Crop loss and prevention due to dew fall

Crop loss and prevention due to dew fall
  • Due to the changes in the weather, as the cold is increasing, the dew drops have begun falling on the crops.
  • The dew drops increases the risk of disease in crops. 
  • These days, snowy dew is often seen in the morning.
  • In such times, much attention is needed on crops.
  • Crops are destroyed due to excess dew fall, the leaf turns black, the growth of crops stops. In this disease, the leaf of the crop becomes yellow and slowly the crop gets destroyed.
  • To prevent this, use Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram/acre as a biological treatment.

Earthing up in potato crop in 30-35 days

Earthing up in potato crop in 30-35 days
  • Earthing up  is the main process  done in potato crop.
  • This process helps to keep the soil loose and destroy weeds 
  • Ensures proper development of tubers as the soil becomes airy, the temperature of the soil also becomes equal to the outside temperature
  • Two or three earthing up should be done at an interval of 20-25  days until the height of the plant is 15-22 cm. 
  • Generally earthing up is done at the time of top dressing of fertilizers. Proper earthing up is very much essential for better crop yield.

Apply for making cold storage on subsidy

Apply for making cold storage on subsidy

The Madhya Pradesh government has demanded applications from farmers wishing to make cold storage. Interested farmers can apply through an online method.

The application process for the manufacture of cold storage with a capacity of 500 and 1000 metric tons is currently underway. Under this, farmers can apply from 11:00 am on 26-12-2020 till 10 January 2021 till 5:30 pm.

To apply, farmers have to register online by visiting the Department of Technology, Madhya Pradesh Farmers Subsidy Tracking System 

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Effect of soil erosion on farming

Effect of soil erosion on farming
  • Soil erosion is a natural process
  • When the drops of rainwater fall on the soil very speedly, small particles of soil are scattered, due to which  conditions of erosion are created in the soil.
  • Due to excess erosion of soil ,  soil becomes deficit of nutrients.
  • The yield of the crop due to soil erosion was also affected.

Vermicompost is very beneficial for your crop

Earthworm manure
  • Earthworm manure or vermicompost is an excellent biofertilizer. 
  • It is made by earthworms by decomposing cow dung, vegetation and food waste.
  • Vermicompost manure is a nutrient rich manure
  • By using this manure, the yield of crops can be greatly increased.
  • This manure does not stink and does not pollute the soil and environment.
  • Vermicompost contains 2.5 to 3% nitrogen, 1.5 to 2% sulfur and 1.5 to 2% potash.

Crop development will be blocked due to untimely rains, know measures for crop growth

Crop development will be blocked due to untimely rains, know measures for crop growth

Just as the crops were irrigating continuously and due to sudden rains, the moisture content in the fields is very high, due to which the development of crops is greatly affected, the roots reduce the absorption of essential elements from the ground or do not at all. Due to which the plant turns yellow and the crop growth stops.

For prevention of these problems Must use the following  products. 

Management:  Use  PRO-AMINO MAX  @ 250 ml / acre or MAXX ROOT @ 100 gram/acre as spray, 250 gram / acre as drip treatment and 500 gram / acre as soil treatment. or VIGORMAXX GEL @ 400 gram/acre as spray treatment


How to control aphid and jassid in potato crop

How to control aphid and jassid in potato crop
  • Aphid and jassid come under the category of sucking pests .
  • This insect affects the growth of the plant by sucking the cell sap of the leaves of potato crop
  • The leaf of the affected plant turns yellow and shrinks. In the excessive attack, the leaves dry up and gradually the whole plant dries up.
  • For control spray Imidacloprid 17.8% SL@ 100 ml/acre or Acephate 75 %SP @ 300 gram/acre or  Thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 100 gram/acre 
  • As biological treatment use Beauveria Bassiana @ 250 gram/acre

Farmers will be able to create cold storage in Madhya Pradesh with government assistance

Farmers will be able to create cold storage in Madhya Pradesh with government assistance

It has been decided by the Shivraj Singh government of Madhya Pradesh state to provide small cold storage to the farmers at the block level. According to the news, farmers will be given help for cold storage for maintenance of horticulture crops, so that the farmers themselves will be able to preserve their produce.

It is worth noting that at present the government helps to install cold storage with capacity of 5000 MT near big mandis and at district level. But after this new decision, now small farmers will also get the benefit.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Red mite identification on tomato crop

Red mite identification on tomato crop
  • The red spider form a web at lower side of leaves and sucks  the cell sap  of the tomato leaves.
  • The leaf appears yellow from the upper part due to sucking the cell sap. gradually the leaf turns and dries completely.
  • For control of this use Spiromesifen 22.9% SC@ 250 ml/acre or Abamectin 1.9 % EC@ 150 ml/acre or Propargite 57% EC @ 400 ml/acre. 