Ineffective monitoring of the implementation of educational policy is a major problem facing secondary education in Nigeria. "The government should bring secondary education under an independent directorate to solve its problems." -the government secondary school teachers have been . Good administrators also know how to enlist the help of the community in improving schools for all concerned. '21. 5) Discuss about the administrative problems of secondary education in Assam. We have accorded priority to primary education as well as higher education. administrative issues, relevance of teacher issues, and the relevance of supervisory issues of the curriculum to teaching and learning in secondary school education respectively. Managing revenues. in education . Here, it carries out leadership approaches in dealing with the purpose and objectives surrounding educators in meeting the needs of students. 7. C.M. The purpose of this essay was to investigate the problems of secondary schools administration with reference to supervision of instruction and discipline as affected both the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning processes in Remo-North Local Government Area of Ogun State. The purpose of this paper is to understand the ICT . 1) Different committees and commissions before and after independence have mentioned various aims of secondary education. Specifically, the study was concerned with: 1. identifying the competencies considered to be essential for principals' administrative effectiveness. They will get to be prepared for college and for whatever careers they might have. 1. Method: The sample for the study consists of 383 teachers and school administrators working in secondary schools in Palandken, Aziziye and Yakutiye municipalities of the city of Erzurum, during the academic year of 2015-2016. Administrative problems. The agencies are: 1. Secondary education in Nigeria started in the year 1859 when the CMS Grammar School Lagos was opened. 8. Secondary education is the education children receive after primary education and before the tertiary stage within the range of 12 to 18 years (FRN, 2004). Appears in 7 books from 1916-1925. To examine the philosophy of the government in educational sector. Evaluating teachers. The administrative problems heightened above has led to . Administrative Setup. The three research question which guided this study are. Ultimately, decisions need to be made by administrators as to which philosophies of education to implement in resolving conflicting points of view. It was recommended among others that secondary school ownersgovernment and private individualsensure that administrative issues be given utmost attention for . SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY. Page 217 - culture' course in mathematics . Managing courses. The sample of the study was 32 secondary schools . Effective administration begins with leaders who know how to motivate teachers and students. The findings of this study will unearth some administrative problems ravaging secondary school administration and suggest some possible strategies which can be adopted by school . To examine the role of the administrator in teacher's welfare. The present investigation was under taken to study the administrative problems of the principals of secondary and senior secondary schools and to compare the problems at both the levels. Walton, Justin D. - Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice, and Research, 2018 '21 received his doctorate from ESU in May 2021 he was a star. India Gk in English 50 India General Knowledge Questions and Answers Part 1. Ans:- Some important problems of secondary education in Assam are as follows :-i) Lack of mass appeal :- Secondary education does not have mass appeal. This also results in a chasm between fees to be paid by students in different institutions. These are pupil personnel, staff personnel, instruction and educational modules improvement, school account and business administration, school plant and other general tasks. +234 814 010 7220 +233 55 397 8005. . Secondary education's general goals of concocting people for suitable living in the society and for higher education have made it imperious that it should, among others, supply trained manpower in the applied science, technology and commerce at sub . A researcher structured questionnaire of 22 items was used for data collection. AN EVALUATION OF PRINCIPAL'S ADMINISTRATIVE EFFECTIVENESS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NIGERIA CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study. The so-called aims are practically paper-aims. the principals and staff) conceive and perceive these administrative problems will be fully examined. The vitality of the school can be measured by the administrative power and exercise of power that the school's head controls. Managing classrooms. The various administrative problems that are faced by the management in the process of decision-making are as follows: 1. 2 Lack of coordination. 3 An attitude of Indifference. . CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Secondary education's general goals of concocting people for suitable living in the society and for higher. Ineffective monitoring of the implementation of educational policy is a major problem facing secondary education in Nigeria. ADVERTISEMENTS: This article throws light upon the top twenty-five problems of secondary education with its possible solutions. The administrative structure in school education department is defined below. 