Nutrient Management in Wheat Crop

Nutrient Management in Wheat Crop
  • Wheat is one of the main crops of the Rabi season. Proper fertilizer management in wheat gives a good start to the wheat crop. Along with this, the roots are well-formed and the buds bloom well.

  • The following products should be used for proper management at this time-

  • At the time of sowing wheat, use DAP 50 kg + urea 20 kg + potash at the rate of 25 kg per acre. Urea is a source of nitrogen, DAP nitrogen and phosphorus and MOP fulfills the required potash.

  • Essential Nutrients P 15%+ K 15%+Mn 15%+Zn 2.5%+S 12% [Majorsol] 3 kg + Seaweed, Amino Acids, Humic Acids and Mycorrhiza [Maxxmyco] 2 kg/acre + NPK of bacteria consortia  [TB 3]  3 kg /acre + ZnSB [Taba G]  4 kg/acre should be used. It helps in proper growth and development of the crop.

  • After 20 days of sowing or with first irrigation, apply Urea 40 kg + Sulfur 5 kg + Zinc Sulphate 5 kg + Micronutrient mixture [Majorsol ] 3 kg per acre (if the sowing time is not given) to the soil.

  • For foliar spray management, spray gibberellic acid at the rate of 300 ml or amino acid 250 gm per acre.

  • If the vegetative growth is not proper, then water-soluble fertilizer should be sprayed at 19:19:19 or 20:20:20 @ 1 kg per acre.

  • In this way, the production can be increased by doing nutritional management at the time of sowing and the early vegetative stage of the wheat crop.

With the sowing of the crop, connect your farm with the My Farm section of Gramophone app and keep on getting the exact advice and solutions related to smart agriculture throughout the crop cycle. Share this article with your friends with the share button below.


There is a possibility of good rain in many states, see where it will rain?

know the weather forecast,

A new Western Disturbance is presently giving heavy snowfall in the hill states. There will be rain in the northern districts of Punjab, Haryana and West Uttar Pradesh. Delhi and its surroundings will remain cloudy and light rain may occur. Cyclone Jawad has weakened but rain will continue over Northeast states including West Bengal and Orissa. The Northeast Monsoon may once again become active in South India.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Nutritional management at the time of tuber formation in onion crop

Nutritional management at the time of tuber formation in onion crop
  • Until three leaves do not emerge after germination, the crop grows slowly above the ground and in the soil.

  • Once the 3 leaves emerge, the growth of the crop accelerates. This development takes place within the soil.

  • Plants produce more leaves to increase photosynthetic activity and store the materials needed to make bulbs.

  • Nutritional management in plants at this stage is important for bulb formation, crop development, and the beginning of final yield.

  • Use Calcium Nitrate @ 10 kg/acre + Potash @ 25 kg/acre as soil treatment.

  • Spray Paclobutrazol 40% SC @ 30 ml/acre 100 days after transplanting.

With the sowing of the crop, connect your farm with the My Farm section of Gramophone app and keep on getting the exact advice and solutions related to smart agriculture throughout the crop cycle. Share this article with your friends with the share button below.


Temperature Control Measures for Good Production in Rabi Crop

Temperature Control Measures for Good Production in Rabi Crop

Measures to control temperature (in case of low) for good crop production-

  • Irrigation of fields is crucial:: Whenever there is a possibility of low temperature or frost warning has been given from the weather forecast department, light irrigation should be provided to the crop. The temperature will not fall below 0° C and crops can be protected from the loss due to lower temperature as Irrigation increases the temperature by 0.5 – 2° C.

  • Cover the plant:: The nursery is in the most vulnerable stage in low temperatures. In nurseries, it is advisable to cover the plants with plastic sheets at night. By doing so, the plastic causes the temperature inside to increase by 2-3 degrees celsius. Straw can also be used instead of polyethene whose surface temperature does not reach the deposition point. While covering the plants, keep in mind that the southeastern part of the plants remain open, so that the plants get sunlight in the morning and afternoon.

  • Windbreakers: These breakers reduce the intensity of cold waves and protect them from crop damage. For this, such crops should be sown around the field, so that the wind is controlled to some extent, e.g. sowing maize in gram fields. To protect the plants from frost, they should be covered except in the direction of sunlight using straw or any other object.

  • Smoke near the field: To control temperature, you can create smoke in your field, so that the temperature does not fall to the deposition point and crops can be protected from damage.

  • Spray Pseudomonas 500 grams per acre to prevent frost.

With the sowing of the crop, connect your farm with the My Farm section of Gramophone app and keep on getting the exact advice and solutions related to smart agriculture throughout the crop cycle. Share this article with your friends with the share button below.


Heavy rain in many states due to stormy effect, there will be heavy snowfall on the mountains

Jawad storm will cause heavy rain

Cyclone Jawad has reached near the coast of Odisha. Heavy rain is likely in Odisha and West Bengal. Rainfall will also increase in the northeastern states. Strong Western Disturbance will give heavy snowfall over the mountains. There is a possibility of rain in North India.

Source: Skymet Weather

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