Importance of phosphorus in cotton crop

Importance of phosphorus in cotton crop
  • Phosphorus is a very important element for the good production of cotton crops.
  • Plays a very important role in the metabolic activity of crops
  • The growth of roots is accelerated by the use of phosphorus in cotton crops.
  • Green leaves remain green.
  • In the cotton crop, a proper amount of phosphorus is required at the time of ball formation, due to its use ball formation is very good and timely done.
  • Due to the deficiency of phosphorus, the roots become weak, sometimes the roots become dry.
  • The plants remain dwarf and the leaf appears purple.

Water will be delivered to every inch of farmers’ land, CM Shivraj announced

Water will be delivered to every inch of farmers' land, CM Shivraj announced

The most important requirement of farmers for improved farming is better irrigation. Keeping this need in mind, Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan has said that “we will make effective efforts to provide water to every inch of the land of farmers in the state”.

The Chief Minister said during this time that “special work has been done to increase irrigation potentials in Madhya Pradesh. In the last years, we have increased the irrigation potential in the state from 7.5 lakh hectare to 42 lakh hectare, in which NABARD has a significant contribution.” He said that in the coming time irrigation arrangements will be made for every inch of the land of farmers.

Actually, the Chief Minister said these things through video conferencing in the program organized on the 39th foundation day of NABARD. Members of Women self-help groups of several districts of Madhya Pradesh and representatives of Farmers Producer Association and many farmers were involved in this program.

The Chief Minister said during this time that “it is a matter of great pleasure that lift irrigation of Rs 1425 crore has been approved by NABARD for Madhya Pradesh today. Along with this, a loan of 4 thousand crores has been sanctioned for other projects. I express my heartfelt gratitude to the entire team of NABARD.

Source: Bhaskar


Tikka disease management in groundnut crop

Tikka disease management in groundnut crop
  • It is the main disease in peanuts which is a fungal disease.
  • The symptoms of this disease are first seen on the leaves.
  • In this disease, irregular spots appear on the upper surface of the leaves.
  • After some time these spots also infected the lower surface of the leaves.
  • The leaf becomes dry after some time of infection
  • For the management of this disease, use of Tebuconazole 10% + Sulfur 65% WG @ 500 gram / acre or Kasugamycin 5% + Copper oxychloride 45% WP @ 300 gram / acre or Pyraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole @ 300 ml / acre.

Bacterial stalk rot in maize crop

  • Symptoms: – It is a bacterial disease, due to this disease, the internodes of the lower part of the stem of maize get infected and because of this stem rotting starts in the infected part of the stem.
  • Viscous water comes out from the part in which the infection has occurred and a bad smell starts.
  • After some time its symptoms are seen on the leaves, which later spread on the whole plant.
  • Management: – streptomycin sulfate IP 90% w / w + tetracycline hydrochloride IP 10% w / w @ 24 gram / acre or Kasugamycin 5% + copper oxychloride 45% WP @ 300 gram / acre.
  • Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram / acre as a biological treatment.

Grant will be given in the field of food processing, farmers’ income will increase

The government seems to be cautious about the construction of units associated with food processing and preservation capacity and the modernization of already built units. This is the reason that the government has decided to give 35% of the cost of grants in this area. This grant will be given for construction up to a maximum of 5 crores.

The scheme includes processing of fruits and vegetables, milk, meat/poultry/fish, breakfast cereals/snacks/bakeries, cereals/pulses, oils, etc.

The purpose of this grant is to develop processing and preservation capabilities in the country and in addition to modernizing and expanding the existing food processing units.

Source: Krishi Alert


Stem fly prevention in Maize Crop

Stem fly
  • It is a major pest of maize crops which attack maize stems, due to its infestation, the main part of the maize trunk is cut off, due to this growth of the maize plant affected.
  • Its young pest attacks the new plant, due to which the corn plants dry up and die.
  • For the prevention of this pest, thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC @ 80 gram / acre or fipronil 40% + imidacloprid 40% WG @ 40 gram / acre
  • Bavaria Basiana @ 500 gram / acre use  as a biological treatment.

White fly symptoms and prevention

Increase the number of flowers by protecting the crop of moong and urad from white fly
  • White Fly Symptoms: – This pest causes a lot of damage to the crops in both the infant and adult stage.
  • Sucking leaf juice inhibits the growth of the plant and this pest also causes the infection of harmful fungus called black fungus that is produced on the plant leaves.
  • Because of these pests, the chilli plant is fully infected and after this chilli plant leaves may dry and die.
  • Management: – For the prevention of this pest use diafenthiuron 50% SP @ 250 g / acre or flonicamid 50% WG @ 60 ml / acre or acetamiprid 20% SP @ 100 gram / acre or pyriproxyfen 10% + bifenthrin 10% EC@ 250 ml / acre.

From this date, the sixth installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana will start.

PM kisan samman

The next installment of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme is coming soon. This installment will start reaching the bank accounts of the farmers after two weeks. Under this scheme, the central government directly deposits 6000 rupees annually in the account of farmers. This amount of Rs 6000 is sent to the farmers’ accounts in three installments. The government is going to put the next installment of this amount in the farmers’ accounts from August 1.

Significantly, the Central Government started the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana on 24 February 2019. However, the scheme came into effect from 1 December 2018.

So far 5 installments of Rs 2000 have been sent to the bank accounts of the farmers under this scheme and the sixth installment of the farmers’ bank accounts will also start reaching from August 1.

Source: Live Hindustan


Symptoms and prevention of spider outbreak on crops

Symptoms and prevention of spider outbreak on crops
  • Symptoms of mites: – These pests are small and red in color, which is found in large quantities on the tender parts of the crop like a leaf, flower bud, and twigs.
  •  Webs are visible on the plant on which the mites attack. These insects attack soft parts of the plant by sucking the juice for that eventually the plant dies.
  • The following products are used to control mites in chili crops.
  • Spraying of propargite 57% EC @ 400 ml / acre or spiromesifen 22.9% SC @ 200 ml / acre or abamectin 1.8% EC @ 150 ml / acre.
  • Use Metarhizium @ 1 kg / acre as a biological treatment

Fruit Rot or Dieback/Wet Rot disease in Chilli Crop

Transplanting method and fertilizer management of Chilli
  • Fruit rot or dieback: Fruit rot or dieback disease is caused by fungus.
  • In this disease, small and round, brown-black irregular scattered spots appear on the leaves of chilli crop.
  • Yellow-colored spots are seen on the fruit of chili, which causes rotting on the fruit.
  • Wet rot disease: This disease is also caused by a fungus, the outbreak of this disease is more in the flowering stage of Chilli.
  • The stem and twigs of the affected plant appear wet due to infection.
  • For prevention of these diseases, spray Chlorothalonil 70% WP @ 300 gram / acre or Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP @ 500 gram / acre or Metiram 55% + Pyraclostrobin 5% WG @ 600 gram / acre.
  • Spraying of Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25% WG @ 100 gram / acre or Azoxystrobin 11% +  Tebuconazole 18.3% SC @ 250 ml / acre are also very helpful. 