healthy.


Role of Calcium in Plants

Role of Calcium in Plants:- Calcium is an essential plant nutrient. It has many roles:

  • Participates in metabolic processes of other nutrients uptake.
  • Promotes proper plant cell elongation.
  • Strengthen cell wall structure – calcium is an essential part of plant cell wall. It forms calcium pectate compounds which give stability to cell walls and bind cells together.
  • Participates in enzymatic and hormonal processes.
  • Helps in protecting the plant against heat stress – calcium improves stomata function and participates in induction of heat shock proteins.
  • Helps in protecting the plant against diseases – numerous fungi and bacteria secret enzymes which impair plant cell wall. Stronger Cell walls, induced by calcium, can avoid the invasion.
  • Affects fruit quality.
  • Has a role in the regulation of the stomata.

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Management of Pea Pod Borer

Pea Pod Borer:- The larva of this insect cuts the pedicel of the flower and feeds on the stalk. Single larva damages many flower stalks. The larva feed on the leaves initially stage then bore in to the basal portion of stalks and inter the pod feeds on soft grains.

Management:- Plough deeply, Clean cultivation to expose the resting pupae. Trap cropping with crops likes Tomato and destroying them when the population is high and mechanically remove the adults and larvae from the trap crop. Use of inter crops like maize cow pea and brinjal significantly helps in reducing the pest population. Install the bird perches in the field. Application of HaNPV at the rate of 100 LE per acre along with 0.5 % jiggery and 0.1% boric acid at egg hatch stage and repeat at 15-20 days. Use of chemicals should comprise 2.00 ml profenophos 50 EC per litre of water as ovicides. Spraying neem seed kernel extract 5% in the early stage. If the infestation is sevre, spraying 0.5 ml Indoxacarb 14.5% SC or 0.1 ml Spinosad 45 SC or 2.5 ml Chlorpyriphos 20 EC can be applied.

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Healthy Potato Crop due to Sulphur Application

Farmer Name:- Suresh patidar

Village:- Kanardi

Tehsil:- Tarana

District:- Ujjain

State:- Madhya Pradesh

Farmer Bhai Suresh Ji planted Chipsona-3 potatoes in two acres in which he used sulfur 90% WDG at the rate of 6 kg / acre, which gave him good results. Sulphur is an important component of enzyme and other proteins and is essential for the formation of chlorophyll. It is recommended to give the soil preparation time of 20 kg / Ha. sulphur.

