2 See answers Advertisement On a gloomy morning when I was in grade 6, I lost my plastic glasses which my dad bought for me. Press J to jump to the feed. lack of information. Here I would like to talk about an incidence when I lost may watch which was very close to my heart as it was gifted to me by my mother on my 21th birthday. I have always dreamt of visiting a beach. This is because losing something leads to bereavement (sadness). Figures of speech are traditionally classified into schemes, which vary the ordinary sequence of words, and tropes, where words carry a meaning other than what they ordinarily signify.. An example of a scheme is a polysyndeton: the . Describe an experience when you lost something. Describe a surprise that made you happy IELTS Cue Card. Progressed. Describe something important that you lost in the past Latest Makkar cue cards with new solutions 1. They do not value their belongings, so they get deprived of them. Describe something important that you lost You should say: What is it Why it is important How did you lose it How did you do after lost it Band 6,5 Answer by IELTS Test Taker I am going to tell about a mistake I made when I was in Australia. It left me with an unforgettable impression. It is the most common medium of co-operation and communication among the nations of the world. 2. 2. Describe something important that you lost in the past You should say: What it was When did it happen Where did you lose it And explain why it was valuable to you A N S W E R Let me tell you about an occasion when I was so depressed that I couldn't find my wallet while I was on a train when I traveled to Paris, France last year. Think of something that you have lost recently. On labotrees, you can IELTS preparation material for free. Posted in the jadavharshvpc community. What it was? First and foremost, keeping things at designated place is the most effective approach to this problem. 2. Many people join IELTS preparation classes or coaching centres to improve their English skills. Describe a depressing experience you have. Something that you say when you tell someone about something surprising that happened. How you lost it. Example - John acted in ignorance of basic procedures. 3. Describe about something important that you lost in the past? In addition, youngsters and adults sometimes forget to pick up their valuable items from restaurants, supermarkets, or cafes. Many electronic items like different types of gadgets such as mobile phones, watches, computers and many more are become part of our life. What was something important you lost? Tamang sagot sa tanong: every has lost an important item at one time or another tell about a time when you are someone you know searched high and low for something lost use at leastfour reflexive or intensive pronoun in your story - studystoph.com Ting Vit: t tin. Post Views: 1,141. Describe something important that you lost in the past 17 April 2022 IELTS IN EASY STEPS 0 10 I. Last but not the least, individuals can use organizers for keeping documents and needy things. I have also lost many things. A figure of speech or rhetorical figure is a word or phrase that intentionally deviates from ordinary language use in order to produce a rhetorical effect. And here I would like to describe one stressful situation of my life. 143 views, 4 likes, 7 loves, 10 comments, 8 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Northgate Pentecostals: God's How | Lead Pastor Brent Jones | 10.23.2022 The second group is the elderly, who can become forgetful as time goes by. Describe a family member you would like to work with IELTS Cue Card. Negligence. For example, when you lose a motorbike parked outside a shop, b's quite hopeless if you try to look for it on your own. Once you have decided on a subject, start writing down notes. The feeling of loss, bereavement and grief when you lose something important is unimaginable. IELTS exam is conducted all around the world and there are two types of exam Academic and General exam. IELTS DATA FREE IELTS MATERIAL FOR IELTS EXAM Home ACADEMIC READING ACADEMIC WRITING GENERAL I also felt like that I should have been more careful in securing that pen drive, especially, on a rainy day when the buses in the city . Describe a sad event you clearly remember. Example - as the century progressed the quality of telescopes improved. 5. It was my last year in my the university, , when I lost my precious phone, which contains tons of photos and valuable information why it important She saw Jim as he was driving away. I felt like I lost a part of me because it contained many dear and valuable memories of mine from the past. Fall into despair (expression): have the feeling of having lost all hope . Many electronic items like different types of gadgets such as mobile phones, watches, computers and many more are become part of our life. When you lost it How long you had had it And explain how and what you felt when you lost it. View ieltsdata_com_describe_something_important_that_you_lost_in_.pdf from ESL E2011 at Loyalist College. I have also lost many things. Therefore, they always forget where they have put certain things and may lose things often. Talk about a possession you have and you do not want to lose. In the era of technology, we use many electronic items for our convenience. We find some of them overwhelming while some others make us sad and distressed. What it was. #IELTSSpeaking #CueCardSample #EnglishMentorDescribe something important that you lost in the pastEnglish Mentor provides online and offline coaching for IEL. You should say: what you lost; how you lost it; . Sample answer 1 You should say: What it was How you lost it Why was it important to you How you felt when you lost it We all lose something or the other in life. This helps many candidates to increase their band scores. Talk about a useful electronic device you have. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Describe something important You lost: 1. Since this requires you to recall details and information, you have to make sure that you have enough recollection of it. Describe something important that you lost in the past. My daily work becomes easier by using these items. Describe a time when you lost something important. However, if lost any of them it creates many problems for me. 3. Progenitor (noun): a person or thing from the past that a person, animal or plant that is alive now is related to. Answer 1:- For me, there is a humongous chance of lost items from everyone. 