tongue: [noun] a fleshy movable muscular process of the floor of the mouths of most vertebrates that bears sensory end organs and small glands and functions especially in taking and swallowing food and in humans as a speech organ. phrases. Find out what connects these two synonyms. Language, Speech, Idiom, Dialect, Patois. Lists. Therefore, the name glossopharyngeus refers to the muscle arising from the tongue and inserting in the pharynx. tongue wagon tongue and tongue neap wagon tongue and neap nib wagon tongue and nib disselboom wagon tongue and disselboom Share this picture Filters If you know synonyms for Wagon tongue, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words. In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tongue-tied, like: aphonic, inarticulate, speechless, at-a-loss-for-words, dumbfounded, nervous, dumb, mute, reserved, silent and bashful. Log in. Understand the difference between Lingual and Tongue. What is a tongue twister also know as? Synonyms bantering humourous facetious 3. tongue noun. What is another word for tongue? For the one speaking in a tongue does not speak to people but to God, for no one understands; he is speaking mysteries by the Spirit. GOD'S WORD Translation Synonyms for Tongue (other words and phrases for Tongue). noun Synonyms of tongue the stock of words, pronunciation, and grammar used by a people as their basic means of communication he spoke in a tongue that I didn't understand Synonyms for tongue language, lingo, mother tongue, speech, vocabulary See the Dictionary Definition WORD OF THE DAY transmogrify See Definitions and Examples Full list of synonyms for Tongue-wagging is here. the synonyms of "tongue" are: spit, clapper, glossa, lingua, knife, natural language, manner of speaking, way of speaking, manner of talking, way of talking, form of expression, mode of expression, choice of words, language, dialect, patois, vernacular, mother tongue, native tongue, jargon, argot, cant, pidgin, creole, lingua franca, promontory, Plural for used in reference to a person's style or manner of speaking Plural for a stroke or touch with one's tongue more Noun Plural for a particular language language speech dialects lingos vernaculars argots patois parlance cant creoles idioms jargon mother tongues pidgin talks utterances vocabulary articulation patters voices discourse Slang words continue after advertisement. Wagon tongue synonyms What is another word for Wagon tongue? Gab, palaver, chat, talk. a part of various invertebrate animals that is analogous to the tongue. Synonyms for Tongue. synonyms. speech language, words language words, communication dialect language, words vernacular language, native language lingo language patois language, common speech parlance speech, conversation idiom mother tongue common speech utterance speech argot common speech lingua talk voice speech, words clapper The prefix gloss- and the suffix -glossus are commonly used with reference to the tongue. Tongue-tied Sentence Examples Many guys are very shy around girls and easily get tongue-tied. Understand the difference between Thump and Tongue. words. In this page you can discover 55 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tongue, like: organ of taste, lingua, langue, muscle, blabber, words, mouth, vernacular, clapper, nose and chin. Here are the synonyms for tongue , a list of similar words for tongue from our thesaurus that you can use Noun metal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the side Synonyms clapper tongue More generic striker Related bell Noun the flap of material under the laces of a shoe or boot Synonyms tongue More generic flap Related View complete answer on . WORDS RELATED TO TONGUE French kiss nounkiss with tongue inserted in partner's mouth deep kiss soul kiss tongue cape nounpromontory into water arm beak bill chersonese finger foreland head headland jetty jutty mole naze neck ness peninsula point tongue dialect nounlocal speech accent argot cant idiom jargon language lingo localism patois patter 21 Tongue-wagging synonyms. Synonyms for TONGUE-TIED: incoherent, incomprehensible, inarticulate, mute, speechless, voiceless, closemouthed, laconic; Antonyms for TONGUE-TIED: blabby, chatty . What is another word for tongue? Synonyms natural language Khoisan language Afroasiatic language Eskimo-Aleut language Munda-Mon-Khmer Eskimo-Aleut Caucasian 2. tongue-in-cheek adjective. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. definitions. Tongue twister is the common word to describe a sentence with words that have. thesaurus. Find another word for tongue. cleverly amusing in tone. What are another words for Tongue-wagging? 