₹36,000 annual pension to farmers, know scheme information and application method

Farmers have to face many kinds of problems in old age. Due to the weakening of the body, they are not able to participate fully in agricultural work, that is why they have to face economic crises in old age. To overcome this economic crisis in the old age of farmers, the government has launched the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Man-Dhan Yojana. Under this scheme, a pension of 36,000 rupees per year will be given to farmers in old age.

Farmers coming between 18 and 40 years can register under this scheme. Farmers will have to pay a monthly premium of Rs 55 to 200 for a minimum of 20 years and maximum 42 years. The amount the farmers will deposit, the government will deposit the same amount in it. Finally, when the farmer crosses the age of 60, he will get a pension of Rs 36,000 annually from the government. This 36,000 rupees will be given every month in the installment of 3 thousand rupees.

How to register?

Farmers can register under this scheme by visiting their nearest Common Service Center. There is no charge for its registration. If a farmer is availing benefits under the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi, then all he needs to do is to take the Aadhar card only for this scheme.

Farmers’ money will not be lost

If a farmer wants to leave the scheme in the middle, then the money deposited by him will not be lost, but the amount deposited by him will be returned along with the interest received under the savings account.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Nursery management using scientific method in Chilli

How to manage scientific nursery in chili
  • To prepare chilli plants, first seeds should be sown in 3 x 1.5 m size land and these beds should be raised 8-10 cm high from the ground so that the seeds and the plants do not rot due to water accumulation.
  • One acre area requires 100 grams of chili seeds. Add 750 gm DAP, 100 gm Incryl (seaweed, amino acids, humic acid, and mycorrhiza) and 250 gm Trichoderma viride per square meter to the soil in 150 kg FYM to increase plant growth with soil structure. and it also protects against harmful soil-borne fungal diseases.
  • 8-10 days after sowing, spray 10 gm thiamethoxam 25% WG in 15 liters of water for aphid and jassid insects and another spray after 20-22 days, 5 gm fipronil 40% + imidacloprid 40% WG with 15-liter water.
  • After 15-20 days of sowing, the problem of damping-off in the nursery so spray or drenching with 0.5 gm of thiophanate methyl 70 WP per square meter or spray 30 gm of metalaxyl 4% + mancozeb 64% WP in 15 liters of water.

You can prepare cane juice in a bottle

You can prepare cane juice in a bottle
  • Mix one lemon and 2-3 grams of ginger juice for three kg of sugarcane juice.
  • Heat the sugarcane juice at 600-700 C temperature for 15 minutes.
  • Drain the waste or dirt from the muslin cloth.
  • Add 1 gram of sodium metabisulphite per 8 liter sugarcane juice to keep clean and safe.
  • Fill this juice in bottles sterilized with hot water and apply it with the help of a corking machine.
  • This bottled juice can be stored for 6-8 weeks.

MP becomes the leading state in wheat storage through scientific method

MP becomes the leading state in wheat storage through scientific method

Wheat procurement in Madhya Pradesh has been going on daily since April 15 and now its storage has also started. Wheat is being stored scientifically here. Madhya Pradesh has become the leading state in the country in terms of scientific storage. The 289 cooperative societies of the state have procured 11 lakh metric tonnes of wheat from more than 1 lakh of 81 thousand farmers. The acquired wheat is being stored in 25 silo bags and steel silos.

While explaining about silo bags and steel silos, Principal Secretary Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Protection Shri Shivasekhar Shukla said that this is the most modern technology for storing food grains. There is no need to use pesticides to preserve food for a long time. This technique can preserve wheat for a long time without using the pesticide.

This technique helps in maintaining social distancing
Principal Secretary Mr. Shukla explains that the silo-bagged technique is also helpful in maintaining the social distancing required to prevent corona infection. This technology requires less human labor in storage. In this method, the farmer reaches with his produce in a tractor, trolley or truck, then after weighing it with a weighing machine, its entire wheat is emptied for storage at once by the hydraulic system. This entire work takes only 15 to 20 minutes and does not gather much crowd.

Source: Public Relations Department, Madhya Pradesh


Dheeraj Ramesh Chandra of Indore becomes ‘smart farmer’ with the help of Gramophone

Dheeraj Ramesh Chandra of Indore becomes 'smart farmer' with the help of Gramophone

Dheeraj Ramesh Chandra, a farmer of Karjoda village of Depalpur tehsil of Indore district, has been cultivating since his father’s time. He says that Earlier farming was done in very old ways but now many new ways have come. There are many medicines available in the market, but instead of what we ask for, the shopkeepers give other medicines. That is why there is no trust in these medicines, that the crop will be saved or spoiled.”

When Dheeraj was looking for a solution to these problems, he came in contact with Gramophone. He said that he was getting information about the Gramophone from the people of the village when he was looking for a solution to his problem. After that, he started receiving medicines from Gramophone. He said, “From here I received good quality and original medicines at a reasonable price and at the right time, at my home.

