Control of Collar rot in chilli

  • Destroy of the debris of diseased plants.
  • Crop rotation and ensure good drainage.
  • Sowing of seeds on raised nursery beds.
  • Treating seeds with Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 64% @ 3gm/ kg seeds before sowing.
  • Soil drenching with Carbendazim 50% @ 300 gm/acre or Metalaxyl 8%+Mancozeb 64% @ 500 gm/acrer.

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Symptoms of Collar rot in chilli

  • The lower portion of the stem is affected by the soil-borne inoculum.
  • Decortication is the main symptom.
  • Exposure and necrosis of underlying tissues may lead to the collapse of the plant.
  • Near the ground surface on the stem may be seen the mycelia.
  • Lack of plant vigor accumulation of water around the stem and mechanical injuries helps in the development of this disease.

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Management of fruit fly in bottle gourd

  • The maggot burrows into the fruit and feeds on fruit pulp.
  • Infested fruits decay and drop.
  • They fly mainly prefer tender fruits for egg-laying.
  • Ovipositional punctures caused by adults also cause injury on fruits and fruit juices oozes out.
  • Collect and destroy infested fruits.
  • To prevent egg-laying, fly traps(pheromone trap) can be set up in the field with 1% Methyl Eugenol or Citronella oil or Vinegar or Dextrose or Acetic acid or Lactic acid.
  • Cover developing fruits with paper or polythene cover immediately after anthesis pollination.
  • Maize plants grown in rows at a distance of 8-10 cm in cucurbit field is effective as flies rest on such tall plants.
  • Deep plowing to expose hibernating stages.
  • spray dichlorvos 76% EC 250 to 500ml/acre or
  • Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9%CS @ 200 ml/acre. or 
  • Profenofos 40%EC + Cypermethrin 4 %EC @ 400 ml/acre

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How to increase flowering and fruiting in chilli crop

  • The flowering stage is most important for any crop.
  • Flower drop is a common problem in chilli. 
  • Flowering plays a vital role in the production of chilli.
  • We can get good flowering and to save flower drop as well as takes high yield through given products.
  • Spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% w/w 100-120 ml/acre. or  Hoshi 250 gm/acre
  • Apply seaweed extract 180-200 ml/acre.
  • Use multi-micro nutrients 300 gm/acre.

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Spacing for Cauliflower

  • The planting distance may vary according to variety early, mid and late.
  • planting seasons (Rabi, Kharif, and Zaid ) and soil conditions (light, medium and heavy).
  • The following distances are generally recommended on the basis of the maturity of varieties.
  • For early varieties:- 45 X 45 cm.
  • For mid  varieties:- 60 X 40 cm.
  • For late  varieties:- 60 X 60 cm. or 60 X45 cm.

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Field Preparation for Cauliflower

  • 1 to 2 corrosive plowing by a soil turning plow followed by 3 to 4 plowing with desi plow is enough for it.
  • Well, rotten compost or farmyard manure is mixed in soil at the time of plowing.
  • If the soil is infested with nematodes Carbofuran @ 10 kg/Acre.
  • Ridges and furrow type of layout is used for the crop.

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Calcium deficiency Symptoms in Tomato plant

  • Symptoms are primarily visible in the rapidly growing areas because of the very low mobility of calcium in plant tissues.
  • Calcium-deficient leaves show chlorosis and then necrosis around the base of the leaves. 
  • The plants become flaccid; dead spots appeared on the upper stems and the growing apex died.
  • Upper leaf coloration initially was a darker green, but, later turning yellow at the edges and died. 
  • Fruits showing blossom end rot were found to ripen less rapidly. Blossom end rot is closely associated with Ca deficiency of the fruit. 

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Control of Neck Blast in Paddy

  • Tricyclazole 75 % WP @ 120 g/acre. or
  • Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP @ 300 g/acre or
  • Thiophanate methyl 70% Wp @ 250 g/acre 

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Neck Blast of Paddy

  • Rice blast is one of the most destructive diseases of rice. Because neck and node blast affects the panicle directly, yield losses in affected plants are very high.
  • Node infection occurs in a banded pattern. 
  • Lesions on the node are blackish to grayish brown.
  • Infected nodes can cause the culm or the part of the plant that holds the panicle to break.
  • Lesions on the neck are grayish brown and can cause girdling, making the neck and the panicle fall over. 
  • If the infection of the neck occurs before the milky stage, no grain is formed, but if infection occurs later, poor quality grains are formed.
  • Neck and node blast can also cause whiteheads or white panicles, similar to stem borer infection.


Control of late blight of tomato

  • Destroy all tomato debris after harvest.
  • avoid water logging conditions on the farm.
  • Spare any one fungicide for disease control. 
  • Metalaxyl 8%+Mancozeb 64% @ 500 gm/acre.
  • Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP @ 300 gm/acre.
  • Pyraclostrobin 5% + Metiram 55% @ 600 gm /acre.
  • Dimethomorph 50% WP @ 400 gm/acre.

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