Symptoms of Deficiency and Dose of Sulphur in Onion

Resulting of sulphur deficiency the leaves show a general overall chlorosis. The yellowing is much more uniform over the entire plant including young leaves. Soil application of Sulphur @ 30kg/ha is recommended as basal dose, although sulphur is given in many forms, but by giving sulphur 80% WDG as spraying, it also works as fungicide and miticide, so use sulphur 80% WDG @ 50 gm / 15 litres of water.

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Use of Nitrogen fixing bacteria

Nitrogen fixing bacteria are beneficial bacteria capable of transforming atmospheric nitrogen in to fixed nitrogen (inorganic compounds usable by plants). Same important Nitrogen fixing bacteria like Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Azotobactor etc. used by farmers as a culture. Apply through seed treatment 5 gm per kg seed or 2 kg per acre through soil application with 100 kg FYM.

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Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB)

Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) are beneficial bacteria capable of solubilizing inorganic phosphorus from insoluble compounds. Apply through seed treatment 5 gm per kg seed or 5 kg per acre through soil application with 100 kg FYM.

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Sowing and sowing time of Chickpea (Gram)

  • In Unirrigated areas, sowing of gram should be done in the first fortnight of October.
  • In areas where irrigation facility is available, sowing should be done by 30th October.
  • To get more yield from the crop it is very necessary to have proper number of plants per unit in the field.
  • For proper number of plants, the seed rate and the proper distance of the plant from the row and the plant have an important role.
  • 80 kg for dry farming And for irrigated area 60 kg The amount of seed is adequate per hectare.
  • The depth of seed for the dry land crop is 7 to 10 cm. For the irrigated area, sowing of seeds should be done in depth from 5 to 7 cm depth. Line to line distance 45 to 50 Cm should be kept on.

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Irrigation in Gram

Irrigation in Gram:-

  • Heavy irrigation is not required in Gram.
  • Two irrigations given at branching ( Before Flowering) and pod development stage registered significantly higher grain yield in some regions but one irrigation given at branching ( Before Flowering) was found optimum to increase the grain yield.

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Suitable soil for Gram

Gram is grown on a wide range of soils in India. In Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, black cotton soils are used. Though gram is grown on all kinds of soils, sandy loam to clay loam is considered to be the most suitable which are found in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan.  For better growth soil should be well drained and not too heavy. Heavy soils have a high water retention capacity which encourages heavy vegetative growth due to which light becomes limiting and decreases fruiting. The soil chosen for its cultivation should be free from excessive soluble salts and near neutral in reaction (6.5-75 pH).

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Seed Treatment of Chickpea (Gram)

Seed Treatment of Chickpea (Gram):-

  • Gram should be treated with carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% or Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% at the rate of 2 gm per kg seed before sowing avoid fungal diseases like root rot, Collar rot and damping off.

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tomato wilt testing




Weed management in Onion

Weed management in Onion:- Application of Pendimethalin 38.7% CS @ 100ml/15 litre of water or Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC @ 15ml/15 litre of water at 3 days after transplanting are recommended for effective weed control in onion along with one weeding by hand at 25-30 days after transplanting in kharif crop and 40-45 Days After Planting in rabi crop. The use of rice straw mulch or wheat straw mulch during rabi season is recommended to enhance the yield also. The combined application of Oxyfluorfen 23.5 % EC @ 1ml/l + quizalofop ethyl 5 % EC @ 2 ml/L at 20-25 days after transplanting and having at 30-35 days after transplanting good control of weed and higher bulb yield.

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Prevention of Fusarium Wilt in Gram

Wilt in chickpea (Gram) caused by Fusarium oxysporum fungi. Warm and humid environment is favourable for it. the prevention of the disease, the following precautions have to be taken.
• Conserved soil moisture during Monsoon.
• Level up after deep ploughing (6-7 inch).
• Use disease-free seed.
• Avoid sowing when temperatures are high.
• Follow 6-year crop rotations.
• Grow resistant varieties.
• Seed treatment with carbendazim 3 g /kg,
• Avoid sowing when temperatures are high. Sown in second and third week of October.
• Irrigation in November-December.
