A modern language degree is not just about learning a new language - though of course attaining a high level of fluency is one of the goals. Alternatively, choose language modules as part of our flexible Open degree. UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES. The maturity and skills breadth gained from a modern languages degree will make you attractive to a variety of employers, including international organisations and businesses where fluency in a modern language and a good knowledge of foreign institutions and customs are extremely useful. Contact the . For more than a century, we have offered applied studies in foreign languages that are designed to develop advanced communication skills and professional competency in the language. After successful completion of this programme, you will receive a legally accredited master's degree in Linguistics, with a specialization in Modern . Dealing with foreign affairs, serving abroad as a diplomat . provide mentorship to student-teachers of the College. In addition to major programs in French, German, and Spanish, the Department of Modern Languages department offers courses in the following languages, according to demand. UTSA's Modern Language Studies degree provides the opportunity to study the various cultural aspects of a language area and is available in French, German, Japanese and Russian. Physical Location: Auraria Campus Plaza Building Suite 118. Our top-level faculty are recognized for their excellence in . Interpreters and translators are two of the fastest growing occupations in the United States, and job candidates who speak multiple languages are highly valued in today's multicultural workplace. It is about providing a solid scientific training in language, literature and culture to . The degree in Modern Languages responds to the transformations of an ever more multilingual and multicultural society, which requires university graduates capable of communicating in two or more modern languages, and who can analyse and interpret their different textual and sociocultural manifestations. hello everyone!! Chinese. The problem with a degree in languages in the United States (and I have one) is that you are forced to take around 120 credit hours, which translates into around 40 classes. The curriculum aims to develop skills, knowledge and awareness within these cultures and prepares you to address the growing demands brought by globalization. in Spanish. In the exceptional circumstance of a student who has already declared a first major in another department with the intent of earning a B.S. This . Students entering Modern Languages - Russian take a placement exam to determine the level of and number of required Russian courses. Modern Languages is the study of two or more languages and their histories, societies, politics and cultures. Many programs will require students to study courses which develop their understanding of past and present cultures relating to the country (or countries) in which the language of study is spoken. T he Department of Modern Languages and Literatures offers language courses in French, German, and Spanish on the elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels, as well as literature and civilization courses, to accommodate students majoring in other fields, and in particular: (1) those who, as part of their liberal arts education, wish to acquaint themselves with the literature and worlds of . You could teach the language you learned during your degree to students of any age, or teach your native tongue to speakers of another language. Knowing another language is an invaluable skill in our increasingly interconnected world. the European Union, the United Nations) or an internationally-focused government ministry (eg. Availability. The language degree in applied modern language and culture is a distinctive, dynamic foreign language degree in which you'll study Chinese, French, Japanese, or Spanish. Focusing on the development of your language skills in your chosen languages, you'll graduate with an appreciation for other cultures and multilingual skills sought by employers. A Modern Languages undergraduate degree will provide you with a broader understanding of the culture of your chosen language with exposure to historical, literary, and social artifacts of that culture. One the main attractions of a modern foreign languages degree is the opportunity to study or work abroad. The Department fosters the intellectual advancement of its teaching faculty by enabling the pursuit of scholarly goals. Call MODL Office. B.A. . . The Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics offers a variety of courses and degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels in Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Linguistics. lead and participate in discussions and groups. History & Modern Languages. The entry requirements combine the tests and written works required for the modern languages degree and the history degree. Discover more about our Modern Languages degree at Warwick. This statement is reflected in our graduate employability figures produced by HESA (Higher Education Statistics Authority), where 95% of our graduates (latest data 2018) entered work at professional level. From the moment you step foot into our classrooms, you'll be a part of diversified field experiences that will sharpen your skills. A very popular option among linguists is the idea of working for an international institution (eg. Our departmental philosophy is to ensure . Our 2022 Best Modern Languages Schools ranking analyzes 98 of these schools to determine the best overall colleges for modern languages students. Clemson offers a degree in modern languages where you focus on one of seven crucial languages American Sign