a vast expanse or quantity: an ocean of grass. They Are Billions is a strategy game in a distant future about building and managing human colonies after a zombie apocalypse destroyed almost all of human kind. abyssal - lost at sea - ocean - oceanic - offshore drilling - pelagic - sea creature - sea life - sea turtle - sea view - seabed - seafloor - seascape - seawater - undersea - undertow Franais : . What's the Frenchword for ocean? it's a drop in the ocean (=insignificant amount) c'est une goutte d'eau dans l'ocan bottom of the ocean Cur Ocan / Cur d'Ocan colonisant l'origine l'ocean atlantique-nord ct ocan dans l'Ocean Indien de l'autre ct de l'ocan dchirure de l'ocan direct access to the ocean drag into the ocean empty the ocean with a teaspoon entre terre et ocan exclusive route (on ocean) Face the Ocean This name is of Japanese origin and means "sea" or "ocean.". Earth ocean zonation When viewed from space, the predominance of Earth's oceans is readily apparent. The site offers two English-French dictionaries: The WordReference English-French Dictionary is a living, growing dictionary. 2. any of the geographical divisions of this body, commonly given as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic oceans. COM OCM organisation commune. wordreference. J'ai besoin d'une carte nautique pour naviguer sur l'ocan. 1. the vast body of salt water that covers almost three-fourths of the earth's surface. Formes composes: Anglais: Franais: a drop in the ocean (UK), a drop in the bucket (US) n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. See more. dans un ocan. Now there are only a few thousand humans left alive that must struggle to survive under the threat of the infection. . After graduating from France's naval academy in 1933, he was commissioned a second lieutenant. (= sea) ocan m the seas and oceans of the world les mers et ocans du monde I went down to the ocean and took a swim. How to Say Ocean in French. Saying ocean in European Languages. more_vert. Billions of infected roam around the world in. What are the oceans names? It contains over 94151 terms and 224708 translations in both English and French and continues to grow and improve. 3. a vast expanse or quantity: an ocean of grass. The ocean represents the fickleness of being tossed by fate. it's a drop in the ocean (= insignificant amount) c'est une goutte d'eau dans l'ocan 2. Le sable - the sand. The plane is flying over the ocean. What do you say ocean in french? Je suis all jusqu' l'ocan et j'ai nag. French Translation ocan More French words for ocean ocannoun sea ocaniques ocean Find more words! (figurative) The blues span an ocean of styles. Une plage de galets - a round pebble beach. Aussi assoiffs que des poissons dans l'ocan. en plein ocan. WordReference est un dictionnaire de traduction en ligne disponible pour les paires de langues suivantes (parmi d'autres) : anglais-franais . ocan m (plural: ocans m. I need a nautical chart to sail the ocean. Jacques Cousteau, in full Jacques-Yves Cousteau, (born June 11, 1910, Saint-Andr-de-Cubzac, Francedied June 25, 1997, Paris), French naval officer, ocean explorer, and coinventor of the Aqua-Lung, known for his extensive underseas investigations. Oceanography the vast body of salt water that covers almost three fourths of the earth's surface. Une plage de sable - a sand beach. Une dune de sable - a sand dune. Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [P.91]. Drunker than fish in the ocean. com. Here's how you say it. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary. NOTE: Requires internet access. Ex : fille - nf > On dira "la fille" ou "une fille". more_vert. Application de la dclaration faisant de l'ocan Indien une zone de paix (P.90). Un banc de sable - a sand banc, a temporary island. Une crique - a little beach between clifs. In French-English, thousands more terms that . This feminine name used in the Western culture is a derivative of the Latin word "maris," meaning "of the sea.". French conjugator Italian conjugator Synonyms: English and Spanish Forums contain over 3 million questions and answers about English and translation. dans l'ocan dans la mer de l'ocan dans les ocans en mer sur l'ocan la mer dans l'eau. WordReference is often misspelled as "Word Reference" in searches. Jibbigo - The Best Spoken Translation App. 70. Une baie - a bay. Suggest an example. Barotrauma largely takes place inside submarines submerged beneath Europa's ocean. English French Contextual examples of "global ocean" in French. Categories: Ecology and Environment. However, his plans to become a navy pilot were . These dictionaries continue to grow and improve as well. ocean [n ] noun 1. [1250-1300; Middle English (< Old French) < Latin < Greek keans Oceanus] Because he disappeared in the ocean. ocean n a [vast, huge, massive, tropical, subtropical] ocean the [Pacific, Indian, Atlantic] ocean [go for, have, take] a [swim, dip, paddle] in the ocean [swimming, paddling, surfing] in the ocean [cross, sail, navigate] the ocean [drifted, floated] out into the ocean am lost in the middle of the ocean can hear the ocean in this (sea) shell ocan translate: ocean, ocean, ocean. Ocean definition, any part of or the entirety of salt water that covers more than 70 percent of the earth's surface: Most of her adult life had been spent on the ocean, first on a fishing boat, then in the navy, now as a marine biologist. Je suis all jusqu' l'ocan et j'ai nag. This is the translation of the word "ocean" to over 100 other languages. ocean, continuous body of salt water that is contained in enormous basins on Earth's surface. The French dictionary has over 250,000 translations and the Italian dictionary has nearly 200,000. