Normally, journals with higher impact factors are often deemed to have more influence than those with lower ones. Any impact factor or scientometric indicator alone will not give you the full picture of a science journal. 2384-731x The Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research (JACR) is a monthly, peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in English, in all areas of agriculture and crop sciences. Other titles: JCSB Start year: 2007 Frequency: Four times a yea Country: Korea (South) Language: English Publisher: Seoul, Korea : Korean . Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics | JASAE (ISSN:18158129, E-ISSN:18151027) is an Open Access and peer reviewed Which Aims to Publish High-quality Scientific Articles in the Field journal of agricultural sciences and research, Horticulture, Agriculture and Soil Science, Agronomy; crop science Biology; forestry and forest science, Economics Academic Field: Mathematical . Journal of Advances in Agronomy and Crop science (JACS) is an international open access, scholarly peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality articles in all areas of Agronomy and Crop science, especially current research, new concepts, novel methods and approaches for early detection and reporting new methods on basic and advanced aspects . 2.662 4 . Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science (ISSN: 2581-7167) aims to publish high quality papers ( Click here for Types of paper) on all aspects of Crops. Asian Journal of Crop Science. Abbreviation: J. . Crop Science, the flagship publication of CSSA, is a top international journal in the fields of crop breeding and genetics, crop physiology, and crop production and is a critical outlet for articles describing plant germplasm collections and their use. Philippine Journal of Crop Science Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. For queries related to the journal, please contact full aims & scope Submit your paper The Impact Factor of this journal is 7.241, ranking it 2 out of 59 in Agriculture, Multidisciplinary With this journal indexed in 22 international databases, your published article can be read and cited by researchers worldwide Journal Impact Factor Report 2021 Date: 14th February, 2021. Journal of Horticultural Science and Crop Research (JHSCR) is open access, peer-reviewed journal. Open access Journal of Tropical Crop Science is published as open access. Through this web page, researchers can check the impact factor, total citation, journal quartile and journal aim & scope. The Journal of Crop Science and Technology . A journal impact factor is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field. Each year research scientists have noticed a rise in the number of congresses being held in this field. It has been published in English since 1995. The Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS, abbreviated as Philipp J Crop Sci) publishes original papers on all aspects of crop science and technology, be it in research, instruction, training or extension. The Crop Journal is a bi-monthly, international, peer-reviewed research journal covering all aspects of crop sciences, including crop genetics, breeding, agronomy, crop physiology, germplasm resources, grain chemistry, grain storage and processing, crop management practices, crop biotechnology, View full aims & scope Insights 3.1 weeks Applications are invited for a highly motivated post-doctoral research associate to work on reproductive heat tolerance in legume crops in Dr Natasha friendly group of researchers in the Crop Science Centre at the University of The Crop Science Centre which opened in October 2020 benefits from the diverse skills and expertise of the University of Cambridge and NIAB, providing an environment . The material should not have been previously published elsewhere. Total Citations in 2020 and 2021 = 500 The journal directly addresses emerging issues, new strategies for new needs, and future challenges of crop improvement, production, and seed science, especially those leading to a . Agricultural Economics Agricultural Biodiversity Agricultural Revolution Agricultural Biotechnology Agricultural Food Chemistry Agricultural Accidents 2. Submit Journal for Impact Factor Evaluation Date . three and four years have been cited in the current year. AJCS encourages researchers to submit their valuable manuscripts for rapid publication and also invites editors and reviewers to join editorial team all around the world. The latest impact factorof Crop Journal and all the other SCI journals has been released on 30th June 2022 by Clarivate. Specific topics include: drought, including water-use efficiency, such as salinity, alkaline and acidic stress, extreme temperatures since heat, cold and chilling stress limit the cultivation . ISSN: 0115-463X. Cite Score 2021: 1.2. The journal is published monthly and covers all areas of the subject such as: Sustainable use of plant protection products Agronomic and molecular evaluation of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of lentil Pollen behaviour and fertilization impairment in plants Journal of Advances in Agronomy and Crop Science. It publishes high-quality, novel research on oil-bearing plants such as rapeseed, soybean, peanut, sesame, sunflower, oil flax, View full aims & scope Insights 4.6 weeks Cites per document Year Value; Cites / Doc. It is an honour to be appointed as a member of the editorial board of the high impact factor journal Pest Management Science. 