2. You should say what you lost when and where and you lost it what you were doing at the time and explain how you felt after you lost it. Describe an occasion that you lost something Youtube Video Sample. It was supposed to be an amazing journey. Get the answers you need, now! To be a doctor, a good teacher, a good tourist one must have a good knowledge in English. Today, I'll like to talk about a mobile phone which I lost. free essays on the lord of the flies; Describe your favorite place get lost essay for full essay on friendship Why was it important to you. So today, I would take this opportunity to talk about a time when I lost the most precious thing of mine. It may happen in everyone's life. sunnyyy716 sunnyyy716 17.11.2018 English Secondary School answered expert verified Describe about something important that you lost in the past? Describe a bitter experience you have had. All international seminars and discussions are held in English. 20189-12 describe something important you lost in the past 2022-01-09 I always forget that where I put something on, but I can find them when I calm down and thought carefully where it is when I used it. moved forward in time. 50 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Calvary Baptist Church: October 30, 2022 Sunday Morning Worship Sample 1:- Well, I have experience of a number of stressful situations in which I felt sad. My daily work becomes easier by using these items. Sample answer 1 You should say: What it was How you lost it Why was it important to you How you felt when you lost it We all lose something or the other in life. Think quickly as you only have 1 minute to plan. What kinds of people may lose things often? Ting Vit: vt gia truyn. Describe a gift which is very useful to you. I still remember that evening very well although it happened around ten years back. Describe an invention that has changed how people live IELTS Cue Card. Describe something important you lost. Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. If we wish to communicate with the people of other countries, we must know English. Describe something important that you lost in the past By IELTS Practice Online - 2124 I. December 3, 2018. Agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claimsespecially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether God, the divine or the supernatural existare unknown and perhaps unknowable. Describe a household appliance you own. I have heard a lot about Goa especially about its new year celebrations. why it was important for you how you felt after you lost it I explain it briefly. Describe an important thing you lost in the past There are several times that I lose something valuable and one instance that I can vividly remember was my missing glasses story. You are here. IELTS Speaking Part 2 May to August 2022. One more Cue card topic is there which is, describing something important that you lost. =>I'm going to describe a very important thing that I lost. Heirloom (noun): a valuable object that has belonged to the same family for many years. This is because of negligence or irresponsibility. Check Your Text Describe a time when you lost something. Sample Answer 1 Introducing something important you lost Life can give, but it can also take away without warning. However, if I lost any of them it creates many problems for me. Since this requires you to recall details and information, you have to make sure that you have enough recollection of it. Talk about an important river or lake in your country or hometown IELTS Cue Card. Cue Card Sample answer, Describe something important that you lost in the past, IELTS speaking, ielts cue card, IELTS cue card explanation, IELTS speaking . Here are some follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card " Describe something important that you lost ". 1. Theism generally holds that God exists objectively and independently of human thought. Previous Post Describe someone you know who is very brave Next Post Describe a food you like to eat at home How you felt when you lost it. However, if lost any of them it creates many problems for me. "My heart skipped a beat as I opened my final exam scores." Failure to take proper care. And of course, I actually lost something most of which are unimportant. Ignorance. In my opinion, careless people have this habit of losing things. The incident was so abrupt/brpt/ and devastating/devstet/ that I still feel down in the mouth whenever I think of it. 4. Describe a time you got stuck in traffic jam IELTS Cue Card. 4. One day, I was going to my friend Saba's house to meet him. Solution : In the era of technology, we use many electronic items for our convenience. Example - George's injury was due to the negligence of his employers. About two months ago I had lost my passport in a taxi. I had kept my passport in my skirt's pocket. or and explain what you did about it. If you haven't lost something recently, it could be anything you lost a long time ago. I made a trip to Sydney and Adelaide last summer holiday. Past simple and past continuous 1 Past simple and past continuous 2 The past in the past The first one is people who are careless and unorganized. v.1 The widespread problem of water shortages has been a growing concern in the past few years. Sample Answer: Life has all sorts of surprises for us which we keep getting from time to time. 2. Some IELTS Speaking part 2 cue-cards you may like : IELTS Speaking Part 1 May to August 2022. They are the ones who do not have the habit of putting things in order and like leaving things around carelessly. You should say: - what it was- where and when you lost it - how important it was- and explain what you did to find it when you realized it was missing. The best beach destination in India is Goa. Losing something one valued or loved is not just a money matter or a mere inconvenience; it can also weigh one down emotionally. To describe a lost item, you should include - what item have you lost (item/thing) when and where it was lost (place, where exactly) at what time it was lost (time) how you lost it or what you were doing description of the item (shape, size, colour, design, brand, etc.) Describe something you use often. [8band]Describe something you received for free: IELTS speaking topic [8band]Describe an ambition you have not achieved: IELTS Cue Card; 10 Ways To Study Effectively [8band] Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired [8]Describe a difficult decision that you once made IELTS Cue Card; ielts cue card 2022 "I was sitting having a coffee outside, when low and behold Tom Cruise walked by!" My heart skipped a beat If you say your heart skipped a beat, it means that you felt very excited or nervous. Secondly, usually people lose things in a hurry, therefore, people should cross check their belongings in such cases. If you haven't lost something recently, it could be anything you lost a long time ago. At half-time we were losing 1-0. for something that happened before and after another action in the past: He broke his leg when he was playing rugby. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.06 (24 Votes) IELTS Cue Card IELTS Speaking Candidate Task Card Prev Next 4. 3.
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