Prevention of powdery mildew in Okra

  • White-brown powder develops on the lower and upper surface of the leaves, causing a serious reduction in fruit yield.
  • It severely infected fungus in okra crop. 
  • Spraying of Hexaconazole 5% SC 400 ml or Thiophanate methyl 70 WP or Azoxystrobin 23 SC 200 ml per acre in 200 to 250 liters of water at an interval of fifteen days.

Purchase of wheat on support price postponed

  • Due to the Lockdown in the country due to the Corona epidemic, although the Central Government has given an exemption to farmers for agricultural activities and selling crops, etc. But still, the procurement of crops has not been started by the state governments, the main reason for this is the State government does not want to allow more crowds to gather at one place.
  • Already, purchases on Minimum Support Price in Rajasthan have been postponed indefinitely. Now the Madhya Pradesh government has also decided to postpone the purchase of wheat at the MSP.
  • Earlier, under normal circumstances, the purchase of wheat at MSP by the Government of Madhya Pradesh was to be done from April 1, 2020. For this, farmers have already registered with e-procurement.
  • But now the state government has postponed the wheat procurement work being started from April 1, 2020, keeping in view the situation of Coronavirus till further orders.

How to make silage

  • To make grain crops such as maize, sorghum, bajra, oats, etc., when crops having milking stage, cut it into small pieces 2-5 cm.
  • The pieces of chopped green fodder should be spread on the ground for a few hours so that some amount of excess water will blow away.
  • Now put the chopped fodder in the pre-prepared silo pit or silage pits.
  • Fill all four in the pit by pressing it with feet or tractor, so that the air between the feed is removed.
  • Fill the cutting pieces in the pit by pressing it with feet or tractor, so that the air between the feed comes out.
  • After filling the pit completely, add thick polythene and seal it well.
  • After this, apply a layer of soil about one feet thick from the top of the polythene cover so that the air cannot enter.
  • It starts making silage from pieces of green fodder because in the silo pit there is no air and water, the fodder pressed creates lactic acid, which does not spoil the feed for a long time. 
  • Open the pits to feed the animals after at least 45 days as required by the feed.

ICAR scientists issued useful advice for farmers during the lockdown

In view of the increasing risk of Coronavirus across the country, lockdown is in place, in such a situation, several guidelines are being issued continuously by the government to protect the farmers from the infection. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has also issued advisories for the harvesting of rabi crops and storage.

Advice for harvesting and harvesting crops

The government has given permission for use and movement of combine harvesting machines for wheat harvesting. It is necessary to ensure the care and safety of the workers engaged in harvesting and maintenance of these machines too. 

Apart from wheat, crops like mustard, lentil, maize, chili, and sugarcane are also being harvested and harvested. In such a situation, it is necessary for all farmers and agricultural workers to ensure personal hygiene and social distance before and after harvesting work. During this time, all farmers and agricultural workers should ensure that they work in masks and wash their hands frequently with soap.



Attack of leaf miner in Ridge gourd

  • Its adult is a light yellow fly that lays eggs on the leaves. 
  • Its adult is a light yellow fly that lays eggs on the leaves.
  • White zigzag lines are formed on the leaves and leaves dry out and fall when there is more outbreak.
  • Problems of function are observed on the affected by this pest, which reduces the yield.
  • Remove the weed from the field and its surroundings.
  • To prevent this, spraying Abamectin 1.8% EC @ 160 ml/ acre or Cypermethrin 4% EC + Profenophos 40% EC 400 ml / acre.

How to protect Tomatoes from Blossom End Rot disease

Tomatoes Blossom End Rot disease
  • It is a somatic disorder that occurs in fruits due to calcium deficiency.
  • Use FYM in the field before 15 days transplanting.
  • Spray Calcium EDTA @ 150 gm/ acre twice if symptoms of deficiency appear. Or
  • Spray Metalaxyl 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 30 gm and Kasugamycin 3% SL 25 ml per 15 liters of water and On the fourth day, spray with chelated calcium 15 gm + Boron 15 gm per 15 liters of water.

Better water management can overcome big water crisis hovering over the country

Better water management can overcome big water crisis hovering over the country

Our country may face a severe water crisis in the coming years. Experts believe that people in India are not understanding the importance of water and are wasting it a lot. In such a situation, due to this waste of water, about 60 crore people of the country may have to face water shortage in the coming time.

At present, a large population of about two lakh people are not getting clean water due to which they are either losing their lives or are suffering from serious diseases.

What is the solution
It is not that there is a big water problem in India, but water management in India is not in good condition due to which rainwater is allowed to flow in many states of the country every year. The truth is that the problem of water crisis can be prevented only by better management of water in India.


How to avoid fruit borer in Bottle Gourd

How to avoid fruit borer in Bottle Gourd
  • Do not take the same crop continuously in the same field, follow crop rotation.
  • Adult flies lay eggs in flowers. Eggs go into maggots, which feed inside the fruit and cause rotting.
  • For effective prevention of the pest, remove fruits before spraying the insecticide.
  • Size of the infected fruits deteriorated and cut caused foul smell.
  • To control the number of pests, apply pheromone trap @ 4 nets per acre.
  • For pest prevention, spray emamectin benzoate at the rate of 5% SG @ 100 g + Bivaria bassiana 250 g per acre. or
  • Spray Chlorpyrifos with 200 liters of water at the rate of 20% EC 300 ml per acre. or
  • Spray Bifenthrin @ 10% EC @ 400 ml / acre.

Amidst fears of Corona, Indian Council of Agricultural Research gave useful advice on harvesting

Amidst fears of Corona, Indian Council of Agricultural Research gave useful advice on harvesting

Amidst fears of Corona, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has given some useful advice to farmers on harvesting. Council has said that farmers can postpone wheat harvesting for a few days. The Council believes that the harvesting of wheat can be delayed till April 20 and there will be no loss.

Citing the reason behind this, the council said that in most areas the temperature is still below average and hence some delay in harvesting can be done. Significantly, the harvesting of wheat generally starts from the end of March.


Take precautions related to agriculture during the weather changes

Take precautions related to agriculture during the weather changes
  • Manage drainage in the field so that the water does not stop for long in the field.
  • During harvesting, do not keep it open in the field, keep it in a splash, room, warehouse or place where rain water does not come.
  • After the sky is clear, spread crops like Gram, Lentil, Wheat on tarpaulin or plastic sheets and dry it thoroughly for 2 to 3 days so that the moisture content in the grains is less than 12% and then store it.
  • To protect the seeds from insects, fungus & weeds, Clean the stalks, soil, leaves and weed seeds in the seed before storing them, and after drying for 2-3 days in strong sunlight, with 8-10% moisture.
  • It is necessary to treat seeds with fungicide before storing seeds, which can lead to cheap and effective control of seed borne disease. For seed treatment, Thiram or Captan should be treated at the rate of 3 grams or Carboxin 2 grams per kg seed.