Purchase of Gram and Lentils on support price will begin in Madhya Pradesh on this day

Purchase of Gram and Lentils on support price will begin in Madhya Pradesh on this day

It has been more than two weeks since the procurement of wheat started in Madhya Pradesh on support price. Now the government is going to start procuring gram and lentils from farmers. The purchase of gram and lentils at support price in the state will start from April 29.

On this issue, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan reviewed on Sunday, and during this time he has instructed the officers present there to follow the social distance along with the lockdown guidelines during the process of procuring gram and lentils.

It was told in this review meeting that so far 16 lakh 73 thousand metric tons of wheat has been purchased from three lakh 72 thousand farmers at the support price and farmers have also been paid against it.

Source: Nai Dunia


Importance of soil pH and Electrical Conductivity (EC) in soil testing

pH value of soil

  • It shows the reaction of soil, whether the soil is normal, acidic, or alkaline in nature. Decreasing or increasing soil pH affects the growth of plants.
  • Suitable varieties of crops are recommended in problematic areas. Which has the ability to tolerate acidification and alkalinity?
  • Nutrients are most commonly received by plants between values 6.5 to 7.5. soil pH. When the value is less than 6.5 the land is acidic and if it is more than 7.5 the land is alkaline.
  • Recommendation to add lime for acidic land and gypsum for alkaline soil.

Electrical conductivity

  • Soil electrical conductivity (EC) is an indirect measurement that has a very deep correlation with the physical and chemical properties of soil. Soil electrical conductivity is an indication of the availability of nutrients in the soil.
  • The greater concentration of salts in the soil leaves a detrimental effect on the absorption of nutrients.
  • Very low electrical conductivity levels indicate low available nutrients, and very high EC levels indicate nutrient excess. Those with low EC are often found in sandy soils with low organic matter levels, while high EC levels are found in high organic soil content (more clay).
  • Soil texture, salinity, and moisture are the soil properties that most affect EC levels.

Let’s Know the Importance of Desi breed cows

Let's Know the Importance of Desi breed cows
  • Gir, Lal Sindhi, Sahiwal, Rathi, Devni, Haryana, Tharparkar, Kankrej, Malvi, Nimadi, etc. are the main among the milch breeds of indigenous cows in India.
  • Desi cow’s milk is an A-2 type of milk, due to which the body’s immunity increases, so the cost of milk is also high.
  • These breeds can fight environmental changes and adversity.
  • These breeds have high immunity and their maintenance costs are also low.

PM KISAN amount stopped due to documents? upload it online and get 6000 annually

PM kisan samman

The first installment of total 6 thousand rupees, received under the ‘Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi’, an ambitious scheme of the Government of India for farmers, has been transferred to the accounts of farmers in the last few days. However, some farmers have not been able to get this installment due to lack of documents.

Under this scheme, farmers apply both offline and online. Many times the application is not accepted as documents such as Aadhaar, mobile number or bank account information would not have been given.

In this case, farmers can upload their documents online from home. For this, farmers have to go to the link of pmkisan.gov.in and go to ‘Farmers Corner’ and upload their documents.

Source: Jansatta


Direct marketing is beneficial for farmers, boost is being given in Corona crisis

Direct marketing is beneficial for farmers, boost is being given in Corona crisis

During the Corona crisis, the Government of India is promoting direct marketing among farmers. Under this, the government is striving for farmers’ convenience and better returns. Along with this, states have also been requested by the Central Government to facilitate ‘Direct Marketing’ to farmers/farmer groups / FPOs / cooperatives to facilitate them to sell their produce to bulk buyers / big retailers/processors, etc. give rise to.

However, many states have also promoted ‘direct marketing’. These states include states like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Gujarat.

During the lockdown, many states have seen good effects of ‘direct marketing’. During the lockdown in Rajasthan, more than 1,100 direct marketing licenses were granted, which made it easier for farmers to sell their produce.

