How to protect the cotton crop from the white grub

How to protect the cotton crop from the white grub
  • White grub is a white-colored insect which is damaged in cotton crop.
  • the system from inside the ground due to which the plant turns yellow and becomes dry.
  • In summer, the insect can be destroyed by deep plowing and cleaning the fields.
  • Through bio-control, mix 2-4 kg of Metarhizium anisopliae (Kalachakra) in 50 kg FYM or compost manure before sowing or before the first rain in the field. or
  • Fenpropathrin 10% EC @ 500 ml or clothianidin 50% WDG @ 100 gm mixed in 200 liters of water and drenching per acre.

Supreme Court decides in favor of sugarcane farmers, millions of farmers will benefit

Supreme Court decides in favor of sugarcane farmers, millions of farmers will benefit

Amidst the worldwide tragedy of the Corona epidemic, the Supreme Court has brought good news to millions of sugarcane farmers of the country. With the decision of the Supreme Court, the old problem of sugarcane farmers seems to be ending. There is often a dispute between the Center and the states about the pricing of sugarcane, which farmers had to suffer. Now a decision to the Supreme Court on this subject can put an end to these controversies.

The decision is given by the Supreme Court, which we are talking about, has been given by a five-judge bench of the court. A five-judge bench upheld a 2004 verdict on sugarcane pricing, saying that “the minimum support price for sugarcane can be fixed by the state governments”. It is worth noting that this decision of the court will benefit about 35 million farmers and their families who depend on sugarcane cultivation for their livelihood.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Sunflower has these benefits

Sunflower has these benefits
  • About 64% of Linoleic acid is found in sunflower oil, which helps in reducing harmful cholesterol in the heart.
  • About 40 to 44% of protein is found in sunflower cake, which is used as food for poultry and animals.
  • It is a good source of Vitamin A, D, and E. Baby food is also prepared by Sunflower.
  • Sunflower seeds contain iron, zinc, calcium, which can help keep bones healthy.
  • Its oil provides relief in Arthritis.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties that protect the body from Diabetes, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, diseases related to bones, and skin.

Lemon grass is beneficial for health

Lemon grass is beneficial for health
  • Lemongrass has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.
  • Lemongrass tea is very beneficial in headache and it is also credited with increasing resistance.
  • It is effective in digestive problems such as stomach pain, stomach cramps, stomach flatulence, gas, indigestion, nausea, or vomiting.
  • Regular consumption of lemongrass removes iron deficiency in the body, which is beneficial for anemia patients.
  • It is effective in preventing cancer cells in the initial stage.
  • It stops the heart-related diseases by speeding up the blood flow in the arteries.
  • Lemongrass is used in insomnia (sleeplessness), asthma, knee pain, depression.

Banks will not be able to deduct more than 50% of the earning amount from farmers in MP

Relief for farmers, Govt. extended the duration of short-term crop loan

Rabi crops continue to be procured across the country amid nationwide lockdown. Along with the purchase of wheat, now payment has also been made to farmers. But the bank has started deducting money from the farmers who had taken a loan from the bank for farming, due to which the farmers are not getting the full amount.

It is important to note that in Madhya Pradesh, most farmers take crop loans and farmers’ credit card loans to do farming. Farmers then fulfill this loan by selling their crop production. However, this year, due to rainfall and the corona epidemic, the savings of farmers have been very low. Due to which the farmers can face more problems due to the bank cutting the earning money.

Keeping these problems in mind, the Government of Madhya Pradesh has now ordered the banks not to deduct more than 50% of the outstanding loan amount from the amount of crop sold by farmers at minimum support price under the Rabi Earnings. Along with this, the Chief Minister has also instructed the banks to provide loans at zero percent interest to the farmers for the next crop.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Advantages of Cotton Samriddhi Kit’ products

  • It helps in improving the yield by increasing the productivity of the soil.
  • Cotton Samriddhi Kit helps in increasing organic carbon.
  • These products improve fertilizer use efficiency and increase yield with yield quality, which can reduce the number of chemical fertilizers.
  • Its function is to increase pre-sprout growth by root development and to develop plant health.
  • It also increases the activity of microorganisms in the soil by improving soil structure.
  • Protects from soil-borne diseases like root rot, wilt, damping-off in the crop.
  • Continuous supply of nitrogenous fertilizer, phosphatic, potash, and zinc nutrients reduces fertilizer input cost.
  • These products are organic which do not leave any toxic effect.
    This improves soil pH and water holding capacity.


