Merit Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science (MRJASSS) (ISSN: 2350-2274) (Impact Factor Value of 0.613) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with reputable academics and experts as members of its Editorial Board. Download data. The journal describes the latest research and developments in the area of Life Sciences. Author Guidelines . TJPRC publishes articles (quarterly) in all subject areas of Agricultural and Environmental sciences. Plant Breeding. Current Agriculture Research Journal is an open access, international, scholarly peer-reviewed research journal which publishes original research after double-blind peer review. National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan Telephone: +92-51-9255028. (Fabaceae) by wild bees and honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and its impact on the seed . BMJ-British Medical Journal 10. The purpose of this research was to investigate collaboration between agricultural science teachers and Extension agents in Texas from the perspective of successful collaboration. Research Journal Impact Factor. IJRAS is an international academic online journal which gains a foothold in India, Asia . Before moving forward, it is essential to know about the necessary information about the impact factor. Publication Fee: $49. Animal Husbandry. ISSN 2384-731x The Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research (JACR) is a monthly, peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in English, in all areas of agriculture and crop sciences. 2022, 10(2), 51-59. Impact Factor. Food Technology, Plant Pathology. *2021 Journal impact factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2019 and 2020 with the number of times they are cited in 2021 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database . Special Issues devoted to important topics agriculture and life sciences will occasionally be published. The Researcher can share their systematic research activity with the Natural world or the young professionals. The focus is to publish quality papers on state-of-the-art of Agriculture. African Journal of Agricultural Research. Agricultural Research IS is increased by a factor of 0.74 and approximate percentage change is 74.75% when compared to preceding year 2020, which shows a rising trend. . Agricultural Research Journal is a flagship research publication of Punjab Agricultural University (, a premier agricultural institute of Asia, which is managed by government funds. VETERINARY SCIENCE RESEARCH JOURNAL : RASHTRIYA KRISHI (English) RASHTRIYA KRISHI (Hindi) . The journal covers topics related to crop and animal systems, land use, agronomy, forestry and biodiversity. Agricultural Research Editorial board Aims & scope The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), established in 1990, is among the youngest of the Science Academies in India. welcome to the home of the international journal of agricultural science research (issn 2327-3321) impact factor (uif) (0.5833) where we bring the highest quality research to the widest possible audience as well as provide authors with excellent level of services, including licenses which allow their research works to be as widely disseminated as It aims to promote the research in the feild of agriculture. Total Citations in 2020 and 2021 = 500. Instant paper submission. Display journals with at least. Journal name. Impact Factor (JCC) : ---. Description : Agricultural Science Digest is an organ of the Agricultural Research Communication Centre and is a peer reviewed/Refereed journal.It provides a forum for the scientific community to publish original research notes/short communication for quick dissemination of latest research findings on plant and soil science and to open new grounds for further research. Agricultural Mechanization. Annals of Agricultural Sciences (AOAS) is the official journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University. Abbreviation: Afr. 2021 JIF. Oviposition period was found to be as double (12.5 days) and incubation period as half (2.5 days) in May-June than in March-April. The journal welcomes full length research articles, reviews, short communications, perspectives, and commentaries from researchers in academic View full aims & scope Insights $1890* indian journal of agricultural sciences Impact Factor 2021-2022 Impact Factor (IF) or journal impact factor (JIF) is a measure of the number of times an average paper in a journal is cited, during a year. About the Journal Agricultural and Food Science . Acceptable papers must be of international interest and have a northern dimension. LANCET 3. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Animal Science ISSN : 2321 - 9459. Journal Rankings on Agricultural and Biological Sciences. World Journal of Agricultural Research. What is a good impact factor? Editorial Board . Impact Factor ; Global Impact Factor, Australia : 1.501; Scientific . Top 20 journals with high impact factor 1. It was renamed to its present name during 2015 International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science: ISSN: Online ISSN : 2664-8458, Print ISSN : 2664-844X: Publication Start Year: 2019: Website: www . However, successful collaboration ultimately rests upon the commitment of individuals . Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research (ChileanJAR) is the scientific journal of the Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile, published quarterly in English . Check Paper Status . RJ Factor: 2.41. Submitted papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Journal and Association. NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY 8. The Agricultural Science Research Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access online journal publishing research articles in all areas of Agriculture and related areas. Global Journal of Agricultural Research is a peer-reviewed journal published by the European Centre for Research, Training and Development (ECRTD), UK. Agricultural Research Communication Centre Journals are one of the best online open access journal site in the field of publishing research articles in Agricultural, animal, dairy, food, home, legume Research Journals on a Global platform. Impact factor data has a strong influence on the scientific community, affecting decisions on where to publish, whom to promote or hire, the success of grant applications, and even salary bonuses. Impact Factor ; Global Impact Factor, Australia : 1.412; Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF), . . NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 4. Hort. Date: September 14, 2022. agricultural wastes distillation furfural . The journal welcomes submissions from the research community where emphasis will be placed on the novelty and the practical significance of the published findings. