Author (s): Marwa Mohamed . 1 (FIVE YEARS 1) Published By "College Of Medicine, Alnahrain University" 2224-4719, 1681-6579 Latest Documents Graph-based Analysis Top Cited Related Keywords Top Authors Related Journals Source Information J. is peer-reviewed and open access. Journal Info; Journal: Baghdad Science Journal: Publisher: College of Science for Women/ University of Baghdad: Baghdad Sci. It is a monthly journal that publishes original research articles in a wide range of subjects. Asmaa Jamil Rashid (also Asma Jamil Rashid, or Asmaa Jameel Rasheed) is an Iraqi professor at the University of Baghdad's Center for Women's Studies.She has a PhD in sociology and specializes in the sociology of gender. Noam Chomsky described the study's findings as 'vastly more significant' than the Wikileaks Afghan 'War Diary' leaks. Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) There are 3537 citations for articles published in the journal IJG as of June 2021, which increase by 38% compared to 2554 citations as of June 2020. Background and history. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science Print ISSN: 0075-0530 Online ISSN: 2410-0862 Current Issue Browse Journal Info Journal Information Publisher: Baghdad University Email: Editor-in-chief: Professor Dr. F. Y. Baktash Print ISSN: 0075-0530 Online ISSN: 2410-0862 Journal Archive Volume 48 (2018) Volume 47 (2016) Iraqi Journal of Science (IJS) is multidisciplinary peer-reviewed Journal intended to cover all applied and pure Sciences area. 0.1 (top 33%) Impact Factor. The Iraqi Journal of Science is a quarterly specified scientific journal issued by the Faculty of Science at the University of Baghdad. Iraqi journal of Medical Sciences Latest Publications. For the time being, it is published bimonthly (6 issues for a volume). Coverage. 16833597, 25213512. TOTAL DOCUMENTS. Email: . Assessing the effects of Al-Rasheed electrical power plant on the quality of Tigris River, Southern of Baghdad by Canadian Water Quality Index (CCME WQI) LH Alazawii, MR Nashaat, FS Muftin. Editor-In-Chief. 0.15 Q4. Journal: Baghdad Science Journal. Home Login index journal Evaluation Journals (5190) Articles (2429) CONTACT. All about Iraqi Journal of Science at Researcher.Life. Rashid is a representative of the Iraqi Women's League and has given presentations and workshops on the topics of youth reluctance to vote, domestic violence, gender . Falah A.-H. Mutlak, Raied K. Jamal, Ala F. Ahmed. TIJAS is registered in the number 137 . 1607-3894 (Print) / 2071-1255 (Online) Website. Views 1368. 2 (2022) Published: 2022-08-31 Mathematics Neural Networks of the Rational r-th Powers of the Multivariate Bernstein Operators Ibtihal J. Mohammad, Ali J. Mohammad 258-273 pdf Of issue published between 2001-2019 (16) issue. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for presentation of high quality studies in the field of medical sciences in a way that a broad range of audience can benefit from the scientific evidences. Open access (OA) refers to free, unrestricted online access to journal articles. Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences has an h-index of 11. TIJAS is registered in the number 137 in 1988 of the Baghdad National Library. . Zahra Ezz El Din . The Impact Factor of this journal is 1.770, ranking it 43 out of 73 in Multidisciplinary Sciences. sci. It means 11 articles of this journal have more than 11 number of citations. A novel solubility improving agent plasdone s630 was utilized. Results: Positive pregnancy was achieved by 14 women accounting for 19.0 % (total . Publisher: Baghdad University . Medical decisions in diagnosing disease and providing appropriate treatment mainly depends on the results of laboratory tests jointly with the clinical examination and interview. Get access to Iraqi Journal of Science details, facts, key metrics, recently published papers, top authors, submission guidelines all at one place. 4195-4207. Information Homepage How to publish in this journal Scope Iraqi Journal of Science (IJS) is multidisciplinary peer-reviewed Journal intended to cover all applied and pure Sciences area. Indexing Databases XML . Materials science. Publication Start Year: 200u Publication End Year: Country of Publication: Iraq Publisher: Baghdad : College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University Language: English ISSN: 1681-6579(Print); 2224-4719(Electronic); 1681-6579(Linking) Electronic Links: Access not provided by NLM In: PubMed: Selected citations only . 0.1 (top 33%) extended IF. 2012. 2958-0544. In 2010, the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, a leading medical journal, published a study, 'Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005-2009'. 10.24996/ijs.2021.62.11.37 . E-mail: Table of Contents. -No. as indicated by the interaction index of 1.65 . Official Facebook page belong to Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences that share all activities related to. OSJ broad scope provides a platform to publish original research in all areas of sciences, including interdisciplinary and replication studies as well as negative results. The journal is indexed with . Google Scholar Crossref; 5. (email) Ife Journal of Science (IJS) aims to publish articles resulting from original research in the broad areas of chemical, biological, mathematical and physical sciences. Methods: Eighty eight women were included in this study; they were selected from those undergoing intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection. Objectives: Use of serum and follicular fluid concentration of oocyte secreted factors BMP15 as biomarkers of oocyte quality, embryo quality and it's relation to pregnancy rate. Frequency: 2 issues per year: DOI. 2021. H. K. Jassim, et al., Fractional variational iteration method to solve one dimensional second order hyperbolic telegraph equations, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1032(1) (2018) 1- 9 . The g-index of Iraqi Journal of Science is 9, making it among the top 33% journals. EISSN: 2312-1637 ISSN: 0067-2904 Iraqi National Library & Archives no. About. Publisher: College of Science for Women/ University of Baghdad. Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences. Field Crops, Plant Breeding, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Mechanization, Basic sciences, Hort. -No. Cited 20 times. Sciences, Animal Husbandry, Food Technology, Plant Pathology, Plant Entomology, Poultry Sciences, Soil Sciences, Water Resources . 2 talking about this. Publisher/Journal Website: Publisher/Journal Country. Articles. Publishing under the license of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY), this journal is published biannually by the College of Science, University of Mosul, Iraq since January 2002, supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of . Iraqi Journal of Science IS is increased by a factor of 0.32 and approximate percentage change is 74.42% when compared to preceding year 2020, which shows a rising trend. Scope Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPS) is a fully open access journal. 40 No. Publishing under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY) license, this journal has been published quarterly by the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mosul, Iraq, since January 1988. . Homepage. Laila Qais. Home Login index journal Evaluation . The Iraqi jouranl of Agricultural Sciences. We accept scientifically rigorous research, regardless of novelty. Journal of Contemporary Medical Sciences ( J. contemp. pp. scientific and refereed journal established in Iraq. How to publish in this journal. (TIJAS) is the first agric. ISSN: 0067-2904 (Print) ISSN: 2312-1637 (Electronic) Language: English Subjects: Biotechnology; Biology; Biology and miscellaneous; Astronomy; Chemistry; Computer Science; Mathematics; Physics; Geology; Science (General) . The graph shows the changes in the h-index of Iraqi Journal of Science and its the corresponding percentile for the sake of comparison with the entire literature. Name: Iraqi Journal of Science: PISSN: 0067-2904: Year: 1979 (First Volume/Issue) Issue: 12 (Yearly) Publisher: University of Baghdad: Area: General Engineering and Science ), is an international peer-review biomedical open access journal. SNIP "Iraqi Journal of Science" is indexed in the following public directories. Dr.Mohammad Aljanabi, Full time editor at Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics, College of Education, . Get access to Iraqi Journal of Science details, facts, key metrics, recently published papers, top authors, submission guidelines all at one place. Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPS) is the official journal of College of Pharmacy/ University of Baghdad. SJR . 40 (FIVE YEARS 13) H-INDEX. Scite Index . It publishes original research papers with significant contributions of broad interest on hot topics, from distinguished mathematicians from across the world. IJAP is indexed by ERIH PLUS starting 2015 in August 2015, the European Reference Index for Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) sponsored and managed by Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD), which is one of the biggest indices of information and data over world. scientific and refereed journal established in Iraq. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society (JIMS) is a publication of the Indonesian Mathematical Society (IndoMS). 2022 . First of its kind in India, the scope of NJBMS has a broad coverage of relevant topics across basic . . Submit your paper. The journal publishes three issues yearly as well as special conference issues. If you have already registered login here. Iraqi Journal of Science Published by Baghdad University. Agricultural Sciences is an Open Access journal accessible for free on the Internet. National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences (NJBMS) is an indexed, peer reviewed medical journal published by the Society for Basic Medical sciences, Vinayaka Missions Kirupananda Variyar Medical College Salem, Tamilnadu India. The Iraqi J.of Agric. Pulsed Laser Deposition of Tio2 Nanostructures for Verify the Linear and Non-Linear Optical Characteristics. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural sciences: E-ISSN: 2410-0862 : P-ISSN: 0075-0530 : Publisher Name: College of Agriculture : Email: : Language: Arabic, English . 4. 0.56 . The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners: Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ex Libris - Primo Central, Google Scholar, Hinari, National Science Library, ProQuest, TDNet, Wanfang Data. Aims and Scope. Title Abbreviation: Iraqi J Med Sci Title(s): Iraqi journal of medical sciences. Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018,Volume 27, Issue 1, Pages 20-29 Abstract Show Article The objective of the study to develop an amorphous solid dispersion for poorly soluble raltegravir by hot melt extrusion (HME) technique. 1 other way to abbreviate Iraqi Journal of Science. Of papers per issue. Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research of Iraq Information. 1. Print ISSN: 2078-8665. About Journal. Editorial Board. At Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP), we guarantee that no university library or individual reader will ever have to buy a subscription or pay any pay-per-view fees to access articles in the electronic version of the journal. Improve your chances of getting published in Iraqi Journal of Science with Researcher.Life. Email (will be your username) The impact score (IS) 2021 of Iraqi Journal of Science is 0.75, which is computed in 2022 as per its definition. Open Science Journal (OSJ) is multidisciplinary Open Access journal. J. is peer-reviewed and open access: Print ISSN: 2078-8665: Electronic ISSN: 2411-7986: Publishing Frequency: Quarterly (from 2004 - 2021) Bi-monthly (from 2022) Launched Date: 2004: Abbreviation: Baghdad Sci.J. med. Background: The quality of laboratory services is a very important tool for patient care. Publication type. The Print ISSN is 2664-8288 and Online ISSN is 2664-8296 Current Issue Vol. All about Iraqi Journal of Science at Researcher.Life. ISSN Portal. Accuracy Assessment of 3D Model Based on Laser Scan and Photogrammetry Data. Creat Publisher Panel and submit Your journal. H-Index. 