2021 Impact Factor: 0.682The JNSF provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. (4 years) 2009 . Original research papers 2. Review articles 3. Agronomy and Crop Science: 2010: Q4: Agronomy and Crop Science: 2011: Q2: Agronomy and Crop Science: 2012: Q2: Agronomy and Crop Science: . 5-Year Impact factor: 2.856. The impact factor is calculated by dividing the number of times the articles are cited in the last two years by the total number of publications in those two years. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences. Scope. Journal of Plant Sciences and Agricultural Research is an International Open Access peer-reviewed publication that discusses current research and advancements in Plant Biotechnology, Genomics, Proteomics, Biochemistry (including enzymology), Physiology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Functional Plant Breeding, Systems . About the Journal. Description. The impact score (IS) 2021 of Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology is 1.67, which is computed in 2022 as per its definition. Australian Journal of Crop Science is the 4625 th out of 9,726 Life Sciences journals. The latest impact factorof CROP SCIENCE and all the other SCI journals has been released on 30th June 2022 by Clarivate. Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2022): 25/90 (Agronomy) Online ISSN: 1435-0653. Toggle navigation. Home; About Us; Impact Factor; Publishers; Suggest; Contact; Login; Top Publication Journals. AJCS is a fully open access journal and applies Creative Commons Attribution as long as the research work (publication) is acknowledged and cited properly. The impact factor is calculated by dividing the number of times the articles are cited in the last two years by the total number of publications in those two years. I am looking forward to give my contribution to the publishing of advance in pest science. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology IS is increased by a factor of 0.65 and approximate percentage change is 63.73% when compared to preceding year 2020, which shows a rising trend. Publisher: Taylor & Francis. ISSN:1573-5214. This graph shows how the impact factor of Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science is computed. Impact Factor is the most common scientometric index, which is defined by the number of citations of papers in two preceding years divided by the number of papers published in those years. Crop Sci. The journal publishes original papers and reviews on the general and special . It is an honour to be appointed as a member of the editorial board of the high impact factor journal Pest Management Science. The Journal of Crop Improvement provides an international forum to evaluate and review the latest advancements in basic and applied aspects of crop improvement and production, including seed science and technology. Total Citations in 2020 and 2021 = 500 Journal of Plant Sciences and Crop Protection (JPSCP) is an open access journal that considers scientific papers in all areas of Plant Science such as plant diseases and its treatment, paleoethnobotany, genetic modification of plants to achieve optimum productivity, plant protection, integrated pest management, etc. AJCS is an international fully open access peer-reviewed publication that gathers and disseminates fundamental and applied knowledge in almost all area of plant and particularly crop sciences. Crop Science; Journal of Environmental Quality; Journal of Plant Registrations; Natural Sciences Education; The Plant Genome . Manuscript may be a research report, review, lecture, or policy statement. Journal Impact Factor: 2.8*. The objectives of this study were to determine (i) the reaction of Tousan 140 and Hourei to SMV-G1 through G7 strains, (ii) the inheritance of SMV resistance in Tousan 140 and Hourei to strains. Journal of crop science and biotechnology. JCSB publishes novel and advanced original research articles on topics related to the production science of field crops and resource plants, including cropping systems, sustainable agriculture, environmental change, post . Asian Journal of Crop Science is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal publishes the original research on all aspects of crop sciences. The International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences (IJACS) (ISSN: 2227-670X) has the mission to publish original research papers, related to agriculture, animal production, environmental resources, farm economics and related fields, written by researchers from universities and research organizations, which are a real . It publishes original scientific work related to strategic, applied and interdisciplinary studies in all aspects of agricultural science and exploited species, as well as reviews of scientific topics of current agricultural relevance. Scopus coverage years:1988, from 1997 to 2003, from 2005 to 2020. The aim of this scholarly open access journal is to publish the most comprehensive and accurate source of information on discoveries and current developments; and to make them freely available online to scientists, writers and visitors around the world without any limitations or other subscriptions. 