Some important crops that can be grown under inter-cropping


SN Maincrop       Intercrop
1. Soya bean  maize, peagonpea
  • For intercultural or mixed crops, the growth rate of vegetables, distribution of roots, Nutritious nature, attacks of pests and diseases, market demand etc. should be considered. 
  • The cropping system should not be permanent and the weather, pest and diseases attacks, market price and demand and should be changed according to the grower.
2. Okra   Coriander, spinach
3. Cotton  groundnut, green gram, black gram maize.
4. Chilli  radish, carrot.
5. Mango  onion, Turmeric

Identification and reason for bulb splitting In Onion (physiological Disorder)

  • Uneven irrigation of onion fields increases the chances of this disorder.
  • Fields that are over irrigated, allowed to dry completely and then over irrigated again often have many split bulbs.
  • Bulb mites are frequently associated with bulb splitting.
  • The first symptom is observed as the rotting of the basal portion of the bulb.
  • Secondary growth of the affected bulb often occurs when several small bulbs protruded from the spilt basal portion.

KISAN Samman Yojana: Following steps have been taken for the ease of application under KCC

  • A simple 1-page form is designed to obtain basic data from the bank’s record under PM Kisan Yojna, and only one copy of the land record with details of crop sown would be required for that. 
  • This form will be available with an ad published in all leading newspapers across India and the same can be cut & filled by the beneficiaries.
  • You can also download the form from websites of all Scheduled Commercial Banks, the website of the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare and PM-KISAN.
  • Common Service Centres have been given permission to fill up the form & transmit the same to the concerned bank.

Good News for 14 crore Farmers! Now Get Additional Benefits with PM-Kisan Payout

  • Eligible farmers will get Rs. 6000 annually.

  • Farmers eligible for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi yojana can easily get Kisan Credit Card.

  • Farmers can get a loan up to Rs 3 lakh at just 4% interest rate.

  • Eligible farmers can take benefit of Pradhan Mantri Suraksha BimaYojana (PMSBY) & Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojana (PMJJBY).  

  • These two schemes offer both accidental insurance and life insurance at a premium of Rs.12 and Rs.330 respectively, for an insured value of Rupees two lakh in each case.


How to improve yield in watermelon with the help of irrigation

  • Watermelon responds very much to irrigation but it can not withstand waterlogged conditions.
  • It is generally cultivated as a spring-summer crop in which the frequency of irrigation is very important.
  • The crop should be irrigated at 3-5 days intervals.
  • Soil moisture stress during pre-flowering, flowering, and fruit development stage drastically reduce yield.
  • Irrigation should be stopped during ripening as it adversely affects fruit quality and promotes fruit cracking.

Some important variety of watermelon


S.N. Variety Name Fruit Shape Fruit size




Fruit colour
1. Sager king Oval  3-5  60 – 70 Dark black skin and red flush 
2. Sager king plus Oval  3-5  60 – 70 Dark black skin and red flush 
2. Kajal  Oval 3- 3.5 60 – 70 dark green with pink flesh
4. 2208 Oval 2-4 70 – 80 Dark black skin and red flush

Land Preparation for Watermelon Cultivation

  • Watermelons can grow in many kinds of soil but prefer a light, sandy, fertile loam that drains easily.
  • Add generous amounts of manure, compost and leaves to your field and work the soil well prior to planting.
  • Fields should be prepared thoroughly by plowing and harrowing and removing the different types of plant debris.
  • A gentle, south-facing slope is ideal.
  • It should also be pulverized and leveled; furrows are made 2 m apart.

Suitable sowing Time for Watermelon

  • The time of sowing watermelon is from November to March.
  • After the November to December sowing time, the plant should be protected from frosting. This is the reason most sowing is done from January to March.
  • In the hilly areas, watermelons are sown from March to April.

Management of painted bug on mustard crop

  • Deep plowing so that the eggs of painted bugs are destroyed
  • Early sowing is needed to avoid pest attack
  • Irrigate the crop for four weeks after sowing to reduce pest attack
  • Spray thiamethoxam 25 % WP(evident/Areva) @ 300 gm/acre or
  • Spray Acephate 75%SP (remain) or
  • Spray Bifenthrin ( klintop/marker) @ 300 ml/acre