Dheeraj stated the advantages of joining Gramophone and said that “Whenever I encountered any problem in the crop, I took a picture of it and uploaded it to the Gramophone app and I got immediate help from Gramophone.” He also told other farmers that even if you do not use a smartphone, you can solve your problem by giving a missed call to the toll-free number. Finally, he described Gramophone as a true friend and companion of the farmers.



Farmers begin receiving wheat procurement amount in MP, 200 crore given so far

It has been more than a week since the wheat procurement started in Madhya Pradesh on the support price. Now the farmers of the state have also started getting their wheat procurement money. State Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan himself gave this information. He said that “the process of sending the amount of wheat to farmers’ accounts has been started in the ongoing Rabi procurement work in the state. Approximately Rs 200 crore of the procurement amount has been sent to the banks. In the next 02-03 days, this amount will reach the farmers’ accounts. ”

Compared to last year, this time, twice the wheat has been sold through mandis. The Chief Minister himself was monitoring the work of Rabi procurement in the Ministry along with his ministers and other senior officials. Giving information related to the wheat procurement made so far in this meeting, it was informed that 81% of the purchases made so far have come from deal sheets. Under this, traders are buying wheat from the farmers’ house itself.

However, let us know that through the mandis, so far, twice as much wheat has been purchased as compared to last year. Till last year, 1.11 lakh metric tonnes of wheat were purchased from the mandis, while this time 2 lakh 14 thousand metric tonnes of wheat have been purchased so far.

Source: Public Relations Department, Madhya Pradesh


How to prevent fruit loss problem in Mango tree?

How to prevent fruit loss problem in Mango tree?
  • Mango fruit fall is a severe problem. About 99% of the fruits in mango fall in different stages, and only 0.1% of the fruits reach the ripe stage.
  • Fruit fall can be caused by a lack of auxin hormone, lack of fertilization, loss of bisexual flowers, insufficient pollination, lack of pollen insects, disease and insect outbreaks, nutritional deficiencies, inadequate soil moisture, etc.
  • To prevent fruit falling in mango, mix 0.5 ml of alpha naphthalene acetic acid 4.5% SL per liter of water and spray 2-3 at intervals of 10-15 days as needed.

Medicinal properties of Aloe Vera

Medicinal properties of Aloe Vera
  • It is also called Ghritkumari. By consuming this, stomach diseases caused by gas are cured.
  • By eating 10 grams of its soft pulp regularly in the morning and evening, Arthritis disease starts to heal.
  • Aloe vera quickly heals the wound due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties on burns, cuts, and Internal injuries.
  • It removes blood loss and increases the body’s immunity.
    It is beneficial for skin-related disorders such as dry skin, pimples, scorched skin, wrinkles, facial spots, dark circles of eyes, torn ankles.
  • Apart from this, the use of aloe vera is beneficial in diabetes, heart disease, joint pain, to make hair thick and long, etc.

Know the last date of purchase of wheat on support price in Madhya Pradesh

Know the last date of purchase of wheat on support price in Madhya Pradesh

Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan spoke to the farmers of the state through a mobile message about purchase of wheat. He said that in the ongoing lockdown due to the Corona crisis, the government has started the work of purchasing wheat and other rabi crops at support price. He also gave other information related to the purchase in his message. He said that along with the mandis, private buying centers and traders have also been given the facility to sell from home through deal sheets.

The Chief Minister told the farmers that they should not worry, the government will buy every grain of your produce. In this message, he also discussed the last date of purchase. He said that wheat procurement will be done at the procurement centers by May 31 and farmers will be able to sell their produce by June 30 from the deal sheet. Along with this, the Chief Minister also asked the farmers to avoid corona infection and follow the lockdown.

Source: Krishak Jagat


Madhya Pradesh: Sowing target set for 144.6 lakh hectare in Kharif season

Madhya Pradesh Sowing target set for 144.6 lakh hectare in Kharif season

The ongoing lockdown due to the Corona epidemic slowed farm work for a few days, but now it has gained momentum. In this series, now the target has been set for the sowing of Kharif crops in Madhya Pradesh. This time, the target of sowing Kharif crops has been set in an area of ​​144.6 lakh hectares in the state.

Principal Secretary of Agriculture Department Shri Ajit Kesari has said that this time the target of sowing of soybean is in the maximum area of ​​60 lakh hectares. Apart from this, he targeted to be planted paddy in 31 lakh hectares, urad in 17.50 lakh hectares, maize in 16 lakh hectares, cotton in 6.50 lakh hectares, Pigeon pea in 4.50 lakh hectares, sesame / ram-til in 4.50 lakh hectares, groundnut in 2.50 lakh hectares, moong in 2 lakh hectares and other pulses in 0.10 lakh hectares.

Source: Krishak Jagat