829 other terms for tongue- words and phrases with similar meaning. tongue 3 letter words bar jaw lap lip rod tip tongue 4 letter words apex back bell bill blow boob cape fife flap gong gust head hook lick lips mark mold mull naze ness odor pipe pole rail rate reef salt slip sour spit spur stem talk tang toot wind word sentences. Find 20 ways to say TONGUE-TIED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. loquacious, talkative, verbose unfaltering, unhesitating Near Antonyms for silver-tongued faltering, halting, hesitant, maundering, mumbling, muttering, sputtering, stammering, stumbling, stuttering mute, speechless, tongueless, tongue-tied, voiceless Antonyms for silver-tongued inarticulate, ineloquent, unvocal See the Dictionary Definition Need from our that you can use instead. The words Lingual and Tongue might have synonymous (similar) meaning. Similar words for Wagon tongue. Tongue synonyms What is another word for Tongue? nouns. muzzle make or be quiet, silence muffle silence, make or be quiet suppress make or be quiet, gag quell make or be quiet, silence gag make or be quiet, silence stifle gag, silence squelch gag cut off quieten gag subdue mute hush gag lull still quash deaden dull clam quiet shush extinguish cut short dumb hush-hush On the other hand, tongue & groove refer to a type of paneling that can be made with different types of materials to form a protrusion (the tongue ) and an indentation (the groove ) where the. Parts of speech. The words Thump and Tongue might have synonymous (similar) meaning. Noun A verbal rebuke, often severe castigation scolding tongue-lashing upbraiding reprimand criticism censure rebuke admonition reproach reproof admonishment condemnation lecture lambasting reproval denunciation tirade obloquy dressing-down berating diatribe telling-off remonstration harangue wigging chiding invective abuse blast more Verb ['t'] a human written or spoken language used by a community; opposed to e.g. verbs. Contexts Noun A particular language Used in reference to a person's style or manner of speaking A stroke or touch with one's tongue more Noun A particular language language speech dialect lingo vernacular argot patois parlance cant creole idiom jargon mother tongue The Greek word for tongue is (glossa) and i think you are looking for the word glossology meaning 'the sum of knowledge regarding the tongue' and also its another term for linguistics.. Similarly, the name hyoglossus speaks of a muscle originating at the hyoid bone and inserting in the tongue. antonyms. Hong Kong Soundtrack from fan-favorite composer Jon Everist, and a 125-page Art of Shadowrun: Hong Kong PDF showcasing a wide variety . Find another word for tongue-in-cheek.In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tongue-in-cheek, like: facetious, jokingly, bantering, unseriousness, in fun, in-jest, satirical, self-deprecate, crossed-fingers, irony and kiddingly. What is another word for Tongue-tie? In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for mother-tongue, like: language, parent language, native language, first-language, home-language, native speech, dialect, native-tongue, ideolect, sylheti and second-language. Aramaic Bible in Plain English For whoever speaks in languages does not speak to men, but he is speaking to God, for no man understands what he speaks, but by The Spirit he speaks mysteries. Find out what connects these two synonyms. a computer language. Unable to express oneself clearly or fluently dumb dumbstruck inarticulate mute speechless struck dumb mum UK silent voiceless wordless aghast amazed astounded awkward bashful dazed dumbfounded dumbstricken embarrassed garbled mom US mumchance obmutescent shocked shy stammering timid uncommunicative lost for words at a loss for words A long or complicated word or phrase that is difficult to say Noun A mistake in speech slip of the tongue error Freudian slip gaffe misspeaking lapsus linguae mistake slip of the pen solecism spoonerism sus linguae blunder boob howler slip lapsus calami lapse oversight fault clanger goof inaccuracy misstep boo-boo bloomer blooper slip-up gaff tossing salad tpyo tmn it might have been tpnfb nrop mitchael swear word 84 nsfw swear word tuma batty wash smooch tongueing profanity :p nsfw shania frigit xp anal tongue dart nicolas lick master disgusting colombian necktie profane =p mud shovel earlingus tongue punching the dirt star gleek shamwow . 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