Nonetheless Scillonian children are more outgoing and confident than their counterparts on the mainland and have consistently achieved examination results comparable to the best. 2 Synonyms . American Heritage Dictionary of the English. See more. All the words. For the word puzzle clue of siss male counterpart, the Sporcle Puzzle Library found the following results. 2 compared with men exp. sentences. 0. If talking about more, this could create confusion.) 2 other terms for as their male counterparts- words and phrases with similar meaning. (slang) A man who sells his body for money; a male prostitute. Note: This is more of an equivalent of "slut" in modern usage. The male counterpart to a cow is a bull. adj. Synonyms for 'As their male counterparts'. words. definitions. Find 28 ways to say COUNTERPART, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. JOIN MWU. CLUE. The questions are from different disciplines that will test your knowledge and give you the chance to learn more. I don't know of any real words/terms off-hand, except possibly scum, so I made one up. Male counterpart of #6 BULL The male counterpart, incubus, similarly uses sexual seduction to lure in prey. 2. The word that comes closest in meaning is gigolo: 1 : a man living on the earnings of or supported by a woman; 2 : a professional dancing partner or male escort. The president met his French counterpart. Synonyms for Counterpart (other words and phrases for Counterpart). Women soldiers will join their male counterparts at the army base. SINCE 1828. Male sweetheart synonyms, Male sweetheart pronunciation, Male sweetheart translation, English dictionary definition of Male sweetheart. The proportion of illiterate men and women aged over 15 years-old fell from 18.1% of the population in 1981 to 12.8% in 1993, but the illiterate female population is larger than its male counterpart. These terms can be used to describe seductive people whose ultimate goal is self-serving or else makes no consideration for the wellbeing of the person being seduced. thesaurus. 2 Synonyms . synonyms. Learn more. verbs. Synonyms for counterpart alter ego, carbon, carbon copy, clone, doppelgnger (or doppelganger), double, duplicate, duplication, facsimile, fetch, image, likeness, look-alike, match, mirror image, picture, replica, ringer, spit, spitting image, twin Words Related to counterpart Chinese copy effigy, portrait, portrayal companion, fellow, mate equal, Classic Thesaurus. Synonyms for BFF include best bud, best buddy, best mate, best pal, boon companion, bestie, trusty friend, confidant, best friend and staunch friend. These are adjectives and the first two are not exactly synonymous with "virgin" (noun). Equal Employment Opportunity Commission published guidance that said that schools must look beyond that, the thinking being that if women's coaches are not being supported equally, it becomes difficult for them to generate the same amount of money as their male counterparts. This study utilized critical race theory (CRT) as an epistemological framework and theoretical tool for understanding African American male student-athletes' perceptions of racism and the potential impact racism might have on their educational experiences and overall development. 0. 582 other terms for counterpart- words and phrases with similar meaning. Male: of, relating to, or marked by qualities traditionally associated with men. RANK. GAMES & QUIZZES THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY FEATURES; SHOP Buying Guide M-W Books . cock-brained: someone who lets his cock think for him. he-man heroic hunky intrepid lion-hearted macho male manlike mannish masculine muscular noble powerful red-blooded resolute robust self-reliant stately staunch stout-hearted strapping strong two-fisted undaunted valiant valorous vigorous virile well-built manlike adjectivelike a man male manly mannish masculine manly 19 examples: These asters grow until the male pronucleus reaches its female counterpart and In each level, you will be given several clues or questions and you need to find the correct answer and clear the simple grid. sentences. The crossword clue Male counterpart of DAR. MY WORDS MY WORDS RECENTS settings log out. This game presents the best combination of word search, crosswords, and IQ games. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Something that completes : COMPLEMENT "The lead actress and her male counterpart" Gender counterpart would generally mean the other gender. If y'all like it feel free to toss it around as necessary. Translate Male counterparts. It's the usual word to refer to a young man and can be used for both males and females, any age group. A deus is a true god (in non-sectarian terms). And dun dun dundrumroll pleasethe word is fuckboy. Rank. Parts of speech. Slut is even used for men sometimes. 25 results for "siss male counterpart" hide this ad. Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word male counterparts. Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank. So if it's for males, the counterpart would be understood to be female and vice versa. Counterpart \Coun"ter*part`\ (koun"t [~e]r*p [aum]rt`), n. A part corresponding to another part; anything which answers, or corresponds, to another; a copy; a duplicate; a facsimile. (slang) A promiscuous man who has no regard for his sexual partners or the emotional value of his relationships. Synonyms for As Their Male Counterparts (other words and phrases for As Their Male Counterparts). Definition of male counterparts What is the context here? Lists. Classic Thesaurus. It seems that "bitch" is a particularly nasty word to apply to women, and I can't deny the truth of this. corporations that trade with their counterparts in other countries; the difficulty of translating terms with no direct counterpart in the other language 3 for or composed of men or boys. This list of synonyms for the word counterpart is provided by Thesaurus. top Words near counterpart in the Dictionary counter password counter passwords counter payment counter-paly counter-parry counter-party risk counteroperation counterorder counterpane counterpaned Definition of counterpart 1 : one of two corresponding copies of a legal instrument : duplicate 2 a : a thing that fits another perfectly b : something that completes : complement the lead actress and her male counterpart ; Which is the male counterpart for the loin area? Male Synonyms virile masculine manly manlike manful man macho guy gentleman mannish fellow chap boy bloke gent dude he potent buck male person Counterparts Synonyms copies colleagues duplicates doubles twins complements likes equals Synonyms Conjugate Speak Suggest new translation/definition male manful, manlike, manly, masculine, virile Antonyms camp (informal) effeminate, female, feminine, unmanly, wimpish or wimpy (informal) womanish, womanly English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus See also: 1 of, relating to, or designating the sex producing gametes (spermatozoa) that can fertilize female gametes (ova) 2 of, relating to, or characteristic of a man; masculine. On average, women headteachers aged under 40 earn # 5,400 less than their male counterparts, those in their 40s earn # 7,700 less, those in their 50s earn # 11,300 less and those aged 60 or over earn # 13,500 less; this represents a 16 per cent pay gap. (Page 3 of 5) Explore more crossword clues and answers by clicking on the results or quizzes. In same things the laws of Normandy agreed with the laws of England, so that they seem to be, as it were, copies or counterparts one of another. Indeed, the first two definitions for "mistress" in the Oxford English Dictionary are "A woman having control or authority" and "The female head of a family, household, or other establishment; a . Word. Log in. Another way to say Counterpart? Synonyms for Male counterpart. Log in. La proporcin de mujeres y varones analfabetos mayores de 15 aos baj del 18,1% de la poblacin en 1981 a 12,8% en 1993, pero la poblacin . Find more similar words at! Synonyms for Counterpart (related to male). A male friend. 1 . definitions. Similar mythological creatures with less sexual overtones include sirens and will-o-wisps. Best synonyms for 'as their male counterparts' are 'compared with men' and 'as compared to men'. The male counterpart for the loin area is "rikutu" and for the upper . Synonyms: man-size, manlike, manly Antonyms: unmanly, unmasculine Find the right word. synonyms for counterpart Compare Synonyms Doppelganger analogue complement copy correlate correlative correspondent ditto duplicate equal equivalent fellow like mate ringer supplement tally twin carbon copy dead ringer look alike obverse peas in a pod pendant spit and image spitting image two of a kind See also synonyms for: counterparts Edit - "celibate" and "virgin" are not synonyms. Tags . This qualitative case study included a single focus group and in-depth interviews with four African American male . definitions. antonyms. Lists. My questioner wanted a word that was the male equivalent of: woman having sexual relations on a regular basis and being supported by man not her husband. We can't find synonyms for the phrase " Male counterparts ", but we have synonyms for terms, you can combine them. Log in. Some related words are: chaste, immaculate and virginal. We think the likely answer to this clue is SAR. Examples of female counterpart in a sentence, how to use it. Answer (1 of 10): * dick * dickhead * shithead * douchebag * asshole * fuckface (that is the limit of my profanity vocabulary) with 3 letters was last seen on the January 01, 1956. Synonyms opposite number equal twin equivalent peer match fellow mate See examples for synonyms 2 (noun) in the sense of copy Definition phrases. 98%. phrases. Male counterpart Synonyms Male replaced masculine counterpart macho counterpart heroic counterpart powerful counterpart strong counterpart individual counterpart Definitions for Male (adjective) of, relating to, or marked by qualities traditionally associated with men (noun) an adult male human being You have reached this topic and you will be guided through the next stage without any problem. Crossword Clue. Information and translations of counterpart in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Synonyms for Male Counterpart (other words and phrases for Male Counterpart). spit and image carbon copy look alike spitting image pendant duplicate mate analogue equal obverse opposite number match tally fellow two of a kind copy ditto correlate peas in a pod supplement correspondent like twin ringer equivalent opposite correlative complement Wikipedia also says: (for "bitch") BRO idioms. adjectives. nouns. antonyms. BTWI finally found one word that suggests the male equivalent of slut or hussy. antonyms. 0. Lists. 4 (of gametes) capable of fertilizing an egg cell in sexual reproduction. Another way to say Counterpart? Counterpart. 0. suggest new. sentences. phrases. Synonyms for counterpart Synonyms coequal, compeer, coordinate, equal, equivalent, fellow, like, match, parallel, peer, rival Visit the Thesaurus for More Examples of counterpart in a Sentence The secretary of defense met with his counterparts in Asia to discuss the nuclear crisis. 2 compared with men exp. a male choir. QUIZ. 1 . The STANDS4 Network . Synonyms for Counterpart. synonyms. Search for synonyms and antonyms. thesaurus. Counterpart definition, a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function: Our president is the counterpart of your prime minister.
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