Next activity for your Garlic crop

36 to 40 days after sowing- Prevent crop from pest and fungal attack

To prevent crop from fungal or pest attack spray 00:52:34 1kg + Amino acid (Pro aminomaxx) 250 gm + Fipronil 5% SC (FipNova) 400 ml + Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP (Milduvip) 250 gm per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

31 to 35 days after sowing- Second irrigation and nutrition dose

During vegetative stage apply third nutrition dose through soil as Urea 25 kg + Maxgrow 10 kg per acre. Also give second irrigation to the crop. Drain out excess water to prevent diseases like root rot, wilt. Give next irridation at 7 to 10 days interval depending upon soil moisture.


Next activity for your Garlic crop

26 to 30 days after sowing- Management of Thrips, Aphids and fungal diseases

To promote vegetative growth and for the management of Thrips, Aphids and fungal diseases spray Hexaconazole 5% SC (Novacone) 400 ml + Lambda-cyhalothrin 4.9% CS (LamNova) 200 ml + 19:19:19 (Gromor) 1 kg per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

21 to 25 days after sowing- Prevent Damping off disease

To prevent damping off disease mix Rizocare 250 gm or Trichoshield combat 1 kg or Sanchar 60 gm in 200 liter water and drench near root zone per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

16 to 20 days after sowing- Top dressing of fertilizers

For better growth and development and to provide micro nutrients mix Urea 25 kg + Zinc sulphate 5 kg + Sulphur 10 kg and broadcast on soil per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

11 to 15 days after sowing- Management of sucking pests and fungal diseases

To promote proper vegetative growth and for the management of sucking pests and fungal diseases spray Seaweed extract (Vigormaxx gel) 400 ml + Acephate 75% SP (Acemain) 300 gm + Carbendezim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP (CarmaNova) 300 gm per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

3 to 5 days after sowing- Pre-emergence herbicide spray

For the management of weeds before emergence spray Pendamethalin 38.7% CS (Dhanutop super) 700 ml per acre. For the management of weeds after emergence spray Propaquizafop 5% + Oxyflurofef 12% EC (Dekel) @ 350 ml or Quizalofop Ethyl 5% EC (Targa super) 350 ml per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

1 to 2 days after sowing- Basal dose and first irrigation

Just after sowing give first irrigation and apply basal dose of fertilizer as below. Mix all these & spread over soil- Urea- 20 kg, DAP- 30 kg, SSP- 50 kg, MoP- 40 kg, NPK bacteria (SKB Fosterplus BC-15)- 100 gm, Zn solubilizing bacteria (SKB ZnSB)- 100 gm, Trichoderma viride (Rhizocare) 500 gm, Seaweed, Amino, Humic & Mycorrhiza (Maxxmyco) 2 kg per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

1 day before sowing- Seed treatment

To protect the planting material from soil borne fungus, treat the seeds with Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP (CarmaNova) 2.5 gm per kg seeds. Give light irrigation to the field three days before sowing.


Next activity for your Garlic crop

8 to 10 days before sowing- Field preparation

In 5 Tonns of FYM, add 7.5 kg Carbofuran granules (Fury). Mix properly and spread over soil for one acre area. Carbofuran granules help to control soil insects present in soil
