Subsidy will be available on Poly house, Shade net, Organic farming

Subsidy will be available on poly house shade net organic farming

Along with promoting modern agriculture, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana is being run across the country with the aim of increasing the income of farmers. Under this scheme, farmers are connected with modern agriculture and incentives are also given.

In this sequence, on behalf of the Horticulture and Food Processing Department of the state of Madhya Pradesh, applications have been sought from the farmers of some selected districts of the state for the purpose of this scheme. Farmers can avail the benefits of the scheme through online applications.

Subsidy on Poly House: Under this, applications have been invited from farmers of the Katni and Shivpuri districts of Madhya Pradesh. Under this, the beneficiary farmers can be of all categories and they will be given a 50% subsidy.

Subsidy on Shed net House: Under this, applications have been invited from farmers of Anuppur, Shahdol, Balaghat, Bhind and Shivpuri districts of Madhya Pradesh. Under this, the beneficiary farmers can be of all categories and they will be given a 50% subsidy.

Subsidy for vermicompost HDPE beds and others for organic farming: Under this, applications have been sought from 12 districts of Madhya Pradesh. These districts include Anuppur, Umaria, Katni, Balaghat, Seoni, Shahdol, Narsinghpur, Bhind, Morena, Sheopur, Shivpuri and Niwari. The beneficiary farmers in this scheme can be of all categories. Under this scheme, a 50% subsidy will be given for setting up vermicompost units.

Source: Farmer Solutions

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What measures should be taken at the stage of flowering in the tomato crop

What measures should be taken at the stage of flowering in the tomato crop
  • Flowering starts at the age of 35-40 days in the tomato crop.

  • The flowering stage is very important in tomatoes. This determines the direction of good production.

  • The production of fruits in the tomato crop depends a lot on the number of flowers. It is very important to save flowers at this time.

  • By using some of the products given below, the number of flowers in the tomato crop can be increased and saved from dropping.

  • Spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% w/w 100-120 ml/acre or Peclobutazole 30 ml/acre.

  • Use as spray Gibberellic acid @ 200 ml/acre.

  •  At this time, there is a high possibility of fungal and insect infestation in the crop, in this situation, spray fungicide and insecticide as per the requirement.

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Farmers should get their crops insured by July 31

Farmers should get their crops insured by July 31

Due to natural calamities like unseasonal rain, hailstorm, drought, farmers’ crops are often affected. The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana protects the farmers from these losses. Different amount of crop insurance is notified for all the states and districts of the country.

However, let us tell you that this year, the last date for registration under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana has been fixed in all the states for Kharif crops. This date has been fixed till July 31. Crop insurance will not be given to any loanee or non-loanee farmers after this date.

To enrol under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, you can visit the National Crop Scheme NCIP portal and apply online.

Source: Kisan Samadhan

For more such important information related to agriculture and farmers, definitely read the articles of Gramophone daily. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends using the share button below.


Control of green caterpillar in soybean crop

Control of green caterpillar in soybean crop
  • The adult of this caterpillar is of medium size and golden yellow in color. Front wings brown in color with a large golden triangular spot. Eggs are yellow in color and round. Newborn caterpillars are green in colour, fully grown caterpillars are 4 mm long. is long

  • Outbreak: After hatching from the eggs, small caterpillars scrape the soft leaves of soybean and eat it, in case of severe outbreak, the greenness of the plant ends. When there are more clouds in the sky, then the outbreak of this caterpillar is more. Big caterpillars first damage the leaves of soybean, then damage the grains by piercing the pod.

  • To save the soybean crop from this caterpillar, three types of prevention can be done. mechanically, chemically and biologically

  • Mechanical control: – Before sowing the soybean, do deep plowing of the field in summer so that the pupa of this caterpillar gets destroyed in the ground itself. Do not sow before monsoon as it gives proper temperature to caterpillars to increase their numbers. Do not sow the crop too densely. If any infected plant is seen then uproot it and destroy it. For better control of caterpillars, install pheromone traps at the rate of 10 numbers per acre in the field. The lure of this trap should be changed after every 3 weeks.

  • Chemical Control:- Spray Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC @ 400 ml/acre or Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gm/acre or Flubendamide 20% WG @ 100 gm/acre or Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC @ 60 ml/acre|

  • Biological control:- Spray Bavaria bassiana @ 500 gm/acre.

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Rain will continue in most districts of Madhya Pradesh for the next two days

Weather Update

Rains will continue for the next two days in most of the districts of Madhya Pradesh, after that after a slight decrease, the rains may increase again from July 28. Monsoon is likely to be active in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and East India including Delhi. Monsoon will remain weak over South Peninsula. The unprecedented reduction will now be seen in the continuing heavy rains in Maharashtra.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Harm due to excessive nitrogen use in maize

Harm due to excessive nitrogen use in maize
  • In maize crops, nitrogen deficiency causes a light green colour of maize plants, growth is less than normal. Firstly the lower leaves of the plant start drying and gradually the upper leaves also dry up, the leaves turn white in colour and sometimes the leaves get burnt.

  • If more nitrogen is used in maize crops, then yellowing is more visible in the leaves and due to its excess, the amount of other nutrients is also affected. Apart from this, in the maize crops, more than one tiller starts growing near the main stem, due to which the main stem becomes very weak.

  • In the maize crop, the yield of maize is also greatly affected due to the growth of such extra buds.

  • If this type of problem is seen by the farmer in his maize field, then, first of all, pluck the extra tillers from the plant and separate them. While doing this action, keep in mind that there is no damage to the main stem, after that, for the growth of the stem, use Vigormaxx gel @ 400 g / acre and do not use more nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

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Heavy rain alerts in many states including MP, know the weather forecast

Weather Update

From July 26, there is a possibility of heavy rain in Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Western Himalayan regions, including Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, East Rajasthan and Gujarat. See-through video of how the weather forecast will be across the country today.

Source: Skymet Weather

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