2.62 3-year Impact Factor. There are also other factors such as H-Index, Self-Citation Ratio, SJR, SNIP, etc. Agronomy and Crop Science. Crop Journal publishes original research articles in the field of Agronomy and Crop Science, Genetics and Genomics. Plant Breed. By not excluding papers based on novelty, this journal facilitates the research and wishes to publish papers as long as they are technically correct and scientifically motivated. S/IL/24559 - 2004 The Crop and Weed Science Society (CWSS) is an organization of scientists, teachers, students, farmers, corporate and other persons/organizations willing to participate in the development of agriculture and allied fields. The journal for which the Special Issue is intended * A suggested title for the Special Issue * Proposed Aims and Scope * A list of Guest Editors who will join the Lead Guest Editor in managing the Special Issue, including their names, emails, affiliations, and a short biography (one paragraph) of each of the Guest Editors * A proposed timeline and schedule which includes: * Deadline for . No impact factor infomation for this journal. Through this web page, researchers can check the impact factor, total citation, journal quartile and journal aim & scope. I am looking forward to give my contribution to the publishing of advance in pest science. Researchers may also consider the . OIL CROP SCIENCE (OCS) is a quarterly journal sponsored by the Oil Crops Research Institute (OCRI), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) (OCRI-CAAS). According to the database, out of the 12, 298 journals, just 239 titles, or 1.9 percent journals that were tracked by the JCR, impact factor of 10 or higher. Dr. Somasundaram R-October 27, 2022 Business, Economics & Management; Chemical & Material Sciences . Journal of Tropical Crop Science accepts the following types of paper 1. Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics | JASAE (ISSN:18158129, E-ISSN:18151027) is an Open Access and peer reviewed Which Aims to Publish High-quality Scientific Articles in the Field journal of agricultural sciences and research, Horticulture, Agriculture and Soil Science, Agronomy; crop science Biology; forestry and forest science, Economics Academic Field: Mathematical . The Impact Factor of this journal is 3.036, ranking it 22 out of 90 in Agronomy With this journal indexed in 21 international databases, your published article can be read and cited by researchers worldwide View articles CiteScore 4.5 Impact Factor 3.036 Acceptance Rate 15% Top Readership US CN BR Time to First Decision 4 weeks Review Time 6 weeks Since its inception, the CWSS is engaged in the betterment of agriculture and allied sectors. Registration No. The impact score (IS) 2021 of Crop Science is 2.62, which is computed in 2022 as per its definition. The Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science (JPBCS) is a peer reviewed journal. SJR 2021: 0.26. Scopus 2021. ISSN: 1975-9479 (Print) 2005-8276 (Electronic) 1975-9479 (Linking) Impact Factor. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences. . Research on abiotic plant stress and climate change The effects of stress on crop production of agricultural cultivated plants will grow to paramount importance in the 21st century, and the Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science aims to make a contribution to understanding these challenges in narrowing the yield gap. Scope of the journal includes: Crop agronomy, crop molecular biology, production, genetics and breeding, germplasm, crop protection, soil sciences, postharvest systems . Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science publishes original papers and reviews on the general and special science of abiotic plant stress. The Journal of Agricultural Science publishes papers concerned with the advance of agriculture and the use of land resources throughout the world. Impact Factor: information currently not available. Find high impact factor SCI or Scopus indexed journals list, medical image datasets, research ideas, research tools, download the scientific research paper, and learn research methodology.. . Journal of Agricultural & Crop Sciences: Open Access accepts research articles, reviews, mini reviews, case reports and rapid communication covering all aspects of Agriculture and Crop Sciences. JCR Impact Factor 2022 Here is the latest JCR Impact Factor 2022 provided by the Journal Citation Report (JCR). Impact Factor (IF) or often called journal impact factor (JIF) is an index provided by an analytics company named Clarivate. How Influential is Australian Journal of Crop Science? Articles will be immediately free for everyone to read and . Short Communications Original research papers should report the results of original research. This reflects the perspective of its publisher, the Crop . Subject area: Agricultural and Biological Sciences: Animal Science and ZoologyAgricultural and . According to the database of the year 2017, the journal citation reports, tracked the impact factor for nearly 12, 298 journals. 