In Tamil Nadu, market fees were waived under this, due to which traders bought produce from farmers from their fields. At the same time, FPO along with farmers and traders in Uttar Pradesh are supplying the products to the consumers of the cities. This is providing savings and direct benefits in wastage of farmers.

Source: Krishak Jagat


Control of termites in horticultural crops

Control of termites in horticultural crops
  • The problem of termites is seen in horticultural crops like pomegranate, mango, guava, Java Plum, lemon, orange, papaya, Gooseberry, etc.
  • Insects tunnel into the ground and feed plant roots. When the outbreak is high, they also eat the stem and form a soil-like structure.
  • In summer, deep plowing in the soil to destroy termites and always use good rotten manure (FYM).
  • 1 kg Beauveria bassiana should be mixed with 25 kg FYM before sowing.
    Fill the termite mound with kerosene so that all other insects along with the termite queen die.
  • Use chlorpyrifos 50 EC @ 250 ml per 10 liters of water in the holes made on the stems by the termites and add the same medicine near the roots of the tree in 50 ml per 10 liters of water.

What is the scientific importance of Basil

What is the scientific importance of Basil
  • Along with the religious importance of Basil, its decoction is beneficial in fever, cold, cough.
  • Along with making the body immune to the disease, this plant also fights bacterial and viral infections.
  • Basil plant is a natural air purifier that releases 12 out of 24 hours of oxygen and also absorbs toxic gases like carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide.
  • It is a source of iron and manganese which helps in the metabolism of various compounds in your body.
  • Being a rich source of antioxidants, this plant helps reduce stress.

Crop Insurance Scheme: apply with the necessary documents, to compensate for crop loss

Crop Insurance

Due to natural calamities like unseasonal rains, hailstorms, droughts, etc crops of farmers are often affected. To avoid this, the Central Government had launched the Pradhan Mantri Crop Insurance Scheme. With this scheme, farmers can compensate for their crop losses. This scheme started in the year 2016, so far millions of farmers of the country have benefited.

How to apply?
You can apply for this through the bank and also online. To apply online, go to the link https://pmfby.gov.in/ and fill the form. For this application, a photo and identification card such as PAN card, driving license, voter ID card, or Aadhaar card is required. Apart from this, a document is also required for address proof, for which the farmer has to show the documents related to farming and the Khasra number. For the truth of the crop that has been sown, a letter of pradhan, patwari, or sarpanch has to be given. A cancellation check has to be given so that the claim amount comes directly into the account.

Source: Nai Dunia


How to treat when the animals have Afra

How to treat when the animals have Afra
  • The animal dies after a short delay in treatment. Therefore, treatment should not be delayed. Call a doctor immediately or by taking any one of the following measures, the animal’s life can also be saved.
  • Mix 50 grams asafetida and 20 grams black salt in one liter buttermilk and drink it. Or
  • Half liter of mustard, flaxseed, or sesame oil is mix with Turpentine oil 50 to 60 ml and drink. Or
  • Mix 15 grams asafetida in half a liter of warm water and feed it with the pipe.
  • There are home remedies for Afra above given and some medicines should also be kept by the animal keeper so that proper treatment can be done if the doctor does not come on time.
  • Efron, Garlill, Tempol, Tymplax, etc. are the main drugs in anti-bloats which should be given to the animal only on the advice of the doctor.

Symptoms and Causes of Afra disease in animals

Symptoms and Causes of Afra disease in animals
  • The animal has difficulty breathing, excess belly of the animal, Lie down on the ground feet and tossing, animal do not chew and stop feeding and drink water, increases pulse speed but the normal temperature is the main symptom of Afra.
  • The condition of the animal becomes severe due to Afra, sometimes leading to death.
  • Barsim, oats, and other juicy green fodder, especially when it is wet, cause Afra.
  • Eating more quantities of wheat, maize grains makes Afra because they contain more starch.
  • Eating too much raw fodder in the rainy season, not getting the proper temperature in summer days and causing digestive disturbances and unfavorable indigestion, drinking water immediately after feeding, etc reasons are for Afra.