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable . Translation of ocean - English-French dictionary ocean noun / on/ the large bodies of salt water on the earth ocan [ masculine ] the sound of the ocean le bruit de l'ocan fish that live in the ocean les poissons qui vivent dans l'ocan ocean currents/beaches courants/plages ocaniques [ countable ] one of the five regions of the ocean Greek keans, keans WordReference is an online translation dictionary for, among others, the language pairs English-French, English-Italian, English-Spanish, French-Spanish, Spanish-Portuguese and English-Portuguese. Translation of "in the ocean" in French. UK, figurative, informal (amount: trivial) (figur): une goutte d'eau (dans la mer, dans l'ocan) nf nom fminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". L'ocan reprsente les vagues du destin. Translation of "ocan" in English Noun ocean sea coast bucket oceanic water l'ocan oceanfront pond seabed seafloor waves Diffrents bateaux naviguent sur cet ocan. L'avion vole au-dessus de l'ocan. Online-Translator: The Best Topical Translation App. WordReference has two of its own dictionaries plus those of Collins. There are various boats that sail upon the ocean. FluentU: The Best Contextual Word and Phrase Translation App. sea See Also in English sea turtle noun tortue de mer by the sea par la mer in the sea dans la mer sea level noun niveau de la mer sea food noun fruit de mer, fruits de mer sea lion noun lion de mer, otarie sea bass loup de mer bottom of the ocean Cur Ocan / Cur d'Ocan colonisant l'origine l'ocean atlantique-nord ct ocan dans l'Ocean Indien de l'autre ct de l'ocan dchirure de l'ocan direct access to the ocean drag into the ocean empty the ocean with a teaspoon entre terre et ocan exclusive route (on ocean) Face the Ocean Maurea. Le restaurateur doit faire preuve de transparence et de franchise envers le propritaire afin que l'un et l'autre comprennent bien les risques assums et les responsabilits de chacun, et afin de s'assurer que l'entente contracte entre les deux parties reflte fidlement les dcisions prises en commun ainsi que des attentes ralistes. t o help you learn french, reverso offers a comprehensive english-french dictionary featuring: a general dictionary of commonly used words and expressions; specialized terms especially useful for people carrying out professional translations from english to french, and french translations of thousands of english words and expressions added by our. About This Game. Ocean in French is "Ocean, or you can use Sea in French "Mer". Google Translation - The Best General Translation App. 69. Here is the translation and the French word for ocean: Translation of "the ocean" in French Noun ocanm merfeauplageeauxShow more Other translations Suggestions the indian ocean1983 the atlantic ocean985 the pacific ocean814 ocean affairs and the law603 the division for ocean affairs408 the ocean floor385 the arctic ocean321 the indian ocean tsunami294 the bottom of the ocean214 across the ocean170 If you don't find what you are looking for in any of the dictionaries, search or ask in the forums. WordReference. Translate Me: The Best English-French-English Translation App. Look through examples of OCEAN translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Translation of "ocean" in French Noun Adjective ocan m mer f large m ocanique maritime marin ocane ocanographique sur l'ocan Atlantique Show more And this whole process is called ocean acidification. Oceanography any of the geographical divisions of this body, commonly given as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic oceans. The oceans and their marginal seas cover nearly 71 percent of Earth's surface, with an average depth of 3,688 metres (12,100 feet). La plage - the beach. This name refers to a seashell and is a gorgeous name for a baby girl. Your questions have already been answered. l'ocan. Une falaise - a cliff. Translation of "wordreference com" in French. More French words for sea la mer noun water, blue ocan noun ocean de mer adjective sea, saltwater Find more words! bottom of the ocean Cur Ocan / Cur d'Ocan colonisant l'origine l'ocean atlantique-nord ct ocan dans l'Ocean Indien de l'autre ct de l'ocan dchirure de l'ocan direct access to the ocean drag into the ocean empty the ocean with a teaspoon entre terre et ocan exclusive route (on ocean) Face the Ocean Marin. French: ocan Edit: Frisian: oseaan Edit: Galician: ocano Edit: German: Ozean Edit: Greek: [okeans] Edit: Hungarian: cen Edit: Icelandic: Haf If you want to know how to say ocean in French, you will find the translation here. Marissa. Welcome to the English-French Dictionary on WordReference. We hope this will help you to understand French better. Check 'OCEAN' translations into French. The names of oceans are: Atlantic ocean, Pacific ocean,. Et ce processus est appel l'acidification de l'ocan. ocean n (=sea) ocan m the seas and oceans of the world les mers et ocans du monde I went down to the ocean and took a swim. dans cet ocan. Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [P.90]. Saying ocean in Asian Languages. Translation of ocean - English-French dictionary ocean noun / on/ the large bodies of salt water on the earth ocan [ masculine ] the sound of the ocean le bruit de l'ocan fish that live in the ocean les poissons qui vivent dans l'ocan ocean currents/beaches courants/plages ocaniques [ countable ] one of the five regions of the ocean
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