1407. Key words: Education, secondary education, administrative challenges and managerial effectiveness. A sample of 25 principals of secondary schools and 25 The thrust of this paper was to examine the influence of administrative effectiveness of school principals in managing the behavioural problems among secondary school students. This was followed by Methodist High School Lagos. 13 Major Issues in Education at the K-12 Level. Enrollment and admission. What are the problems facing the effective management/ administration of the secondary school. Also, the efforts of both the teachers and principals in solving the highlighted administrative problems will be reforce be the major focus of the study. Problems of Secondary Education. This study aimed at identifying essential competencies and examining secondary school principals' administrative effectiveness in Anambra State. Results and Discussion Table .1 shows the problems facing the administration of general education in the study area Questions Yes No Are salaries paid regularly? Snedden, in his Problems of Secondary Education, states that the keynote of the newer education in these fields is to be found in the development of facilities for obtaining practical experience under conditions as nearly approximating those of the actual vocation. Today's school administrators face a variety of problems on daily basis, from School governance, the handling of parents, service education and the support of overwhelmed teachers. Apart from the above, the extent to which the school administrators (i.e. At Federal level now Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) is responsible to look after the educational institution under its jurisdiction. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The authors show that if the relations of state administration are the subject of the administrative law's influence . These issues cover a variety of factors within the school, and as an administrator, you'll need to do everything within your power to correct them. It is interesting to note that the The study has been designed to investigate the make a survey of difficulties faced by the heads of Secondary Schools in Rawalpindi district with an objective to explore the factors leading to various difficulties. The objective of this study was to identify the serious administrative problems of head teachers in . Broadly speaking, secondary education aims at learning at an intermediate level of complexity. 4. Solving the Problems In the modern school, the job of managing administrative and academic processes is being rapidly transformed with the aid of technology. Assumptions Therefore, education even though it is a business requires administrative prudence only obtainable through quality headship. Government funding for education. The relevance of the work is determined by the fact that administrative law appears as one of the significant factors influencing the development of both the public administration system as a whole and the processes of its reform that the Russian Federation has faced today. It Helps Students Develop Life Skills. A total of 300 teachers was selected from three Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Osun State using multistage sampling procedure. 1. sis) 14/m.ed./6058 in partial fulfilment for the award of masters of science education degree (m.ed.) 2. . Based on the research question twenty problem items nineteen prospect item and sixteen competency items were administered to twelve prncopals of secondary schools Enugu Urban. 35% of the adult population and 36% of parents named a lack of financial support as the biggest problem faced by their schools. Non probability purposive sampling from eighty two head teachers of government, public and . 1) Rigid curriculum - Even though the higher secondary syllabus comprises of 23 subjects, it is yet rigid because not all these subjects are offered by colleges. 196 secondary school students formed the sample while simple random sampling technique was used to select secondary school students . Published 18 October 2011 . Secondary education is education children receive after primary education and before the tertiary stage (Federal Republic of Nigeria [FRN] p18). Effective supervision and administration play a fundamental role in the learning process. 1.3 Purpose of the Study The administrative problems that public Secondary School head teachers face in Kenya : a case study of Kitui District @inproceedings{Ndana2011TheAP, title={The administrative problems that public Secondary School head teachers face in Kenya : a case study of Kitui District}, author={Jean Ndana}, year={2011} } . Abstract. It takes into account themes that allows the faculty to recognize current . ISCED distinguishes lower and upper secondary education (ISCED, 2011).The Organization of Secondary Education were structured as follow: starting from the Director and Assistant Director, down to the administrative Staff up to the three level which . Problems in educational administration stem from lack of leadership. Technology-enabled automation tools . PROBLEMS MILITATING AGAINST SECONDARY SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION IN ESAN NORTH EAST LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF EDO STATE. Higher Secondary Education: The higher secondary stage is also called the "intermediate stage" and is considered a part of college education. