These 35 crop varieties will not suffer any damage even in adverse weather conditions

These 35 crop varieties will not suffer any damage even in adverse weather conditions

Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated 35 crop varieties with many new features to the farmers of the country. These special varieties have been developed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).

These varieties include drought tolerant varieties of gram, resistant to wilting and infertility and pathogens of tur, early maturing varieties of soybeans, disease resistant varieties of rice and wheat, millet, maize, quinoa, buckwheat, winged bean, faba bean etc. Are included.

Explain that these varieties have the ability to deal with adverse climatic conditions and are full of high nutrients. Through these new varieties, the government wants to increase the income of the farmers.

Source: Navbharat Times

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Management of Bacterial Blight Disease in Ginger Crop

Management of Bacterial Blight Disease in Ginger Crop
  • In ginger, this disease is often seen during the rainy season, in which water soaked spots appear in the collar region of the pseudostem, which expands upwards and downwards.

  • The first characteristic symptom of this disease is a slight curling of the leaf margins of the lower leaves, which spreads upwards.

  • Yellowing first starts from the lowest leaves and gradually progresses to the upper leaves. At a later stage, the plant shows signs of severe yellowing and wilting.

  • The vascular tissues of the affected pseudostems show dark streaks. The affected pseudostem and rhizome when pressed gently extrudes milky ooze from the vascular strands. 

  • For its management use Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 46% WP @ 300 gm/acre or Streptomycin Sulphate IP 90% W/W + Tetracycline Hydrochloride IP 10% W/W @ 24 gm /acre.

  • For biological control use Pseudomonas fluorescens 1 kg/acre.

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Light to heavy rain likely in many areas of Madhya Pradesh, see weather forecast

Weather Update

The weather will remain almost dry over Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Western Himalaya region and North Rajasthan. Rain will continue in some areas of Gujarat and Maharashtra. Monsoon on the verge of becoming active once again in East India. Light to moderate rain over Tamil Nadu and Interior Karnataka will now reduce to heavy rains over Kerala.

Source: Mausam Tak

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Drone will eliminate all the tension of spray, now it will be sprayed in minutes

Drone will eliminate all the tension of spray

The entire one acre will be sprayed in just 7-8 minutes. Huge savings in time, medicine and effort. Whether it is 10 acres or 100 acres, now there is no tension of spray. See how fast spraying will happen with the help of drones.

Source: Indian Farmer

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Benefits of soil treatment in potato crop

Benefits of soil treatment in potato crop
  • Soil treatment is very important before sowing of the potato crop.

  • Soil fertility and nutrient management are very important factors for good crop yield and disease free crops which have a direct impact on crop yield and quality.

  • During the Rabi season, there is a lot of outbreak of fungal diseases and pests as there is excessive moisture in the soil before sowing of the potatoes.

  • Soil treatment is done with fungicides and insecticides to prevent fungal diseases and pests.

  • Potato crops do not get infected with diseases like tuber rot due to soil treatment with fungicides and insecticides.

  • Potato wilt disease is also prevented by soil treatment.

  • Soil treatment is also very important to overcome the deficiency of nutrients in the soil as its main nutrients are utilized in the last crop.

  • By soil treatment, soil structure improves and production also increases.

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Necessary spraying management in late Kharif onion in 10-15 days after transplanting

Necessary spraying management in late Kharif onion in 10-15 days after transplanting
  • Onion cultivation occupies a prominent place in Madhya Pradesh, there is a need to spray different nutrients and plant protection from time to time to increase the growth of the crop and get a high yield. Plant protection spraying with microelements is mandatory 10-15 days after transplanting the crop. At this time, there is an outbreak of fungal diseases like blight and sap-sucking insects like thrips, maggots etc. in the crop.

The following sprays can be used for its control – 

  • Spray Thiophanate Methyl 70%w/w 250 gm + Fipronil 5% SC 400 ml + Humic Acid @ 100 gm/acre. Humic acid helps in the root development of the plant.

  • Spray it with Chipko [silico max] 5 ml/pump. This retains the medicine on the plant for a sowing time.

  • For biological control, Pseudomonas 250 gm/acre can be used.

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