Heavy rains may occur in Madhya Pradesh for the next two days, know weather forecast

weather forecast

Rainfall activities were observed in many areas of central India yesterday. These regions included Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. The weather has now become completely dry in Rajasthan but rain activities are likely to continue in East Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Rain activities are likely to increase in Madhya Pradesh in the coming days. With this, one or two places of central Maharashtra, Vidarbha and Marathwada are expected to receive light rain with thunder and shine.

Source: Skymet Weather

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How to use vermicompost in summer in farm

How to use vermicompost in summer in farm
  • Nowadays vermicompost is being used in large quantity as organic manure

  • Because it is easily available and provides more benefits at a lower cost.

  • Before using vermicompost in summer, deep plow the field and turn the soil up and down.

  • And you must ensure enough moisture in the vermicompost

  • After this, thoroughly broadcast the vermicompost in the entire field

  • Make sure to irrigate the field after using vermicompost.

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These symptoms will be seen in crops due to nitrogen deficiency in soil

nitrogen deficiency in soil
  • Nitrogen is required for plants especially for fruit and seed development.

  • In addition, it increases the size and quality of the leaf, and increases the longevity of the plant.

  • Due to its deficiency, the normal chlorosis of the entire plant is of a light green color and after this the yellowing of the old leaves spreads towards the young leaves.

  • The leaves are unable to produce enough chlorophyll. This stage of the leaves is called chlorotic. Lower leaves (older leaves) show the first symptoms.

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Madhya Pradesh farmers will get many benefits through Samman Card

Madhya Pradesh farmers will get many benefits through Samman Card

After giving four thousand rupees annually to the lakhs of farmers of Madhya Pradesh under the Chief Minister’s Welfare Scheme, the Shivraj government is now ready to give ‘Samman Card’. Under this scheme, farmers will be able to buy in the market to be made in mandis with ‘Samman Card’. This card will be linked to the bank account and Aadhaar card.

According to the state agriculture minister Kamal Patel, this card will be introduced in the new financial year and markets will also be started in some mandis. With this card, farmers will get subsidized material like military canteen. To provide facilities to the farmers of Madhya Pradesh at one place, the government is going to build a farmers market. Mandis are being selected for this.

Source: Nai Dunia


After wheat harvesting, do its safe storage at your home, watch video

safe wheat storage

A lot of farmers have harvested the wheat crop. After harvesting, many farmers want to sell the produce to trusted buyers at the right rate. For this, Gramophone’s Gram Vyapar can prove to be helpful. Here you can contact many trusted buyers and decide the deal sitting at home. However, many farmers keep their wheat produce stored at home. So watch the following video for safe storage of wheat at home.

Video Source: Green TV


Make domestic fertilizer in the field with wheat straw

Make domestic fertilizer in the field with wheat straw

There is a state of disarray among farmers regarding the disposal of crop residues. Often crop residues are reported to be burnt after harvesting, due to which the level of pollution also increases considerably. Burning crop residues in the field also reduces the fertility of the field, hence farmers should work for better disposal of crop residues and the best way to do this is to make domestic fertilizer with the help of decomposer of these residues. By doing this, they will not only be able to dispose of the crop residues but will also be able to increase the fertility of the fields with domestic manure prepared with the help of decomposer.


What measures should be taken to prevent chilli nursery from damping off disease?

damping off disease in chilli nursery,
  • Damping of chilli is the main disease in the nursery.

  • Due to this disease, the chilli crop is very much affected in the nursery stage.

  • The stem of the seedling becomes soaked with water and becomes thin, almost thread-like due to the disease.

  • Infected leaves turn from green to brown and young leaves start wilting.

  • Management: – Use of Thiophanate methyl 70% WP @ 300 gm/acre or Chlorothalonil 70% WP @ 400 gram/acre or Metalaxyl + Mancozeb @ 500 gram/ acre or Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram/acre.

For the important information related to modern and smart farming, read the articles of Gramophone. Share this article with your farmer friends with the share button given below.


How to know the pH of soil and its benefits in crops

How to know the pH of soil and its benefits in crops
  • Soil testing can detect not only the soil pH but also the electrical conductivity, organic carbon, major nutrients, and micronutrients.

  • The normal, acidic or alkaline nature of soil can be ascertained from soil pH value. Soil pH decreasing or increasing affects the growth of plants.

  • After finding out Soil pH, suitable crop varieties are recommended in problem-prone areas which can tolerate acidification and alkalinity.

  • Nutrients are most commonly received by plants between values ​​6.5 to 7.5 Soil pH. That is, the plant gives good yield with total growth. On the other hand, the value is less than 6.5 pH, the land is acidic and If the value exceeds 7.5 pH, the land is called alkaline.

  • Adding lime for acidic land and gypsum for alkaline land is generally recommended.