12,828 Science journals 6,691 Social Science journals 3,092 Arts & Humanities journals 5,300 Gold Open Access journals. It is an honour to be appointed as a member of the editorial board of the high impact factor journal Pest Management Science. Journal of Tropical Crop Science is included in the following indexing and abstracting services: GOOGLE SCHOLAR, DOAJ, AGRIS FAO, and WORLD CATALOGUE LIBRARY. Abbreviation: J Crop Sci Biotechnol. CROP SCIENCE: Aim & Scope I am looking forward to give my contribution to the publishing of advance in pest science. The Plant Phenome Journal. 70. Formerly known as the Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science. Journal impact factor : 9.87 Average acceptance to publication time (5-7 days) Average article processing time (30-45 days) Less than 5 volumes 30 days 8 - 9 volumes 40 days 10 and more volumes 45 days Editorial Board Fantao Zhang Vice Editor-in-Chief College of Life Sciences Jiangxi Normal University China Tatsuru Masuda Associate Professor Impact Factor is the most common scientometric index, which is defined by the number of citations of papers in two preceding years divided by the number of papers published in those years. Crop Science IS is increased by a factor of 0.39 and approximate percentage change is 17.49% when compared to preceding year 2020, which shows a rising trend. Language: English; ISSN: 2006-9758; DOI: 10.5897/JPBCS; Start Year: 2009 SPECIAL ISSUES: Call for papers! Crop Journal: Aim & Scope The Journal of Crop Science and Technology is an academic journal - hosted by OMICS International - a pioneer in open access publishing-and is listed among the top 10 journals in Crop sciences. Home; Journal Impact Factor: 0.92*; 4.64 (5-Year Impact Factor) Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research ( AJPSKY) provides a podium for researchers all over the world for the publication of scientific research findings in Plant Science field. The journal is targeted at scholars, practitioners and scientists who keen on such topics of scientific research. Navigation Bar Menu Home. The major focus of the Journal of Science is publishing important original scientific research and reviews, but Journal of Science also publishes . Journal Impact Factor Report 2018 Date: 24th November, 2018 Journal of Current Opinion in Crop Science Journal of Current Opinion in Crop Science (JCOCS) journal is committed to publishing scholarly experimental research that covers a wide range of topics related to plant or crop sciences. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science (BJAS) is a peer-reviewed, open access, online and print journal, issued bimonthly. ISSN 1835-2707 (Online) ISSN 1835-2693 (Print) AJCS Journal Metrics: RG Cited: 1. Impact factor (2021): 2.763. Impact factor The impact factor for JOS is calculated based on last two year period, and considered average number of times published papers are cited in other referred journals and found 1.34*. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor (Thomson Reuters) metric. Our journal's motto is to provide current and advanced information to professional horticulturists, practitioners, and educators; promote and encourage an ideas exchange among scientists, and professionals working in horticulture. Online Submission System Crop Science SJR Impact Factor 2-year, 3-year, 4-year 2-year Impact Factor. Open access. H Index: 49 It publishes original research papers, review articles and brief . Top 10 Scopus Indexed Agronomy and Crop Science Journals. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology (JCSB) is a peer-reviewed international journal published four times a year. The main research topics published in this academic venue consist of Genetics, Gene, Agronomy, Cultivar and Population. The journal is a peer-reviewed, open access, online journal, publishes original research papers and review . Agronomy and Crop Science. Areas of publication: Agronomy and Field crops Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Scopus SJR for 2021 - 0.25 EBSCO - Academic Search Ultimate CAB Abstracts Google Scholar. JCSB publishes novel and advanced original research articles on topics related to the production science of field crops and resource plants, including cropping systems, sustainable agriculture, environmental change, post-harvest management, biodiversity, crop improvement, and recent advances in physiology and molecular biology. Source type: Journal. Science Impact Factor Impact Factor (IF) or often called journal impact factor (JIF) is an index provided by an analytics company named Clarivate. ( BJAS ) is a peer-reviewed, open access journals < /a > journal of Crop Science is important. Original papers and review 12,828 Science journals 3,092 Arts & amp ; Material Sciences Science BJAS. 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