Language, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. In fact, 90% of U.S. employers report a reliance on U.S . Our BA (Hons) Modern Languages course gives you the chance to study two languages - with an . Translator. I hope the negativity in this video doesn't ruin your day ahahaI wanted to give my honest opinion because choosing a degree is such a daunti. Our faculty have designed a robust regimen of coursework to improve students' speaking . Learn more about our diverse community here. The modern language degree programs at Sinclair focus on French, German and Spanish. The modern languages program believes that an intimate study in a foreign language degree enhances the way we see our world and its creator. In office Monday 9:00am-4:00pm and remote Tuesday through Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm The Department of Modern Languages prepares 21st-century Global Citizens. A Modern Languages Degree helps you develop a deeper understanding of foreign cultures through the study of languages, linguistics, literature and civilizations. Our programs helps you to foster the valuable skill of critical thinking. The Department of Modern Languages and Classics provides instruction and degree programs in French and Spanish. Contact Schools Directly - Compare 19 Master's Programs in Modern Languages 2022/2023. The Doctor of Modern Languages (DML) prepares teacher-scholars in two modern foreign languages. No matter what you choose to study, modern language fluency is a tool valuable to you as an individual and job seeker. The required 6 hours may be met by courses satisfying other areas of a degree program. the Foreign & Commonwealth Office or the Department for International Development in the UK). The School of Modern Languages is a national leader in the study of cultures, languages, linguistics, and media. 817-272-3161 . With NWU Modern Languages, you can prepare for career success by diving into the language you love and exploring more of your world. The Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics. We champion Georgia Tech's mission of "creating . Have a passion for language learning, looking to study multiple languages within a flexible degree structure? The program is designed with language fluency in mind. . - . You can include French, German, Spanish and/or the study of the English language. Import/export companies United Nations . Japanese. Recent graduates have entered careers in translation . High-achieving . Middlebury's intent in the design of the DML program is to provide an alternative to the Ph.D. that retains the traditional focus on depth in research while meeting the special needs of language teachers and administrators for competence in the areas of second language acquisition, literature . Entrance is very competitive and most successful applicants have a high first-class degree or the equivalent. 1441, 1442, 2313, 2314, or equivalent; plus 27 hours at 3000/4000 level in the major language . Modern Languages have been taught in Oxford since 1724. Modern Languages at Hampden-Sydney College. in French, and the Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) degree, a student may submit a petition to the Department of Modern Languages seeking permission to declare a second major in Modern Language Studies for a B.S. An essential prerequisite for future students is a predisposition and enthusiasm to learn and perfect their linguistic-communicative skills in various languages. You can pursue your interests in many areas - from Italian Renaissance art to contemporary Brazilian cinema and medieval German folk tales to socialist realism in Stalin . Choose a major in modern language studies with concentrations in French, German, Japanese and Spanish . Once you graduate from CNM, you can transfer your Modern Languages degree from CNM to a four-year university. This rigorous program will prepare you for a wide range of careers in the international arena, as well as for a variety of graduate programs. Students can also take courses in Arabic, [] Language majors can apply keen communication skills and empathy to help students succeed, or they can use their knowledge of writing, language arts, history, English or a foreign language to help a student in one or more of those subjects. The Department of Modern Languages and Classics teaches skills that are transferable to hundreds of jobs and industries. Our Modern Languages BA lets you choose one or two from Chinese, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese, with the option of taking a further language as a minor subject - including, Catalan, Chinese (Mandarin), Modern Arabic or Japanese. Student Success Requirement: UNIV 1101 or UNIV 1131 Major. Modern languages degrees typically involve spending a year abroad and this can be an opportunity to find work in a field that interests you and gain relevant . Studying a world language is much like deciphering a code it enables you to closely examine another culture's framework. in modern languages with majors in French, German or Spanish; minors in Chinese, Classical Studies, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, or Spanish translation. At SNC, you can earn a bachelor's degree in French, German, Spanish, or international business and language-area studies. A degree in Modern Languages ensures secure and constant demand for employment after graduation. The undergraduate and graduate programs offered by the Department of Modern Languages help you develop the ability to communicate, converse, understand, read and write another language; gain appreciation of its literature and culture; and become more fully . Campus Box: Campus Box 178 P. O. This qualification, which combines the study of two or more languages, follows the pattern of a firmly established degree in many European countries, making