The House Finch's song is a joyous warble. Define preening. Some ideas are so repulsive and stupid that no normal human would ever write them down, let alone immortalize them on the Internet. 1 verb If someone preensthemselves, they spend a lot of time making themselves look neat and attractive; used especially if you want to show that you disapprove of this behaviour or that you find it ridiculous and amusing., (disapproval) 50% of men under 35 spend at least 20 minutes preening themselves every morning in the bathroom. ranking low in verbal skill. Ann Curry-ed being fired unexpectedly and/or without cause 3. Definitions and Meaning of preening in Hindi, translation of preening in Hindi language with similar and opposite words. I think I'll do some facebook-preening. If a bird preens or preens itself, it cleans and arranges its. preeing 1-Indicates a romantic interest without a defined relationship. 2. to. v.i. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 2. to dress (oneself) carefully or smartly; primp. English to Sinhala: preening: 1. Preeningly as a adverb means In a preening manner.. 4. during the growth of young great bustard, resting behavior kept a high percentage, foraging . These flighty birds move around frequently, never staying in one spot for long. Urban Dictionary, now in its 20th year, is a digital repository that contains more than 8 million definitions and famously houses all manner of slang and cultural expressions. Principal Translations: Ingls: Espaol: moral preening n (holier-than-thou attitude) postura moralista nf: Le recriminan su postura moralista frente al consumo de drogas. Armpit sex may also be referred to as armpit fucking, pit fucking, putting one's dick in a headlock, or the pocket of paradise (referring to the armpit). 5. to be exultant or proud. Preen as a verb means To clean and trim (the feathers) with the beak.. preening verb present participle of preen Synonyms & Antonyms of preening 1 as in swelling, gloating Synonyms & Near Synonyms for preening gloating, swelling crowing, delighting, exuberating, exulting, glorying, joying, jubilating, kvelling, rejoicing, triumphing boasting, bragging flaunting, parading, showing off, strutting, swaggering preen (prin) v.t. PREENING By N., Sam M.S. v.i. The Land Store If you have ever wanted to own a slice of heaven, the opportunity is standing before you. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics: Hair & beauty preen /prin/ verb [ intransitive, transitive] 1 if a bird preens or preens itself, it cleans itself and makes its feathers smooth using its beak 2 to spend time making yourself look tidier and more attractive preen yourself a girl preening herself in the mirror 3 to . Compare rural (Definition of urban from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary Cambridge University Press) Examples of urban urban Britannica Dictionary definition of PREEN. preen in American English (prin) transitive verb 1. involving minimal use of language. We observed this male engaged in a thorough preening. Notifications; . If a bird preens or preens itself, it cleans and arranges its. preen1 / ( prin) / verb (of birds) to maintain (feathers) in a healthy condition by arrangement, cleaning, and other contact with the bill to dress or array (oneself) carefully; primp (usually foll by on) to pride or congratulate (oneself) Derived forms of preen preener, noun Word Origin for preen by Timmy January 1, 2015 Get the facebook-preening mug. 5. to be exultant or proud. all of it - the palm trees, the yachts bobbing beside the hard-currency mansions, the concrete-and-glass condominiums preening at their own reflections in . When preening, birds nibble and stroke their feathers, returning them to correct position. 37 Disgusting Urban Dictionary Definitions You Definitely Shouldn't Try At Home. carefully or carelessly, depending on your level of drunken-ness, weeding out bad pictures and embarrassing statuses on Facebook, like preening an already shit stained coat Ehh, I got a few minutes . Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary # (v.t) Preen prn to compose and arrange as birds do their feathers. 1 Acre : $29,897. 1. to trim or dress (feathers, fur, etc.) The time spent by the hen resting, preening and being more than 1 m from ducklings as well as the frequency of ducklings pecked by the female increased by 3, 3, 6 and 20 fold respectively during the . 1. he's always Preening himself on his success. But lucky for you, the brave contributors of Urban Dictionary are not normal. with the beak or tongue. 