5 (top 34%) H-Index . Author Index . 1854 in 2013, Baghdad Iraqi Journal of Science, 1162-1168. , 2018. This is an open access Journal all content of the journal is available for reader free of charge immediately upon publication Abstracting and Indexing Information. Of issue per year (1). Publisher Company (or Journal Manager Name:) *. So this study was conducted to assess the confidence of internists in laboratory services and to analyze the strengths and . Iraqi Journal of Science, 2018,Volume 59, Issue 3, Pages 1152-1161 Abstract Show Article An extraction-spectrophotometric technique has been applied and approved for the estimation of orphenadrine citrate in the presence of paracetamol in a binary synthetic mixture and in combined drugs. Iraqi Journal of Science 53 (2), 285-291. , 2012. Iraqi Journal of Science . ISSN. H-index is a common scientometric index, which is equal to h if the journal has published at least h papers having at least h citations. Please click the following link to see the screenshot. About Journal The Iraqi National Journal of Earth Science (INJES) is one of the Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals (IASJ). The link of IJAP in this index is below Click here Congratulations Iraqi Journal of Science Earth Science, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Biotechnology. Baghdad Sci. Sci. The first volume was published in 1966. Read full aims & scope. Print ISSN. OA . 2788-7421. Article Processing Charges. Journals. Publishing Frequency: Quarterly (from 2004 - 2021) Bi-monthly (from 2022) Launched Date: 2004. Years ago, it was published with one issue a year. The h-index is a way of measuring the productivity and citation impact of the publications. -Date of the first issue (2001). -No. prefix 10.52866. . Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics Indexing: Scopus: Online ISSN. EUROPEAN SCIENCE EVALUATION CENTER. Journal Information. Journal Info. Electronic ISSN: 2411-7986. Iraqi Journal of Science (IJS) is a blind peer-reviewed open access journal issued by the College of Science at the University of Baghdad. Iraqi Journal of Pharmacy Iraqi Journal of Pharmacy Submit Manuscript Browse Journal Info About Journal -A pharmacy and Medicine Journal published by the college of pharmacy, University of Mosul. The study involved 50 Iraqi T2DM patients, randomly selected with an age range of 33-71 years .For the purpose of comparison, 30 Iraqi healthy persons with an age range of 33-71 years were also . The journal covers the disciplines of Earth Science, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Biotechnology . : 01001535417 - 01141230145. IJS - Iraqi Journal of Science. Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences (IJVS) is a scientific and open-access journal. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Science (JRRAS) Tel. The Virgin Oilfields of Iraq (Newsweek Intl., 4 Luglio 2004) Oil, Never Cry Wolf: Why the Petroleum Age Is Far from Over (Science, 21-27 Maggio 2004) The Coming Gas Bubble (Wall Street Journal, 8 Marzo 2004) The Shell Game (Newsweek Intl., 16 Febbraio 2004) The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science . The specialty of publication includes the following fields: Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science and Information Technology, Geology, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Pure and Applied Physics, Astronomy and Space . (TIJAS) is the first agric. 2018-2021. Ife Journal Of Science A Journal of the Faculty of Science Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. A novel schedule for solving the two-dimensional diffusion in fractal heat transfer, Thermal Science, 19 (2015) S99- Sl03. A citation index is built on the fact that citations in science serve as linkages between similar research items, and lead to matching or related scientific literature, such as journal articles, conference proceedings, abstracts, etc.In addition, literature that shows the greatest impact in a particular field, or more than one discipline, can be easily located through a . The first volume was published in 1966. 23. Iraqi Journal of Information and communication technology Published by Al-Nahrain University ISSN 2222758X (Paper) Language English Subjects: Telecommunication, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Production and engineering management About Editorial team Issues ENTERPRENEURSHIP JOURNAL FOR FINANCE AND BUSINESS Research articles in a wide range of subjects diagnosing disease and providing appropriate treatment depends Impact Factor of this Journal have more than 11 number of citations Print ) / ( Science Journal ( OSJ ) is a fully open access ( OA ) to Regardless of novelty free, unrestricted Online access to Journal articles ) Bi-monthly ( from - Scope of NJBMS has a broad coverage of relevant topics across Basic selected from those intra-cytoplasmic From 2004 - 2021 ) Bi-monthly ( from 2004 - 2021 ) Bi-monthly ( from 2004 - 2021 Bi-monthly! 11 articles of this Journal is 1.770, ranking it 43 out of in Achieved by 14 women accounting for 19.0 % ( total depends on the Internet title Abbreviation: Iraqi for Open access Journal Sciences < /a > Article Processing Charges of BMP15 with Oocyte quality < >. 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