Management of Downy Mildew in watermelon crop 

  • Plucking and destroying affected leaves helps in reducing Downy Mildew in watermelon crop.
  • Plant seeds of disease-resistant varieties.
  • Crop rotation and sanitation reduces the severity of the disease.
  • Drench with thiophenate methyl 70% WP at the rate of 300 gm/acre.
  • Spray Metalaxyl 8%+Mancozeb 64% WP at the rate of  500 gm/acre.
  • Spray pseudomonas fluorescens @ 500 gram/acre.

The government launched FPO Scheme, 86 percent farmers will be benefited.

There’s good news for Indian farmers as the Central Government has recently launched an enthusiastic programme to develop around 10,000 FPOs (Farmers Producers Organisations) throughout the nation. These FPO’s would be beneficial mostly for those small and marginal farmers, whose landholdings are less than one hectare. According to a media report, such farmers account for 86 per cent of total farmers in the country. 

The FPOs (Farmers Producers Organisations) are member-based organisations. Which means that in an FPO, farmers will be the members. These organisations will include experts from various fields like agri-marketing, crop husbandry, value-addition & processing, and Information technology etc. so that they can help farmers on all issues.  The Central government has allocated a fund of Rs 4,496 crore for this project. These FPOs are expected to be set up over a five-year period i.e. till 2024.

This project will provide small farmers with a platform to resolve various challenges in the process of farming. While launching the scheme on Saturday (29 February), the Prime minister himself had said that these FPOs will turn the farmers into businessmen.


How to identify Downy Mildew in watermelon crop 

  • Water-soaked lesions appear under the surface of leaf lamina.
  • Angular spots appear on the upper surface similar to water-soaked lesions.
  • Lesions appear first on the older leaves and progressive on the younger leaves.
  • As the lesions expand, they may remain yellow or become dry and brown.
  • Affected vines do not bear fruits properly.

Using Gramophone’s Moong Samriddhi Kit will make your land more fertile and suitable for moong crops.

  • Gramophone Moong Samriddhi Kit includes all the essential ingredients that are required to get more production from the moong crop.
  • The Moong Samriddhi Kit contains various kinds of beneficial bacteria.
  • Potash and phosphorus bacteria, Trichoderma viridi, humic acid and Rhizobium bacteria are prominent among these bacteria.
  • This kit has been prepared by mixing all these microorganisms.
  • The total weight of this kit is 6 kg, and one kit is used for one acre of area.

Importance of mulching in watermelon crop 

  • Plastic Mulching protects against insects, diseases and weeds in watermelon crop.
  • Weeds can be controlled by black polyethene and also prevents soil erosion from air, rain and irrigation.
  • Transparent polyethene is used to control soil-borne diseases and maintain moisture conservation.



Important points related to Ridge gourd (Torai) and its advanced farming.

  • Ridge gourd is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin A.
  • It is cultivated in hot and humid climates. 
  • The temperature should be 32-38 degree centigrade.
  • The drainage method is considered more suitable for sowing luffa.
  • During summer, its crop should be irrigated at regular intervals of around 5-6 days.
  • If its harvesting is delayed, then the fibers become hard fibers.

What is the suitable climate for the cultivation of pumpkin, bitter gourd, cucumber, watermelon, etc.?

  • Cucurbitaceae crops are a subtropical vegetable and require hot and humid climatic conditions for its fast growth and higher yield.
  • Night and Day temperature of 18-22° C and 30-35° C respectively is optimum for its proper growth and high fruit set.
  • The seed germination is fast at the temperature range of 25-30° C.
  • The crop grown at optimum temperature has a higher proportion of female flowers and fruit per plant.

Don’t throw potato peels, they are equally important!

  • Potassium is found in potato’s peel too, which helps a lot in controlling blood pressure.
  • It Protects against UV rays.
  • Potato peel contains abundant nutrients which help in correcting the metabolism of the body. 
  • potato peels are very beneficial for our health as they contain a good amount of iron, which will reduce the risk of anaemia.