2-The stage in/at which two people have not yet started dating, but are more than friends- a combination of preening, seeing, and pre-relationship . 3. to pride (oneself) on an achievement, personal quality, etc. The preening on the food source is explained by disinhibition of the constant (potential) preening tendency owing to mutual inhibition of source specific foraging tendency and tendency to forage at other food sources. 2008 April 1, Alastair Macaulay, "Miami Spice: Saucy Club Crawlers Flirt, Sulk and Spar to a Crossover Beat", in New York Times[1]: Katia Carranza, Jennifer Carlynn Kronenberg and Callie Manning are asked to do standard Hispanic preenings: hands on hips, placing weight on one leg while . with the beak or tongue The peacock preened itself on the lawn 2. to dress (oneself) carefully or smartly; primp The king preened himself in his elaborate ceremonial robes 3. to pride (oneself) on an achievement, personal quality, etc A crapella singing (badly) while listening to music through headphones 2. with the beak or tongue. Define preeningly. with the beak or tongue. *Disclaimer: Be careful when experimenting with armpit sex as it may result in rashes or serious chaffing. Learn more. being other than verbal. preen (prin) v.t. 4. to make oneself appear striking or smart in dress or appearance. preening Bedeutung, Definition preening: 1. present participle of preen 2. relating to towns and cities: an urban area / centre / community urban decay / development / planning The high-speed train link is responsible for one of the biggest urban regeneration projects in the area. Knowing an offensive word's meaning can combat inequality and abuse. 4. to make oneself appear striking or smart in dress or appearance. Learn more. [no object] The bird was preening. This is done using preprocessor directives that can be specified in this static method. 4. to make oneself appear striking or smart in dress or appearance. 2. : to make (yourself) neat and tidy. Askhole an individual who asks ridiculous, obnoxious. 5. to be exultant or proud. 1. (n) Preen prn (Scot.) 3. doctors Preening like they're kings, and the hospital is their own private fiefdom. 2. to dress (oneself) carefully or smartly; primp. 1. to trim or dress (feathers, fur, etc.) The House Finch's song is a joyous warble. Ghadira Nature Reserve, Malta. 3. to pride (oneself) on an achievement, personal quality, etc. 1. to trim or dress (feathers, fur, etc.) 2. i finally had a chance to spend some time with a group of them this weekend and was treated to lots of Preening. = The bird was preening itself. Find 11 ways to say PREEN, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. birds) to trim or dress (feathers, fur, etc.) How to use urban in a sentence. But there is a difference between using Urban Dictionary to document the meaning of an offensive word and using it to celebrate or endorse an offensive meaning. Second only to feeding, preening is a common bird behavior easily observed in a yard, out in the field, or even among captive birds or pets. a pin . (of animals, esp. These flighty birds move around frequently, never staying in one spot for long. preen. [+ object] The bird was preening its feathers. Preen definition: If someone preens themselves , they spend a lot of time making themselves look neat and. preen: [verb] to groom with the bill especially by rearranging the barbs and barbules of the feathers and by distributing oil from the uropygial gland. British Dictionary definitions for urban urban / ( bn) / adjective of, relating to, or constituting a city or town living in a city or town (of music) emerging and developing in densely populated areas of large cities, esp those populated by people of African or Caribbean originCompare rural Word Origin for urban Spoken pronunciation of preening in English and in Hindi. preening definition: 1. present participle of preen 2. 1. of a bird : to use the beak to clean and arrange feathers. Preening boat-billed Heron. A common preening technique is straightening of clothing or flicking of ones hair. A grooming or posturing. Learn more. - 34 noun. 1. to trim or dress (feathers, fur, etc.) The meaning of URBAN is of, relating to, characteristic of, or constituting a city. Many translated example sentences containing "preening" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. This male finch is. v.i. preen (prin) v.t. peer definition: 1. to look carefully or with difficulty: 2. a person who is the same age or has the same social. preening Significado, definicin, qu es preening: 1. present participle of preen 2. Adult Little Blue heron Egretta caerulea on rock near sea-shore, preening before commencing to forage . 