Subsidy on Horticultural Machinery

Scheme for promotion of mechanization for the development of horticulture: – Farmers who want to use modern machines in horticulture crops, they are entitled to 50% of the unit cost or maximum subsidy following table on such devices-

S.No Horticulture Machinery Maximum subsidy
1 Potato Planter/Digger 30000.00
2 Onion/Garlic Planter/Digger 30000/-
3 Tractor Mounted spray pump 75,000/-
4 Power operated pruning machine 20,000/-
5 Fogging machine 10000/-
6 Mulch laying Machine 30000/-
7 Power tiller 75,000
8 Power weeder 50,000/-
9 Tractor with rotavator 1,50,000/-
10 Onion/ Garlic Marker 500/-
11 Post Hole digger 50,000/-
12 Tree Pruner 45,000/-
13 Plant hedge Digger 35,000/-
14 Mist Blower 30,000/-
15 Power spray Pump 25,000/-

For more information contact to Senior Horticulture Development Officer at Horticulture Deptt.

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Time for Fertilization in Garlic

Time for Fertilization Garlic: -
1. At the time of preparation of the field
2. While planting
3. 20-30 days after planting
4. 30-45 days after planting
5. 45-60 days after planting
6. If any quantity of fertilizer has not been given for any reason,
 then some quick dissolving fertilizer can be given in 75 days.

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Subsidy for Spice Crop

Spice Crops area extension scheme:- Under the Spice Crops area extension scheme, 50% of the unit cost for improved/hybrid Spice crop is in the Spice seeded crops and maximum amount of Rs. 10000 / – per hectare and Spice bulbous/rhizomes crops such as for the Turmeric, Zinger and Garlic maximum Rs. 50,000 / ha is given. There is a provision to know that a farmer can benefit from 0.25 hectare to 2 hectare in the scheme. For more information contact to Senior Horticulture Development Officer at Horticulture Deptt.

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Thrips control in Garlic

Thrips: – These pests are small and yellow, which make white spots on the leaves, it sips juice from the leaves.
Control: –Profenofos 50%EC @ 400 Ml/acre or Fipronil 5% SC @ 400 ml/acre or Emamectin Benzoate @ 80-100 Gm/acre or Spinosed @ 75 Ml/acre should be sprayed along with silicon base solvent to control the insect. Soil application of Fipronil 0.03% GR @ 8 Kg /Acre or Phorate 10% G granules @ 8 kg /Acre is also recommended.

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Subsidy for vegetable production

Vegetable area extension scheme:- Under the vegetable area extension scheme, 50% of the unit cost for improved/hybrid vegetable crop is in the vegetable seeded crops and maximum amount of Rs. 10000 / – per hectare and vegetable tuberous crops such as: – For the potato, Arbi, maximum Rs. 30,000 / ha is given. There is a provision to know that a farmer can benefit from 0.25 hectare to 2 hectare in the scheme. For more information contact to Senior Horticulture Development Officer at Horticulture Deptt.

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Nutrient Management in Pea

Nutrient Management in Pea:

A basal dose of 30 kg N per hectare at planting is sufficient for stimulating early growth.

  • Higher dose of nitrogen has adverse effect on nodulation fixation.
  • The crop gives good response to phosphorus application as it favours nitrogen fixation by increasing nodule formation. It also increases yield and quality of pea.
  • Potassic fertilizers also have effect in increasing the yield and nitrogen fixation ability of the plant.

General Recommendations:

General recommended fertilizer doses depend upon the:

  • Fertility of soil and amount of organic manure applied to the crop.
  • Sowing conditions:  Whether field is irrigated or rainfed?
  • If the crop is rainfed, doses become just half.

How much to apply?

  • 15-20 t/ha of well-decomposed FYM is incorporated into the soil.
  • For the better yield in pea use 10 kg  Urea, 50 kg DAP, 15 kg MOP and 6 kg Sulphur 90% per acre during the land preparation use the half quantity of urea and the full quantity of remain fertilizer and remaining quantity of urea used in two split doses during the irrigation.

Source: IIVR, VARANASI and Handbook Of Agriculture

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Role of Calcium in Onion

Calcium is an important nutrient in onion and has a key role to play in crop yield and quality. Calcium promote enhance of root establishment and elongation of cells resulting increasing plant height. It also has a improve tolerance of disease (Black rot) and chilling injury. Although recommended dose of calcium in the onion are good for yield, quality and storage capacity. Recommended dose of calcium is 10 Kg / ha or according to soil testing report.

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Subsidy on Onion Storage House

According to the drawing-design of NHRDF Nasik under the project, provision of 25-50 MT of onion storage house is provided. According to the MIDH Norms, 25 metric tones, the fixed unit cost is Rs. 50% grant on 1.75 lakh maximum amount Rs. 0.875 lakh and 50 metric tones. Estimated unit cost amount 3.50 lakh 50% grant maximum amount Rs. 1.75 lac is payable. The project is applicable in all districts. Farmers of all classes can take advantage. Register for online application and contact Senior Horticulture Development Officer.


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Soil and its preparation in Garlic

Soil and its preparation: – Garlic can be grown on various soils. But sandy loam, silly loam and deep friable soils are best suited for Garlic crop. The land is prepared by giving 5-6 ploughings. The optimum pH range is between 5.8 and 6.5. For maintain pH level apply 50 kg gypsum per ha. (According to soil pH Level). Land should be prepared in such a way that the excessive water can be drained out easily and make weed free. Apply the field with 15-20 tones of Well Composed FYM before last ploughing.


Fertilizer application for Chickpea

चने की फसल दलहनी होने के कारण इसको नाइट्रोजन की कम आवश्यकता होती है क्योंकि चने के पौधों की जड़ों में ग्रन्थियां पाई जाती है। ग्रन्थियों में उपस्थित जीवाणु वातावरण की नाइट्रोजन का जड़ों में स्थिरीकरण करके पौधे की नाइट्रोजन की पूर्ति कर देती है। लेकिन प्रारम्भिक अवस्था में पौधे की जड़ों में ग्रंन्थियों का पूर्ण विकास न होने के कारण पौधे को भूमि से नाइट्रोजन लेनी होती है। अतः नाइट्रोजन की आपूर्ति हेतु 20 कि.ग्रा. नाइट्रोजन प्रति हैक्टेयर की आवश्यकता होती है। इसके साथ 40 कि.ग्रा. फॉस्फोरस प्रति हैक्टेयर की दर से देना चाहिये। नाइट्रोजन की मात्रा यूरिया या डाई अमोनियम फास्फेट (डीएपी) तथा गोबर खाद व कम्पोस्ट खाद द्वारा दी जा सकती है। जबकि फास्फोरस की आपूर्ति सिंगल सुपर फास्फेट या डीएपी या गोबर व कम्पोस्ट खाद द्वारा की जा सकती है। एकीकृत पोषक प्रबन्धन विधि द्वारा पोषक तत्वों की आपूर्ति करना लाभदायक होता है। एक हैक्टेयर क्षेत्र के लिए 2.50 टन गोबर या कस्पोस्ट खाद को भूमि की तैयारी के समय अच्छी प्रकार से मिट्‌टी में मिला देनी चाहिये। बुवाई के समय 22 कि.ग्रा. यूरिया तथा 125 कि.ग्रा. सिंगल सुपर फास्फेट या 44 कि.ग्रा. डीएपी में 5 किलो ग्राम यूरिया मिलाकर प्रति हैक्टेयर की दर से पंक्तियों में देना पर्याप्त रहता है।