Measures to protect animals from internal parasites

Bank will provide 65 percent assistance, can start their employment by setting up dairy farms
  • To be safe from parasites, by maintaining cleanliness and hygiene, by providing clean fungus-free fodder and clean water, by providing supplementary nutrition and mineral substances, by providing regular and timely de-worming and timely medical support. Through these, we can effectively solve the problem of parasites in animals.
  • For the protection of internal parasites in animals, they should be given the medicine of stomach worms once every three months. Also, dung or feces should be checked regularly.
  • As soon as internal worms are confirmed in the investigation, appropriate deworming is claimed by the veterinarian. Deworming claims must be given before vaccination in animals. In no case should pregnant animals be given deworming without the advice of a veterinarian?
  • Use anthelmintic drugs, especially Oxyclozanide (1 gram per 100 kg animal weight). Keep in mind that the medicine should be fed in the morning in a hungry or empty stomach. This medicine can also be used during animal pregnancy without any adverse effects.
  • As far as possible, animals should be given medicine only after consulting the veterinarian.

Private mandis will now open in Madhya Pradesh, farmers will benefit from this

Private mandis will now open in Madhya Pradesh, farmers will benefit from this

Generally, farmers do not have many options to sell their products and are forced to sell their produce in government mandis. The Government of Madhya Pradesh understood this problem of farmers and has cleared the way to open private mandis in the state.

In this regard, the Chief Minister of the state Shivraj Singh Chauhan has announced that “Now exporters, traders, food processors, etc. can open private mandis and go to the farmer’s land or their home and buy agricultural produce.” Explain that the purpose of this amendment in the mandi rules is to provide better prices to farmers and the freedom to sell their products as per their wish.

The Chief Minister said that with just one license such a private mandi can be eligible for buying the produce of farmers. After that, they will be able to buy from the whole state. After this decision, farmers in Madhya Pradesh will now have more options to sell their products and for this, they will not have to go round the market.

Source: financial express


Best products and uses of Cotton Samriddhi Kit

  • S. K. Biobiz: There is a consortia of NPK bacteria which is composed of Azotobacter, Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria, and Potassium Mobilizing Bacteria. Which provides nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to the plants. 100 grams of NPK bacteria should be mixed with 4 tons FYM @ 1 acre and dispersed in the field at the time of final plowing.
  • Gramaxx: This product is rich in elements like humic acid, amino acids, seaweed, and mycorrhiza. It should be mixed with 4 tons FYM @ 2 kg per acre and scattered in the field at the time of final plowing.
  • Combat: This product contains Trichoderma viride which is capable of preventing most harmful fungi found in soil. It is used for seed treatment 4 gram per kg seed and soil treatment by mixing 2 kg Combat with 4 tons FYM per acre.
  • Taba-G: It contains Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria, which provides Zinc elements to the plant. It is used to spread in the one-acre field by mixing 4 kg per 4 ton FYM at the time of the last plowing.


Nutritional value of flaxseed

Nutritional value of flaxseed
  • Linolenic acid and linoleic acid found in flaxseed prevent many diseases like cancer, T.B., heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, constipation, joint pain, etc.
  • This increases the amount of good cholesterol and triglyceride reduces the amount of cholesterol, as a result, prevents blood clots from forming in the arteries of the heart, thus preventing diseases like a heart attack.
  • It is antibacterial, antifungals, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-cancer. It also increases immunity.
  • It is used in arthritis, abdominal bloating and lowering blood pressure, etc.