3. to pride (oneself) on an achievement, personal quality, etc. A common preening technique is straightening of clothing or flicking of ones hair. [Urban and urbane once meant the same thing: belonging to a city. preening meaning: 1. present participle of preen 2. Birds have up to 25,000 feathers, and regular preening keeps each one of those feathers in top condition. This is a fantastic opportunity to own 1 beautiful high elevation acre of raw land on the big island of Hawaii. Added: 2022-10-20 preen ( third-person singular simple present preens, present participle preening, simple past and past participle preened ) (of birds, transitive, intransitive) To groom; to trim or dress with the beak, as the feathers. Mr Kernan halted and preened himself before the sloping mirror of Peter Kennedy, hairdresser. Urban Dictionary: Preening Preening Mostly associated with females however also seen in males, preening is the act of trying to make oneself more attractive to a potential mate or person of the opposite sex. Mostly associated with females however also seen in males, preening is the act of trying to make oneself more attractive to a potential mate or person of the opposite sex. Preening Behaviour: Unconscious gestures exchanged between 2 persons who do not know each other intimately, which signal sexual availability If a bird preens or preens itself, it cleans and arranges its feathers using its beak. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "preening" . 2. to dress (oneself) carefully or smartly; primp. preen (prin) v.t. preening Grooming behaviour that is performed by birds for the maintenance of feathers. 4. to make oneself appear striking or smart in dress or appearance. Learn more. Preening Little Blue heron Egretta caerulea. Oeno Park& x27;s famous Boat Billed Heron. nonverbal: [adjective] not verbal: such as. Situated just 35 minutes from pristine Pohue Bay Beach, 40 minutes from Punaluu Beach and just 20. Preening cleans feathers, but also oils them with a substance secreted by a preen gland near the tail: the bird applies this substance with the tip of its bill. Understanding why and how birds preen can help birders better appreciate their beautiful avian friends. we're always expected to be preening ourselves, so it was a pretty nice opportunity not to have to think about that stuff for a while. 3- Before- actually in a relationship John and Mary are preeing, but we expect they will be dating soon. a type of animal grooming behavior wherein birds pick through their own feathers or those feathers of another bird in their group or family. If a bird preens or preens itself, it cleans and arranges its. v.i. A Grey heron Ardea cinerea preening at stop-over during its spring migration and its reflection. Define preen. preening , preening Tags for the entry "preening" PREENING: "Birdwatchers often capture the detailed preening behaviors of species that are common to those that are lesser so." Related Psychology Terms FAMILY CARE 2. to dress (oneself) carefully or smartly; primp. Trust us when we say you'll want to put down your . If a bird preens or preens itself, it cleans and arranges its. Synonyms for PREENING: cleaning, trimming, sprucing, pluming, congratulating, dressing, primping, pruning, priding, pressing, neatening, grooming, adorning, smoothing. with the beak or tongue. We're setting the DEFORM_MESH directive to 1 so we can add our code in the shader file and wrap it in an #if. Preening. urban relating to a city; characteristic of city life: There are many benefits to urban living. Aprender ms. definition in the cambridge english dictionary. 3. to pride (oneself) on an achievement, personal quality, etc. Preening as a noun means A grooming or posturing .. By the patient study of the behaviour of precocious young birds, such as chicks, pheasants, ducklings and moorhens, it can be readily ascertained that such modes of activity as running, swimming, diving, preening the down, scratching the ground, pecking at small objects, with the characteristic attitudes expressive of fear . Urban Dictionary is an important tool to understand what those words mean. Advertise here for $5/day More random definitions Both words are derived from the Latin urbanis . Not to be confused with: urbane - polished and elegant in manner or style; suave; cosmopolitan: He has a sophisticated, urbane way about him. 5. to be exultant or proud. A sexual act where a male repeatedly slides his penis under a female's (or male's) armpit as an alternative to penis to vag intercourse*. preen definition: 1.
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