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. These result in administrative problems (Obilade, 1986; Arikewuyo, 2009). The objective of this study was to identify the serious administrative problems of head teachers in secondary schools in (Tehsil Kallar Syedan-Rawalpindi) Pakistan. A research into the challenges of assessment, measurement and administrative procedures, especially at the secondary level of education in Nigeria will enhance robust constructed understanding of test validity and reliability by keeping in mind that by performance, we mean to execute a task or process and to bring it to completion. . One of the challenges faced by schools is lack of ICT applications usage among teachers because of their low level of literacy in ICT knowledge and capability (Ukpoma, i. p.). The principal of Liberty High School in the Bethlehem (Pa.) Area School District had already earned the honor of Pennsylvania's 2021 Secondary Principal of the . The purpose of this paper is to prove function and problem of educational administration and educational finance in post-second-world-war Japan. contact with the ministry of education in the area in which the school is situated. 0 Reviews. Effective supervision and administration play a fundamental role in the learning process. This paperuse to establish it by statistic data of . Instead of managing funding shortages, head teachers should be able . This study investigated the problems of indiscipline on the academic performance of secondary school students in Kosofe local government area of Lagos state. EDUCATION AFTER 18th AMENDMENTS 1.1 amendments (Article After 18th N/A) education is the responsibility of the provincial government. On any list of current issues in education, school funding ranks near the top. During two years stay in this cycle of education, a student at the age of 16 years in this stage can opt for general education, professional . For the purpose of the study, questionnaire . 2) Short duration - The . Even before Harrison Bailey III Ed.D. 2.3.1 Secondary education serves as a bridge between elementary and higher education and prepares young persons between the age group of 14-18 for entry into higher education. This extreme competitiveness has created a number of social problems: Suicide, . The data collected Given a response rate of 60%. The other problems in the top half included lack of discipline, overcrowded schools, and lack of parental support, although none of those had even a third of the votes received by "lack of financial support.". Administrative problem. Issues Impacting School Administration: Issues & Solutions. As enrollments have grown faster than the number of good high paying jobs, more students are "underemployed", suggesting we are overinvested in higher education. One of the biggest issues that school administrators face all around the world is the huge number of paper-based processes that are integral to their very existence. The work was guided by five researcher questions. This has caused cutbacks in schools and increased workload for teachers and in some cases redundancies. Many studies have show that the implementation of major school policies and programmes depend largely on the principal's administrative capabilities and other factors which study intends to undo. 2. There are a few issues to be expected throughout the school year that an administrator must act in order to find and implement the solution. 1.4. There are several categories of administrative task areas in school system. Shields, in International Encyclopedia of Education (Third Edition), 2010 Origins. The research tried to blame the administrative problems, from the direction of teachers' productivity. INTRODUCTION Education has been the bedrock of development all over the world and it is believed that the way out of the series of problems plaguing nations and individuals is through education. National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) 2. school depends on leadership and its quality in educational result. The problem increases even more in rural areas which are largely out of reach of the administration of any governing body. There are various problems faced in our education problems such as Discipline Underachievement Lack of motivation Slow learner Delinquency Maladjustment. Data collected was analyzed and discussed in different chapters that make up this research work. Houghton Mifflin, 1917 - Education, Secondary - 333 pages. Several of the present issues of education are: 1. 2.3.2 The population of children in the 14-18 age group (the age for secondary and senior secondary level education) has been estimated at 96.6 million, in Educational Leadership and Administration. Also, there is a discrepancy in the running and administration of schools classified as government schools and others as public schools. Keywords: Administrative issues, learning outcomes, secondary schools INTRODUCTION The study encompasses exploration of administrative issues at secondary level in Quetta. America's elementary and secondary schools are facing a myriad of challenges. VI. Moreover, the technological revolution is a major challenge for school administrators in Nigeria Secondary Schools. 15% 85% A survey research design was employed for the study. Academic achievement. A five-point Likert scale question was developed to collect information from the respondents. But secondary educational institutions in practice do not try to materialise those aims. The fees of a primary school student may vary from a few thousands per year to few lakhs per annum. principals' administrative roles in managing safety and health in secondary schools in owerri education zone 1 of imo state a thesis proposal presented to the department of social science education, faculty of education, imo state university, owerri by okoroha, stellamaris (rev.
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