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences: An International Journal is a bi-monthly peer reviewed research Journal, published by the Center for Advanced Research in Agricultural Sciences, devoted to the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge covering all disciplines related to agricultural sciences. Call For . JASR publishes articles in all subject areas of Agricultural and Environmental sciences. The impact factor is calculated by dividing the number of times the articles are cited in the last two years by the total number of publications in those two years. The main research topics disseminated in this academic venue are Agronomy, Animal science, Horticulture, Botany and Dry matter. The Agrotechnology is an academic journal - hosted by OMICS International- a pioneer in open access publishing- a broad-based journal was founded on two key tenets: To publish the most exciting researches with respect to the subject of Agrotechnology. International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, monthly and fully refereed journal focusing on empirical and theoretical aspects of Life Sciences. AOAS is an open access peer-reviewed journal publishing original research articles and review articles on experimental and modelling research at laboratory, field, farm, landscape, and industrial levels.AOAS aims to maximize the quality of the agricultural sector across the globe . . Agricultural Extension. It was earlier named as Journal of Research PAU which was started in 1964. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (JASR) is a double blind peer-reviewed, open access journal that is published by International Research Journals. This ensures your article will be immediately and permanently free to access by everyone. Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals. Crop Res. Scopus Provides SJR and SNIP (alternative measures of journal impact). 194. The average duration of incubation, larval and pupal stage was 3. . It is one of the most widespread and widely recognizable insect orders in the . JIF Quartile. CA-A CANCER JOURNAL FOR CLINICIANS 2. It owes its origin to the vision of the late Dr. B. P. Pal, FRS. It has been renamed as 'Agricultural Research Journal' since 2015. Agroecology in Latin American countries can be used as . (3years) Citable Docs. News Updates. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts . This factor is used for evaluating the prestige of journals. The journal publishes high quality articles from all areas of Life Sciences. The publication policy for Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences is to publish novel innovative articles that have been rigorously reviewed by competent academic experts. search. Sciences. Agricultural Economics. This journal was started in the year 1964 as Journal of Research PAU. Research Journal Impact Factor (RJIF) provides quantitative and qualitative tool for ranking, evaluating and categorizing the journals for academic evaluation and excellence. Impact Factor: .427 (2022) E-ISSN: 0976-0555; SJR: .282 (2022) Q3; . Rank by Journal Impact factor 2021: 37/59 (Agriculture . Information. Science and Education Publishing, publisher of open access journals in the scientific, technical and medical fields. The journal also publishes book reviews, letters, and guest editorials. INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING . Agriculture Journal and Environmental Journal: IJOEAR (ISSN: 2454-1850) is an open access peer reviewed monthly based international Journal. Request PDF | On Oct 23, 2022, Himayatullah Khan published Himayatullah, S. Parveen, and M. Ahmad (1989) "Factors Related to Low Chickpea Productivity in Rainfed Bannu: Results from a Farm Level . . 2* Most Read Articles Indian . The journal welcomes submissions specialising in molecular biology that also include an element of agriculture or agricultural application, and submissions on integrated crop-livestock systems. 2 g/kg, varying widely with a variety of land management and agricultural practices . Res. Citable Docs. Agricultural Research Impact Score 2021-2022 The impact score (IS) 2021 of Agricultural Research is 1.73, which is computed in 2022 as per its definition. Programs, leaders, and participants in both agricultural education and Extension can be impacted positively through collaboration. Due to large number of application please allow us time to update your journal. The Journal working on the behavior of strong plagiarism policy for publication of research . The Journal also helps to promote the young researcher to write their research with the help of our experienced board . Impact Factor of the Journal in 2022 = 500/100 = 5. Published since 1954 (by 1999 under the title Zemdlsk technika) The journal is administered by an international Editorial Board. Merit Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science (MRJASSS) is designed for the prompt . Visitors Counter 1000489 Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences An International Journal Publication Language English Publisher Centre for Advanced Research in Agricultural Sciences P-ISSN 0976-1675 E-ISSN 2249-4538 Discipline Science Subject Agricultural and Biological Science (All), Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (all) Focus Subject NATURE REVIEWS DRUG DISCOVERY 7. Total Number of Publications in 2020 and 2021 = 100. Case Reports, Short Surveys, Data articles, Replication Studies and . . Institute for Information Resources. Submit Paper. Agricultural Sciences. DOI: 10.12691/wjar-10-2-3 Pub. Request for Updated Impact Factor indian journal of agricultural sciences Impact Factor Year Wise 0.0 0.5 1.0 Year Impact Factor Agriculture Journal and Environmental Journal: IJOEAR (ISSN: 2454-1850) is an open access peer reviewed monthly based international Journal working on the behavior of strong plagiarism policy for publication of research article.
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