it possible for graduates to compete on . Working abroad in Germany as a student What it's like to study a modern languages degree . Applications for deferred entry may be considered. Undergraduate students have access to the Taylor Institution Library, the biggest research library in Britain devoted to modern languages, and the University . You can also take beginning Mandarin Chinese. and Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) The United States has 279 different schools where you can get a degree in modern languages. Language skills can lead directly into a career in translating, interpreting or teaching, and are also in demand in areas such as hospitality, law, publishing and business services. Master PhD Law . Studying a modern language degree will help you to develop good oral and written communication skills, and will also enable you to: effectively gather, assess and interpret information. Language skills are always in demand. At UNK, you will be given the background necessary to expand your awareness of the interconnectedness of today's world. Your degree title will be BA Three Modern Languages. Your modern language degree could also be very useful in the education sector, including as a teacher. Our program equips individuals to serve Christ in a global community. The entry requirements are the same as for the modern languages degree; you will also need to sit the OLAT (Oriental Languages Aptitude Test). Academic paths within the major. Faculty and Staff Members Facilities Degree Plans and Forms. . The MLAA is a dynamic group of trained teachers of foreign languages which seeks to: assist the department in its efforts to provide world class teaching and learning experiences. You can be a Foreign correspondent Foreign service officer Intelligence specialist Interpreter / Translator International banking officer International relations specialist Linguist Professor / Teacher of Languages Government Agencies (State Dept, Dept of Agriculture, Central Intelligence Agency , etc.) Modern and Medieval Languages (MML) at Cambridge. The communication and written skills you learn over the course of a modern languages degree are also useful if you'd like to go into media as a career. develop opinions and propose ideas. The Cambridge course is hugely flexible and offers a broad and multifaceted approach to the study of language and culture. The School of Advanced Study is the UK's national research hub in the humanities and offers a world-class research environment to our postgraduate students. Majors preparing to teach a modern language should consult the Education Department. Choose from French, German, Italian, Portuguese (for beginners only), Russian, and Spanish. An Open University languages honours degree will develop both your proficiency in modern languages and your knowledge of cultures that speak those languages. Modern languages are studied in universities and colleges and various degrees are awarded in modern languages. Entry requirements range from BBB to AAB, with the universities and colleges most commonly asking for ABB. Put together your ideal combination with our flexible degree. The curriculum in modern languages offers basic and advanced training in the languages, literatures, and cultures of France, Germany, Spain, and Latin America, China, and the Middle East. Choose from Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish. Learn a new language with the Department of Modern Languages in the College of Arts & Sciences. You can choose to study up to three languages from a choice of: This represents a 4.9% increase in modern languages degrees awarded over the prior year's total of 2,923. Languages considered for a degree in modern language are French, Spanish, German, English, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and Japanese. . In addition to learning to communicate effectively in another language, students gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of other . The Modern Languages programme is aimed at students who are interested in Chinese Linguistics, English Linguistics, French Linguistics, German Linguistics or Italian Linguistics. You would usually spend a year studying or working abroad, boosting your skills . A modern languages degree offers you the ability to experience the world, whether you choose to stay close to home or pursue a career abroad. You'll develop your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills and may even have the chance to learn another language like Arabic or Mandarin at beginner level. You may also pursue language-based minors in: Plus, you may complete a certificate in French, German, Japanese or Spanish that demonstrates intermediate-level proficiency. The Department of Modern Languages offers advanced study in French, Chinese, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Latin, as well as opportunities to study classical Greek and Hebrew. Prepare yourself for success in this truly global age, by learning two (or even three) modern languages - opening the doors to a world of opportunities for your future. At the end of that long academic road you'll find a job as Professor of Linguistics, Research Fellow in Turkic Languages or any number of other titles at universities, think . Not only does a modern foreign languages degree encourage the disciplined study of the target language, but it also promotes the development of oral, written, research, and editing skills. If applying for English or a modern foreign language such as French, Spanish or German you will normally require an A level in the target subject, with some universities specifying a . Most degrees will also cover the history, politics, literature and film of the country associated with the chosen language. If you study Spanish and Portuguese, you have the option of adding Catalan in the second year for a degree called BA Hispanic Studies. Degree-level competence in at least one modern language is a requirement for admission. As an entry requirement, a B2 level of communicative competence in English in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is recommended. Korean. More than learning how to speak and write a language, modern language majors gain an understanding of language as a system and its function within a social context while also learning about the culture, media, and . You'll need to gain a postgraduate qualification in teaching . Biblical Greek. organise your workload to meet deadlines. 209 Student Services Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-0200 Call One Stop: 865-974-1111 Email One Stop: onestop@utk.edu 9. See your academic advisor for further information. To earn the degree, students must complete 180 quarter credits, including general education requirements. The courses are designed to enable students to learn to speak and understand, read, and write a foreign language with an acceptable degree of fluency and . All of Northern Arizona University's liberal studies, diversity, junior-level writing, and capstone requirements. Find. Foreign Language. Beyond these specialist roles, the degree can also lead to positions in business and finance-related industries, as well as marketing and consultancy. Liberty University's Department of Modern Languages offers several language degrees taught . The University's Language Zone has a range of resources, including text, audio and video resources and provides opportunities to practice your language . Modern language jobs in education. A levels - To get on to a languages related degree, you will usually require at least two A levels. You . The modern languages education degree is designed for you to obtain a dual major in education and your chosen content area ASL, French or Spanish. This four-year Modern Languages BA Honours degree immerses you in the study of foreign culture and society. GLOBAL 2301. Immersion in a variety of experiences will sharpen your . If modern Russian literature is your thing, there's a degree program for that, and if sociolinguistics or dialectology grabs you, there's a program for that as well. To receive a bachelor's degree at Northern Arizona University, you must complete at least 120 units of credit that minimally includes a major, the liberal studies requirements, and university requirements as listed below. The Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures promotes the knowledge and use of languages in an increasingly multilingual and multicultural society. For applicants with a degree from the USA, the minimum GPA sought is 3.75 out of 4.0. The Institute of Modern Languages Research offers doctoral research supervision in the following broad areas: French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese studies Literature Cultural studies There is also a range of comparative and . promote the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Three additional undergraduate majors expand language study: Foreign Language & International Trade, International Studies, and Language, Writing & Linguistics. Exam results may fulfill a maximum of 14 semester credit . According to the 2019 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language's Lead with Languages campaign, 9 out of 10 U.S. employers report a reliance on U.S.-based employees with language skills other than English. You'll also study cultures, societies, film, religions, literatures, histories, politics, economies and international relations and much more to ensure your degree matches your interests. Degree. Latin. foster social relations among past and present students. The Master's Degree Program in Finnish and its Languages is intended for non-native speakers of Finnish and other Finno-Ugric languages who have completed their bachelor's degrees abroad or in Finland. Students interested in a degree in a foreign language can earn a Bachelor of Arts in German or Spanish through Oregon State University, which offers an entirely online bachelor's program. The Modern Humanities Research Association was founded at Cambridge in 1918: after an early change of name to MHRA in 1918, the unincorporated charity became an incorporated company with the same name on 2 October 1997. It prepares you to actively apply your knowledge of language and culture to a technical or professional discipline of your choice, such as science, business, communication . We offer undergraduate majors and minors in these two languages, the Master of Arts (M.A.) Earn an Associate of Arts or certificate and pursue work as a Translator, Tour Guide, and more. National average salary: $54,416 per year. The number of students enrolling on . A Modern Languages degree at Warwick enables you to study two or three languages and cultures. One of these languages can be studied at beginner level. Modern Languages (two thirds of your degree) The range of modules available to you does depend on your chosen languages and the combinations you choose to study. Box 173364 Denver, CO 80217-3364. We studied at L'Universit de Lumire Lyon 2 in . 30 of these will be in math, science, history, African American studies, cooking, ethical treatment of the Ecuadorian meal worm and only around 10-15 classes will be about . Bachelor's Degree in Modern Languages. Degrees prepare you for an international career in a translating- or . Modern Language Degrees. The faculty is one of the largest in the country, with a total intake of more than 250 students a year (including joint courses). The Modern Languages program teaches Spanish and American Sign Language (ASL) proficiency and understanding of culture.
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